Educational Psychology Service

Educational Psychologists can offer assessment, advice and support to parents and teachers where there is a concern about the development, learning or behaviour of children.

The service also carries out an extensive range of work in relation to children and young people by operating at three levels within the Local Authority, namely that of the individual young person/family, the level of the school/establishment and that of the authority. In addition, the service also makes a contribution to the development of Educational Psychology nationally.

See below for service information for children and young people and the educational psychology assessment.

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On this page you will find information on:

Service information for children and young people

Your opinions and ideas matter - why?

You have a right to say what you think and to be listened to at meetings when decisions are being made.

Your views and questions are very important - it will be easier for us to help you and the people who work with you if we know what you think.

We may write a letter or record our work in another way and you can ask to see this.

If you are not happy with what we are doing you can:

  • Tell us
  • Speak to your parents or carers
  • Speak to a teacher 

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments, we would like to hear them. You can always ask questions about what your psychologist is doing and you can tell your psychologist how well you think any support is helping.

Or you can contact us at:

East Dunbartonshire Psychological Service
Kirkintilloch Learning Centre
Southbank Road
G66 1NH

Tel 0300 123 4510

What is an Educational Psychologist?

An Educational Psychologist (EP) visits schools to work with teachers, parents/carers, other professionals and pupils. Educational Psychologists work with others to improve children’s wellbeing and learning.

Children and young people may see an Educational Psychologist at some time during their time at school. EPs work with you and other adults to get things right for you.

What can we help you with?

For example, we can help when you are:

  • Finding school work difficult/challenging
  • Worrying too much about things
  • Feeling unhappy, angry or upset about things
  • Not getting along with friends
  • Finding it difficult to go to school.

What will we do?

We start off by meeting the adults who know you best and then we may:

  • Talk to you to hear what you think, maybe once or more often
  • Talk with adults who know you well
  • Spend some time in your classroom to see what sort of work you do
  • Get to know you by doing some activities together.

We probably will not do all of these things - sometimes we might just do one or two of them.

We will have a meeting together (you can be part of this if you like) and come up with a plan to improve things for you. We will meet again to check things go well.

What will it be like to meet us?

We know that sometimes it is hard to talk about what you are thinking or feeling.

We will listen carefully to what you say. You do not have to meet with us if you don’t want to.

We will keep a record of the work we are doing together and we will agree what information can be shared with others such as your parents/carers or teachers.

You have a right to tell us if there is something you do not wish to be shared.

The only time we are not able to keep something confidential is if it is something that adults need to know about to keep you or someone else safe.

Service information for parents and carers

Following the consultation meeting there may be no further input required from the EP or else there may be actions to take forward to support your child.

If it is agreed that there is a direct role for an EP, the type of input and the timescale for this would be discussed with you.

What might the role of the educational psychologist be?

Input from an EP can vary depending on the identified need. Most of the time a psychologist will work with those who know your child best, providing advice to you and the TAC.

Sometimes an EP will work directly with your child to help promote learning and wellbeing.

The EP might ask if it is okay to observe your child in class, they may look at your child’s work, they may meet with your child to complete some activities or listen to their views.

The EP will speak to you to seek permission to link with other agencies involved to gather more information. They may offer training to increase staff knowledge.

A further meeting would take place to discuss new ideas to help support your child and to evaluate the impact of the support. If there is no further role for the EP the case will be closed.


All of the information shared with the EP remains confidential unless you or your child says it is okay to share the information with others or information is shared with the EP which may be a child protection concern.

Requests by Parents/Carers for Educational Psychology Assessment

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 makes provision for parents/carers to request educational assessment for their child.

EPs will respond to such requests in line with their professional guidelines.(see EDC EPS assessment leaflet)

Contact details

East Dunbartonshire Educational Psychology Service
Phone: 0300 123 4510

Useful links

Health and Care Professions Council [opens in a new window]

The British Psychological Society [opens in a new window]

The Educational Psychology Service

The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is part of a network of support that is available for children and young people aged 0-18 in East Dunbartonshire

Educational psychologists (EPs) are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

The Educational Psychology Service contributes to the Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach by working collaboratively with parents/carers, educational establishments and partner agencies (where appropriate) to help clarify a child or young person’s needs and to help identify positive solutions.

What do we do?

We support children and young people’s development, learning and wellbeing. We work with others to identify and understand children and young people`s needs, particularly where additional support may be required.

This helps you as parents/carers, along with the school and the education authority to make informed choices about meeting your child’s needs.

How will we become involved?

We only become involved with your permission.

If you have a concern about your child’s learning, development or wellbeing, the first step is to speak with your child’s nursery/school about your concerns.

If your child is pre-3, speak to your Health Visitor about your concerns in the first instance. Your Health Visitor can refer your child to the Council’s Early Years PreSchool Assessment Team, which can access the Educational Psychology Service as well as a range of other supports.

Your child’s nursery or school already has a system in place for monitoring and reviewing the progress and wellbeing of all children and young people. Each local authority nursery and school has a named (or ‘Link’) Educational Psychologist who visits them on a regular basis.

Each nursery and school has a Pupil Support Group or Support for All Group which is attended by the link Educational Psychologist, as well as other professionals eg. Education Support Teacher, Speech and Language Therapist. These groups meet regularly and aim to create a multi-agency team which discusses support needs across the school/nursery.

If appropriate, and you provide your permission, the nursery/school can request assistance from the Service.

What will we do to support your child?

Initially, a consultation meeting will be arranged with you, the educational psychologist, a nursery/school representative and others who may be involved with your child. Your child will also have a choice to attend or to provide their views.

If your child is not at nursery yet, a home visit can be arranged.

The consultation meeting is an important meeting to explore:

  • What your child is good at and what is going well for your child.
  • What the concerns are.
  • What has already been done to help your child.

The team around the child (TAC) will work together to make a plan to improve things for your child.

Educational Psychology Assessment

The importance of context

The assessment process aims to be solution focused and it involves the ethical application of psychological skills and knowledge. It involves ongoing dialogue and collaboration with key stakeholders (eg. child/young person, parents/ carers, school staff, allied professionals etc.) to promote a shared and contextual understanding of the child or young person’s needs.

Educational psychology assessment considers information beyond the level of the individual, such as the effects of events and circumstances in the surrounding environment (eg. variables such as pupil group, teacher practices, approaches to learning and teaching, school systems and family factors) may be taken into consideration. It evaluates outcomes to further inform the ongoing process of assessment and intervention.

Agreeing on next steps

By taking account of all available information, Educational Psychologists work with others to explore potential solutions to current concerns about the child or young person.

Requests by Parents/Carers for Educational Psychology Assessment

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 makes provision for parents/ carers to request educational assessment for their child.

EPs will respond to such requests in line with their professional guidelines, which inform the approach to assessment outlined in this section.


East Dunbartonshire Psychological Service
Phone: 0300 123 4510

What is Educational Psychology Assessment?

Educational psychology assessment is a process of information gathering by an Educational Psychologist (EP), which may inform future intervention. It will consider environmental, contextual, cognitive, behavioural, emotional and social factors.

The principles of educational psychology assessment

EPs use a ‘least intrusive, most effective’ approach to assessment in which assessment is viewed as an ongoing collaborative process involving key people in a child or young person’s life.

Features of educational psychology assessment

Educational Psychologists are interested in how a child or young person gets on in different places and with different people. Information is gathered from those who have close contact with the child or young person. They may also be involved in observation or individual work with the child or young person.

At an initial consultation meeting with family and school staff, the EP will gather information about the child or young person.

Information is gathered by:

  • Talking to parents, the child or young person and school staff eg. child’s class teacher and/ or support staff
  • Looking at the child or young person’s class work
  • Considering additional sources of information about the child or young person eg. school assessments, multi agency involvement.

EP assessment is not a single approach, package or tool but there are consistent features in that:

  • Parental/carer agreement for EP involvement will always be sought. Young people may also give informed consent or make an informed request for assessment.
  • It builds upon existing assessment information and any ongoing intervention plans.
  • It informs further intervention whilst remaining part of the ongoing collaborative cycle of plan-do-review.

Assessment tools

Consultation provides the framework for much, and in some cases, all of the assessment required by an EP. This approach allows for the collation and consideration of shared information before collaboratively forming an action plan. The action plan will then be reviewed to measure impact.

Additional methods of information gathering may also be appropriate where the EP seeks to further explore presenting concerns using a variety of approaches (eg. dynamic assessment, classroom observation, curriculum based assessment etc).

In some cases, it may also be appropriate for the EP to work directly with a child or young person. This should be part of the contextual approach to assessment where the EP is clear about the purpose and aims of the individual assessment.

EPs work with others to ensure that children are safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included.

Self-harm awareness





Free and Confidential Help for Young People – available 24 hours a day.

0800 1111

Childline website [opens in a new window]


YoungMinds, offer information to children & young people, parents & carers about mental health and emotional wellbeing.

0808 802 5544 (Parents Helpline) Monday to Friday 9.30am-4pm 

EDVA website [opens in a new window]

Head Meds

An offshoot website ran by YoungMinds which provides accessible and useful information about mental health medication.

YoungMinds [opens in a new window]

Choose Life

East Dunbartonshire’s Choose Life suicide prevention programme.

Health Scotland Suicide Prevention Overview [opens in a new window]

Breathing Space

Breathing Space specifically, but not exclusively targets young men who are experiencing difficulties and unhappiness in their lives.

0800 83 85 87 

Breathing Space website [opens in a new window]

Samaritans The Step by Step response service

Samaritans offers resources to support schools in the event of a suicide – How to prepare and respond to suicide in schools.

(Free phone) 116 123

Samaritans website [opens in a new window]


LGBT support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people. The website has a Live Chat that is monitored by trained youth workers.

0131 555 3940

Text: 07786 202 370 

LGBT Youth website [opens in a window]


Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support is an online, user-led voluntary organisation, founded in 2002 to create understanding about self-injury.


Lifesigns website [opens in a new window]


Sandyford East Dunbartonshire offers a wide range of accessible reproductive, emotional and sexual health services that are supportive, non- judgemental and sensitive to your needs.

0141 355 2367

Sandyford website [opens in a new window]

Monday & Thursday 2:30pm-4:30pm

ParentLine Scotland

The national, confidential helpline provides advice and support to anyone caring for or concerned about a child. Open 24hrs.

0800 28 22 33


Children 1st website [opens in a new window]


NHS24 provides comprehensive health information and self-care advice to the people of Scotland.


NHS24 website [opens in a new window]

Children and Young People’s Specialist Services (C&YPSS)

Children and Young People’s Specialist Services (C&YPSS) includes all specialist services

in Community Child Health and Child and Adolescent Mental Health. These services cover NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.


0141 531 6106

0141 232 0418

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde website [opens in a new window]

Psychological Services

Psychological Services can offer assessment, advice and support to parents and teachers where there is a concern about child development, learning or behaviour.

0141 955 2325

A project setup by people who have been affected by self-harm. It provides a confidential online chat forum, downloadable resources and training.

Free Online Self-Harm Support [opens in a new window]

The Site

Online ‘guide to life’ for 16-25 year olds. It provides non-judgmental support via moderated discussion boards, real-life stories and a rich database of articles.

0800 838587


A user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals.

Harmless website [opens in a new window]

Share Aware

A parent’s resource to help keep their child safe online. Helpful tools and tips.

NSPCC 0808 800 5000

Netaware website [opens in a new window]

The Cybersmile Foundation

Support for young people bullied online, changing the behaviour of the bullies themselves and through education.

0207 241 6472

Cybersmile website [opens in a new window]


Mindreel is an initiative to create a valuable learning resource using educational films that about mental health.

0141 559 5059

Mindreel website [opens in a new window]

Support & Resources

Most young people who who seek support say that having someone to listen to them and help them to work on solutions to their problems
and stresses is the most helpful thing of all.

Self-harm can be really hard to understand but it’s a lot more common than you think. It is estimated that 14% of Scottish 14-15 year olds have self-harmed, with girls four times more likely to self-harm than boys.

What is self-harm

Self-harm is a sign that something is wrong. Young people who choose to self-harm inflict pain on themselves as a way of coping with inner tension. There are a variety of ways young people self-harm. It can involve:

  • Cutting
  • Burning
  • Scalding
  • Banging or scratching one’s own body
  • Pulling out hair
  • Picking skin excessively
  • Self-trolling (Posting negative comments to themselves)
  • Eating disorder
  • Taking an overdose of tablets
  • Taking drugs or excessive amounts of alcohol

Why young people self-harm

There are many reasons why young people self-harm. Self-harm is most commonly used to provide distraction or to escape negative emotions.Young people tell us it is often triggered by difficult life events such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Exam Stress
  • Gender/sexuality issues
  • Bereavement
  • Parental separation
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Bullying
  • Lack of support

Having self-harmed young people talk about a feeling of ‘release’ and gaining some control of the issues that are concerning them.

Worried about a friend or others

There may not be any obvious signs that a young person is self- harming; as young people tend to be very secretive about self-harm. Warning signs may be one or more of the following:

  • Spending more time in the bathroom
  • Unexplained cuts, bruises, burns or other injuries
  • Missing sharp objects, medication or plasters
  • Wearing long sleeves at inappropriate times
  • Previously self-harm
  • Overly-cheerful following a period of low mood
  • Social withdrawal – not joining in with activities or giving up hobbies or interests
  • Noticeable changes in eating or sleeping patterns Alcohol or substance misuse
  • Self-defeating language
  • Failure to take care of personal appearance Running away from home
  • Low mood/mood swings

Should I tell someone that I’m harming myself?

Yes, because this is often the first step to getting help. It isn’t always easy to talk about self-harm and could be one of the most difficult things you do. Young people who self-harm usually feel very guilty and ashamed of what they do, and do not want to talk about it.

Young people have told us that the reaction they got when they first told someone about their self-harm was very important in deciding whether or not they looked for, and got further help.

While some young people have experienced negative attitudes when they have told someone, it is possible to get good support from people who understand self-harm, or who care about you and your feelings, and not just the behaviour itself. The stigma associated with self-harm is unhelpful, and stops people getting the support and information they need to find more helpful ways of coping.

Talking about Self-Harm

Ask the young person if they would like to talk and meet at a time and place to avoid being interrupted or distracted. If you have concerns, do not be afraid to ask directly about self-harm.Whilst difficult, this can often provide reassurance that you are open-minded about discussing these topics.

If a young person is at risk of self-harm, try asking them why they feel like this, and listen to what they say. It can be helpful to simply re-phrase their words or nod to show that you have heard and empathise and will do your best to support them in finding the right help. If the young person doesn’t want to talk, then you could suggest that they write their thoughts and feelings down in a letter or email.

Positive Strategies

It is important to try to highlight any positives that arise from the conversation and focus on the young persons strengths.You could also suggest alternative coping strategies to self-harming behaviours such as:

  • draw, paint, or sketch out thoughts and feelings
  • listen to uplifting music
  • write out thoughts or feelings in a journal
  • carry a safe object i.e. a precious stone or stress ball to rub or squeeze when feeling anxious or low
  • don’t keep your feelings to yourself - reach out to someone you trust
  • don’t do anything right now - pledge not to do anything within the next 2-4 hours, re-evaluate your feelings once the time has elapsed
  • regularly check in with a trusted adult at school
  • write down a list of your strengths or talents - aim to spend more time on these so that attention can be gained for positive achievements
  • wear an elastic band round your wrist and snap it
  • draw on yourself with a red marker pen
  • call or arrange to meet up with a friend in person
  • take up an new hobby or interest
  • create a bucket list with a close friend of positive things you want to do or achieve in the next year or before you finish high school
  • get massage or give yourself a manicure
  • spend time with people who love and value you
  • write down negative feelings that you have towards yourself and then rip up the paper
  • create a memory box which contains a list of the good things in your life, achievements and photographs of happy times - look through this when you are feeling down.