Community Planning in East Dunbartonshire

Local authorities have a statutory duty of community planning under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

Community planning is about a range of local organisations, including the police; health service; and fire and rescue service, working together to make improvements for the wellbeing of communities.

The main aims of community planning are:

  • to ensure that local people are genuinely engaged in the decisions made on public services which affect them
  • to improve all of the services we offer through closer and more co-ordinated working
  • to help our organisations identify the needs and views of communities and to assess how they can best be addressed

For more background information on the implementation of Community Planning in Scotland, please visit the Scottish Government website and the Improvement Service website.

The 'Local Outcomes Improvement Plan' is our document for community planning.  It describes why and how we will work together to organise and provide services that tackle inequalities.  It includes a set of 10 year goals on matters like employment and health.  This is available within the documents section of this page.

For information on the Community Planning Partnership Board and Executive Group.

Organisations with responsibilities for community planning in East Dunbartonshire are


Other Partners we work with are: