The following FAQs are based on common questions and Freedom of Information requests received about the project. FAQs will continue to be updated on a regular basis throughout the duration of the project.
On this page you will find information on:
- Why was Whitegates Park chosen as the preferred site for the new school?
- Why can’t the school be built on the existing site?
- Why was Whitegates Park site not selected for Woodland View School?
- What will happen to the existing school site at Myrtle Avenue if a new school is built at Whitegates Park?
- Does the site at Whitegates Park have poor or contaminated ground conditions and what does this mean for the development?
- What surveys have been and will be undertaken at Whitegates Park?
- Why was the site at Whitegates Park not included as part of the current Local Development Plan (LDP2)?
- When will the planning application be submitted for the project?
- How will the project comply with National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)?
- Will there be an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out?
- How can the public make formal representations through the planning process?
- If the project goes ahead, when will it happen and when will the new school open?
- When will the public get to view designs for the project?
- Will you be holding any public events for the project?
- What is the current programme/design stage of the project?
- Who is paying for the project?
Why was Whitegates Park chosen as the preferred site for the new school?
Report PNCA-77-22-AB Proposed New Lenzie Academy – Feasibility explains the factors considered through the site options appraisal process.
Please see point 3.87 on page 15 of the report which details why Whitegates Park was recommended as the best option for the construction of the new Lenzie Academy.
Pages 19 – 46 then detail all the opportunities and challenges that were considered for each site including location, design, site conditions, planning, traffic management, sustainability and logistics.
Why can’t the school be built on the existing site?
Report PNCA -77-22-AB details the analysis of each of the site options considered for the location of the new school. Please see pages 24 – 26 which detail all the opportunities and challenges of the existing site including the limited area on site for the tandem build and the impact and disruption this would have on pupils due to a long construction programme.
Why was Whitegates Park site not selected for Woodland View School?
As Woodland View School serves the whole local authority population, it does not require to be located within a particular school catchment area. Lenzie Academy requires to be located within the school catchment area, resulting in less potential site options for the school by comparison.
The Waterside site in Kirkintilloch was identified as the preferred option for Woodland View School due to a number of factors, with the most significant being its proximity to Gartconner Primary School and Kirkintilloch High School. In addition, the site topography presented opportunities for a flexible approach to building and outdoor space design.
What will happen to the existing school site at Myrtle Avenue if a new school is built at Whitegates Park?
The minutes of the Council meeting held on 22 September 2022, which considered the Lenzie Academy Feasibility Report (pages 18 and 19), reference the debate and decision taken thereafter.
An amendment to the Feasibility Report was proposed by Councillor Low and approved by Elected Members, instructing Officers:
‘to develop proposals to redevelop the existing Lenzie Academy site for use as a new Community Sports Hub for Lenzie on completion of the new school, including: retention of the current modern sports hall as a community facility, extended as necessary to provide additional changing accommodation; retention of the two existing 3G pitches; construction of a new full size 3G football pitch; and construction of appropriate car and cycle parking to support the new facility; and notes that the report back to Council on the inclusion of the option for a community facility, following determination of the LEIP funding application, will include details of where the costs would be met’.
Does the site at Whitegates Park have poor or contaminated ground conditions and what does this mean for the development?
In 2018 a site investigation survey was undertaken, which recorded a number of ground contaminants, as is the case with many sites. A further intrusive site investigation will be undertaken as part of the project following which a report will be produced, setting out measures that will require to be followed to ensure the site is suitable for the desired use. This strategy will then be assessed independently as part of the statutory planning process before any work can take place on site.
What surveys have been and will be undertaken at Whitegates Park?
To date we have undertaken a number of surveys which are listed below. We will continue to update the list upon completion of any additional surveys.
- Ground Investigation Report including desktop, public utilities, ecology and trial pit excavations and analysis - July & August 2018
- Bat Survey – September 2022 & May 2024
- Phase 1 Habitat Survey – October 2022 - to understand the vegetation and habitats on site
- Tree Climbing – November 2022
- Detailed Water Vole Survey - October 2022
- Ground Based Tree Assessment - October 2022
- Aerial Inspections - November 2022
- Arboricultural Survey - October 2022 - to assess the condition and location of existing trees on site
- Topographical Survey - September 2022 - to measure and plot the site to understand the layout of the land
- Environmental Noise Survey - October 2022
- eDNA (Great Crested Newt Survey) – April 2024
- Ecology Breeding Bird Survey – April 2024
- Drainage CCTV Survey – April 2024
- Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (GPRS) – April 2024 - a non-intrusive survey used to understand what is under the ground
- Drone Survey – May 24
Current planned surveys include, but are not limited to:
- Air Quality Assessment
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Transport Assessment
- Environmental Noise Survey (updated)
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Archaeological
- Site Investigation – further intrusive site investigation to understand the ground conditions of the site.
Why was the site at Whitegates Park not included as part of the current Local Development Plan (LDP2)?
Work on the content of the LDP2 began late 2019 and the Council approved the LDP2 proposals in August 2020. The Feasibility Study on a new Lenzie Academy build did not commence until February 2021, where a number of site locations were considered, including the existing Lenzie Academy site. Whilst the LDP2 was not officially adopted until November 2022, it would not have been appropriate to amend the approved plan proposals with all the site options being considered for the replacement Lenzie Academy, or to speculate on the likely preferred site in advance of completion of the Feasibility Study. Further, the relevant planning regulations discouraged authorities from making changes to the proposed LDP2 before submitting it to Scottish Ministers for examination.
When will the planning application be submitted for the project?
Due to the size of the project, the planning application is deemed a ‘major development’ with a planning application to be submitted late 2024/early 2025.
How will the project comply with National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)?
Any major development planning application must demonstrate compliance with NPF4 policy or any other applicable local development planning policies. When submitted, the planning application for the new Lenzie Academy will be publicly available via the East Dunbartonshire Council Planning Portal where stakeholders will be able to access the full details. The timescales for the project planning submission are to be confirmed and will be communicated via the Council’s website and social media channels in due course.
Will there be an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out?
The EIA screening process will take place ahead of the formal planning submission and at a time agreed with the Planning Service where the development proposals are sufficiently detailed to allow the screening process to be concluded in full.
How can the public make formal representations through the planning process?
During the pre-application phase of the planning process, members of the public will have the opportunity to attend two community engagement events and provide comment on the design proposals of the project.
Once the planning application has been submitted to the planning authority, formal representations can be made by the public by either writing to the planning authority or through the East Dunbartonshire Council Planning Portal.
If the project goes ahead, when will it happen and when will the new school open?
The project currently has approval to proceed with the design stage and officers are working through this with the appointed contractor and design teams.
Once the project has a fully detailed and costed design it will then be considered at a future Council meeting for elected members to review and vote on whether or not to approve the project budget and proceed to the construction phase.
It is likely that the design stage will continue until Summer 2025, with construction to begin late 2025, if approved.
When will the public get to view designs for the project?
The public will get an opportunity to review and comment on the designs at the pre-planning events or through their Community Council. All plans and design information that are submitted for the planning application will also be available for review via the East Dunbartonshire Council Planning Portal.
Will you be holding any public events for the project?
Yes, there will be two statutory community engagement events in relation to the design of the new school. This will happen ahead of the submission of the project planning application. These events will be open to the general public and will be advertised widely.
Information about the planning process, including the pre-application process and requirement for the Planning Service to notify stakeholders is available on the Scottish Government website.
What is the current programme/design stage of the project?
The programme is currently being developed as part of the design process however the project is progressing through the RIBA Plan of work stages which can be found on RIBA Plan of Work (
Who is paying for the project?
This project was successful in securing external Scottish Government Learning Estate Investment Programme Phase 3 funding (LEIP3). Please see LEIP application attached along with funding terms and conditions. This will part-fund the project with the exact contribution to be agreed. The remainder of the funding will be required to be provided by East Dunbartonshire Council.