Balmuildy Primary school rebuild

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East Dunbartonshire Council took the decision on Tuesday 26 March 2024 to complete the pre-construction phase for the redevelopment of the existing Balmuildy Primary School to form a new education facility, including an early years provision. Approval for the works was granted at Planning Board on Thursday 28 March 2024.

Once this pre-construction phase is complete, anticipated build costs will be reported to a future Council for further consideration.

A public engagement event was held at Balmuildy Primary School on 21 June 2023 as a follow-up to the Council’s previous feasibility and stakeholder engagement process, which formed part of the Planning application process.

Please Note: The proposals below are under development and are subject to change.

Arial view of Bishopbriggs and Greater Glasgow

Project Scope

Balmuildy Primary School was built in 1962 and has now come to the end of its lifecycle. East Dunbartonshire Council wish to deliver a new, modern learning facility which maximises flexible space and enhances both internal and external learning environments.

The school capacity will remain the same with the design based on a roll of 462 learners. In addition, a new early years facility will be delivered as part of the new development, with capacity for 60.

.Arial view of existing Balmuildy school circled

Planning Context

The existing Balmuildy Primary School will remain operational during the construction of Phase 1 of the project. Once pupils have decanted to the new building, Phase 2 will commence and will include the demolition of the existing building and the delivery of the landscaping works.

Balmuildy school photographed behind a fence

Site Analysis

Site Constraints marked by orange line for existing traffic and blue dotted line for pedestrian access, gray stripped area for boundray constraints and red striped for tandem build constraint

Given the context, technical assessments are currently being undertaken to inform the proposed development.

These include:

  • Drainage Strategy
  • Transport Assessment
  • Design and Access Statement
  • Ecological Surveys
  • Landscape Statement

These technical documents are to be submitted and discussed to ensure that all matters pertinent to the proposed development are considered and any required mitigation measures identified.

Site Constraints:

  • Standard offsets from existing building to allow construction access
  • Offsets from neighbouring boundaries
  • Existing cluster of trees to south west corner
  • Recognise sunpath for placement of new school

Recognise sunpath for placement of new school:

  • South / North: prime elevations for teaching spaces, with glazing ratios at 15-25%
  • East / West: subordinate elevations for halls/administration, where glazing can reduce, mitigating overheating and controlling solar gains.

Tandem Build

  • To safely operate the existing school during the tandem build it is important to define a buffer zone to the new construction. 

Plans from aerial view with buffer zone in red


Overall the site is relatively flat, with a level change of approximately two metres across the site

Balmuildy aerial view of plans showing the different elevation of the ground by colour (light to darker)

Greenspace & Ecology

An orchard area has developed to the southwest corner of the site and is a good resource for outdoor learning activity. Further perimeter trees are evident to the north of the site providing screening from neighbouring properties. The remaining boundaries are generally planted from within the neighbouring properties with some screening to the eastern boundary.

Aerial view of Greenspace and ecology plans showing orchard in darker green


The site has a full width frontage to the southern boundary which is defined by Stirling Drive, where all the pedestrian and vehicular access points are located. Currently, the sole drop off zone is located on Stirling Drive creating daily congestion.

Aerial view of access points marked with blue and black dotsaccess key black dot representing pedestrian access and blue dot for vehicular access

Design Development

external environment - accessible environment for learning and play which requires consideration of the following: Outdoor covered learning facilities, Sports facilities,Habitat areas for biodiversity and education, Growing spaces such as allotments and orchard, Screening to adjacent propertiesClassroom Concept

The building concept is a two-storey mass which is zoned into specific adjacencies to provide a simple and clear navigational strategy.

The southern half of the building is for administrative and staff facilities along with the community facilities. Plant and servicing are also hosted in this half of the building.

The northern half houses the learning spaces for the primary school and the early years facility. These areas have direct access to the external learning spaces within a secure environment.

The early years is located centrally to the plan with independent access from external entrance but also with a direct link to the early stage / primary 1 classrooms on the ground floor to ease this important transition. This will help to create a combined sense of community and togetherness between the early years and primary 1 classes.

The key relationships are listed below:

  • Safe pedestrian and cycle access with separate early years pick up / drop off
  • Utilising the existing access points to create parking provisions and a one-way drop off loop for buses / pupils / service vehicles, separate to the main parking area
  • Retaining the existing orchard which provides interest and habitat to the southwest corner of the site
  • A new MUGA pitch is proposed to the western half of the site.
  • A secure playground with direct access from classrooms and a separate early years playground to the east of the site4 classroom clusters with flexible activity spaces running along the frontage of  cellular  class  teaching spaces.  The teaching areas are separated from the flexible activity space by glazed screens.

Learning Concept

The design is based on four classroom clusters with flexible activity spaces running along the frontage of cellular class teaching spaces.

The teaching areas are separated from the flexible activity space by glazed screens, allowing for informal supervision.


The intention for the external environment is to provide a safe, accessible environment for learning and play which requires consideration of the following:  -	Outdoor covered learning facilities -	Sports facilities -	Habitat areas for biodiversity and education -	Growing spaces such as allotments and orchard. -	Screening to adjacent propertiesThe landscape proposals will provide opportunities for the school external spaces to be used in three main ways; formal teaching, learning spaces and play.

The intention for the external environment is to provide a safe, accessible environment for learning and play which requires consideration of the following:

  • Outdoor covered learning facilities
  • Sports facilities
  • Habitat areas for biodiversity and education
  • Growing spaces such as allotments and orchard.
  • Screening to adjacent properties

Engagement Timeline

The feedback collated during the engagement period was reviewed by the Project Team and may have been reused anonymously in a Pre-Application Consultation report submitted as part of the planning application.

timescale mapping - may 2023 submission of proposal of application notice, June 2023 second public consultation event, August 2023 submission of planning application, December 2023 anticipated determination of planning application, mid 2024 estimate anticipated site start.

design of new build