Senior Phase
The senior phase, which takes place from S4 to S6 in schools and includes ages 16 to 18 out of school, is the phase when the young person will build up a portfolio of qualifications.
Senior Phase Partnership Programme
What is the Senior Phase Partnership?
The Senior Phase Partnership Programme offers a wide range of courses at SCQF Level 3-7 which are delivered at partner colleges and universities. Pupils can select a course that is relevant to their career path and study this at college while studying Nationals and Highers at school. The purpose of the programme is to help students develop knowledge and skills which will prepare them for the future job market, college or university. Details of the courses available along with entry requirements and progression pathways are available in the Senior Phase Partnership Prospectus.
Who can apply for a place on the Senior Phase Partnership?
Anyone who is currently in S4-S6 can apply.
Details on Foundation Apprenticeship courses can be found in the Foundation Apprenticeships section. If you are applying for a Foundation Apprenticeship please visit the Foundation Apprenticeship Glasgow website [opens in a new window]
How are the courses delivered?
Most courses will run for one academic year from August till April and will be delivered over 2 school afternoons, usually Tuesday and Thursday. The delivery of some courses including supported learner courses, Foundation Apprenticeships and the HNC courses will vary so it is important you check the Attendance Pattern section for each course in the prospectus.
How will the Senior Phase Partnership benefit me?
Courses are designed to help you to progress in your chosen career path by developing skills that are essential for life and work which include:
- Attendance and punctuality
- Independent travel
- Analysing and problem solving
- Working with students from other schools
- Independent learning ie taking notes in tutorials
How will I get to my course?
It is important to emphasise that joining the Senior Phase Partnership represents a year-long commitment to undertake and complete the chosen course. Students are expected to continue to attend college during prelims where possible. Students are not expected to attend college during exam leave in May. Registers will be sent to schools each week. Attendance issues will be picked up and reported to the Depute Head Teacher responsible for the Senior Phase Partnership Programme in school.
Foundation Apprenticeships
A Foundation Apprenticeship is a 1 or 2 year course that is delivered in partnership between school, college and an employer. There are 13 frameworks available in 2019:
- Civil Engineering
- Engineering Systems
- Mechanical Engineering
- ICT Hardware
- ICT Software Development
- Creative Digital Media
- Social Services: Children and Young People
- Social Services: Healthcare
- Accounting
- Financial Services
- Business Skills
- Laboratory Skills
- Food and Drinks Operations
More information can be found on the Foundation Apprenticeship Glasgow website [opens in a new window]
Why do it?
- Gain a qualification recognised by employers
- Gain experience in your chosen career while still at school
- Develop self-confidence, problem solving and leadership skills
- Enhance your job prospects or college/university application
Subject Choices
There is a huge amount of advice available to support and prepare you to make choices both in the Broad General Education and moving on to the Senior Phase and beyond. Here is a selection of websites with a specific focus on Curriculum for Excellence:
- PlanIT Plus - Subjects & Careers [opens in a new window]
- My World of Work Subject Choices [opens in a new window]
- My World of Work - My Strengths [opens in a new window]
- Be What you Want [opens in a new window]
- New National Qualification Subjects [opens in a new window]
- Information for Learners on the New National Qualifications (SQA) [opens in a new window]
Distance Learning
Scholar [opens in a new window]
Open University [opens in a new window]
Future Learn [opens in a new window]
A huge range of courses are available for pupils to participate in through West College Scotland. Schools must take responsibility for the enrolment of pupils and ensure access to ICT as appropriate. In addition, a member of staff to monitor progress and act as a liaison with the college is essential. Training (mid-March) will be provided through the college to support the programme.
Unlimited numbers can apply but those who enrol are expected to complete course. Only one course can be accessed at a time.
Educator Resources
Law Society of Scotland [opens in a new window]
Scotland Enterprising Schools [opens in a new window]
Scotland's National Centre for Languages [opens in a new window]
Parent Resources
Parent Zone [opens in a new window]
National 5 in a Nutshell [opens in a new window]