Submit a Planning Application

The easiest way to submit your planning application is via the edevelopment website [opens in a new window] whereby an account can be created and drawings and supporting information submitted.

The website will:

  • guide you through each stage of the application process
  • allow you to purchase ordnance survey plans to include with your application
  • help avoid common mistakes when submitting an application
  • advise of the relevant fee

Heads of Planning Scotland guidance note on the national standards for validation and determination of planning applications and other related consent in Scotland will assist you when you are preparing an application for submission. The guidance note was issued in 2017 and details the level of information needed to accompany each type of application to enable it to be validated together with the correct application form, ownership, plans and fee.

Once we have received a complete application, we will register and start to consider your application. You will be advised of who is dealing with your application and you can also track your application online too.

We have produced a Planning Toolkit which sets out the stages in processing applications.

Planning Processing Agreements

If you want to submit a planning application for a major development you are encouraged to use processing agreements. These can guide the developer on:

  • timescales
  • information required for the application
  • the processes that will take place before a decision is made on the application.

Along with the processing agreement there should be discussions between the planning authority, developer, statutory agencies and other relevant consultation bodies.

A processing agreement does not guarantee that planning permission will be granted, but it does set out the expectations of all parties and makes sure that everyone involved is clear on the main stages and dates within the process, and the level of detail that is required.

ePlanning, eBuilding Standards and eDevelopment

The way building standards applications are made has changed with the launch of Scotland’s online application service(link is external).red and grey building logo

This will enable the electronic submission of applications for building warrants and other related forms, such as completion certificates.

It will also enable multiple site users to work together in producing any single application online.

Online applications will be simpler, saving applicant’s time and money, and will be delivered to us more swiftly - enabling us to start considering applications and green logo will be accessed through the home page – a new single landing page leading to both the new eBuilding Standards service and also to the ePlanning service(link is external) launched in January 2016.

There is a single login process, so if you are already registered on, you will be able to use the same login details for

If you have any questions, e-mail