Community Grants Scheme

Applications for Round 2 of the Community Grants Scheme are now open – closing at noon on Friday 26 July 2024

The Community Grants Scheme is one of the ways that the Council provides funding to the community and voluntary sector. Any group that has a constitution, a bank account, is not for profit and aims to bring benefits to the residents of East Dunbartonshire can apply to the grants scheme. You do not need to have charitable status to apply.

The Community Grants Scheme is committed to encourage and support community-led activities, that result in a community benefit for East Dunbartonshire residents.

Applications for grants are assessed against the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) which sets out the priority outcomes for East Dunbartonshire and focuses on improving public services across the authority. 


Your application must be submitted via the webforms – the current round is open from Monday 1 July to noon on Friday 26 July 2024:



Please note, the online form must be completed and submitted in one sitting – you cannot save and return to it. We recommend that applicants read the FAQs below before completing their application.

Alternatively you can fill out a PDF version of the application form at the bottom of this page and email it to (please note, we are not able to consider any applications emailed outwith the funding application windows).

It is anticipated that Round 2 applicants will be informed if they have been successful by the end of September/start of October 2024.

Who can apply?

To apply an organisation must be operating in East Dunbartonshire Council area and must:

  • Have a constitution or other document setting out how the organisation is constituted
  • Be a not for profit organisation
  • Have a bank account in the name of the organisation
  • Have properly approved independent examined accounts and agreed procedures in place for recording income and expenditure, or if a new organisations provide a copy of your projected accounts
  • Have met the reporting requirements in relation to any projects previously funded by the Council
  • The project must meet at least one outcome of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP)

What can we fund?

  • You can apply for a grant for a wide range of projects as long as it is not for profit and brings benefits to the residents of East Dunbartonshire. You can apply for capital, revenue, consumables, ongoing capital and overhead costs
  • In your application you can ask for funding for start-up costs, special projects, equipment and salaries
  • Applications may only be made for costs incurred throughout the period of one year
  • Religious organisations that want to carry out work in the community can apply to the grants scheme

When can you apply?

  • Round 1 of 2024 opened on 1 April and closed on 26 April.
  • Round 2 opens on 1 July and closes at noon on 26 July 2024.

How to apply?

Submit a completed signed application. Provide the requested supporting information:-

  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution or other document setting out how the organisation is constituted
  • A copy of your organisation’s most recent approved independently examined accounts or if you are a new organisation an income and expenditure plan for the first year
  • A copy of your organisation’s most recent bank statement
  • Copies of 2 quotes/estimates that your organisation has obtained for individual items costing £500 or more that you are seeking funding for
  • Proof of ownership or signed copy of a lease in favour of your organisation if this grant is to be used to fund improvements to land or buildings owned/leased by your organisation
  • Copies of any licences/ consents granted to your organisation which may be relevant to the application (only if applicable)
  • A Job Description for each post to be funded or part funded with this grant.

How we assess your application?

Applications are considered on individual merit by the Grants Advisory Committee. Your application will be assessed on the following criteria:-

  • Community impact
  • Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP)
  • Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)
  • Value for Money
  • Financial Viability
  • Project management (for applications £5,000 - £10,000)

What happens next?

  • All applications will be assessed and scored against the same set of criteria, as set out in the Scoring Matrix.
  • Due diligence checks will be undertaken
  • Applications made will be assessed by Grants Advisory Committee
  • Those applications with a score of 10 or above for grant applications below £5,000 and those scoring 13 or above for grant applications between £5,000 and £10,000 will be put forward for award
  • Final determination of the outcome of your application are made by the Community Planning Partnership Board
  • If awarded a grant you will be notified by letter
  • When a grant has been approved, and the terms & conditions met, payment is usually made directly to your organisation’s bank account, normally within 14 working days of formal notification via BACS transfer
  • A blank monitoring report is issued with your award letter; this should be completed and returned as soon as your project is completed. All grants must be spent within 12 months of award. Further applications cannot be considered until previous projects have been satisfactorily monitored and accepted as complete
  • If you are not awarded a grant, you will receive a letter explaining why. Unsuccessful applicants can reapply in future if they have an eligible project

Need more help with your application?

If you are not sure about applying or require assistance please contact us on by the deadline in order for your application to be considered.

Community Planning
East Dunbartonshire Council
Southbank House
Strathkelvin Place
G66 1XQ

Tel: 0300 123 4510


East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action
Unit 4/5 18-20 Townhead
G66 1NL

Tel: 0141 578 6680

Monitoring and Evaluation 

If successful in receiving a grant, at the end of the year when your project is completed you need to send us a monitoring form. You can use the form within the document section of the page or complete our online form (new form coming soon).

Case Studies

Projects Funded in Round 2 2023/2024

Scheme A

Organisation Name

Numbers benefitting in EDC


Purpose of Grant

Grant Awarded

1st Lenzie Girls Brigade  


0-25 year olds

Fully fund as organisation addressing social isolation and request is below £750


1st Waterside Brownies


Young People (girls)

Girlguiding Subscriptions Cost £1428.00 Amount needed £1428.00 (£59.50 per brownie x 24)

Epson ecotank 104 genuine multipack ink bottles

Cost £27.99 Amount needed £27.99

Craft Daft on a Raft event Cost £327 Amount needed £327

Craft paper & card Cost £77.19 Amount needed £77.19

Pens & pencils Cost 43.07 Amount needed 43.07


Auchinairn Parent and Toddler


0-5 years of age

Fully fund to enable excursion for adults and children to Clyde Valley Park.


Bearsden in Bloom


Older People 66+ years

Item Anderson Park bed; Hub Photinia + compost Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Item Hub minus Photinia and Choisya + compost

Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Item Anderson Park pergola, planters + Hub Pieris

Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Item Kirk Rd + Kessington Rd Railing planters

Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Item Kessington + Roman Rd planters + compost  Cost £500 Amount needed £500

Item Hub minus Photinia and Choisya + compost

Cost £500 Amount needed £500


Beautiful Feet


Other People - 66 +

Workwear & PPE for Volunteers Cost 300.00 amount requested £300

IT Equipment – Laptop Cost 299.00 Amount needed 299.00

Floor Protectors Cost 110.00 Amount needed 110.00

Equipment - Podiatry Foot Stools Cost 435.00

Amount needed 435.00

Equipment - Privacy Screens Cost 459.00

Amount needed 459.00



Betterbriggs Ltd


People with no or low income

MPLC Motion Picture Licensing Company Licence and movie rights Cost £240.48 for MPLC + £1740 for rights (20 x £87) Amount needed £1980.48

Hall Hires Cost £1000.00 (assuming 10 screenings costing £100 for four-hour hall hire Amount needed £1000.00

Projector Cost £499.00 Amount needed £499.00

Item Screen Cost £314.00 Amount needed £314.00

Player and Sound System Cost £200 for Player; £400 for Sound System Amount needed £600.00


Birdston Regeneration Group


Community and Voluntary Organisations

Projector & Screen £630,

Laptop &Software £560,

Display Board £360,

Roller banners £300,

Photographs £150


Bishopbriggs Young Golfers Club


Young people (0-25)

9X Teeing area Mats £1506,

Gravel and sand building materials £200

£ 1706

Community Response In East Dunbartonshire


People with support needs such as a
disability or long term health condition

5 Mobile Phones (for admin) Cost £130 each Amount needed £650.00

5 Sim cards Cost £75 per month Amount needed £900

Laptop Cost £450.00 amount needed £450

Transport Expenses Cost £225.00 per month Amount needed £2700.00

2 Printers  Cost £300.00 Amount needed £300.00


Halo Arts(Education) Ltd


Young People 5-25 years

Drama Practitioner cost £65 x 24= £1560 amount requested 1560

Workshop Assistant cost £35  x 24= £840 amount requested 840

Hall Hire @ Bearsden Academy cost £45 x 24= £1080 amount requested £1080

Publicity, Promotion & Distribution, Flyers, Facebook cost £400, amount requested £400

Workshop Materials cost £250 amount requested £250

Management, Admin & Coordination cost £300 amount requested £300

Community Taster Sessions (4 hour long sessions cost £180 amount requested £180



Kirkintilloch and Kilsyth ASC

(42 outwith EDC)

5-25 year olds

Item 10 hours coaching x 48 weeks Cost 10

Amount needed £4,800


Kirkintilloch Camera Club


All ages, with interest in photography

Projector Cost 669.60 Amount needed 669.60

2023 Lenovo 15.6 32gb Laptop Cost 599.99 Amount needed 599.99


Kirkintilloch Men’s Shed


Adult Males

2 cordless drills £376.34

1 bandsaw £449.98

2 extraction units £339.98

Alarm upgrade £200

Workshop lighting upgrade £1666.30

£4, 028

Lenzie and Kirkintilloch Childminders


0-5 year olds

£500 towards rent of venue - 25% of rental costs-annual rent for 2024 will be 44 weeks x £54.00 per week = £2,376.00


Live Music Now Scotland


Care Home Residents

Musicians' fees - 15 duos @£90 Cost 2,700

Amount needed 2,700 

Musicians Travel 15 trips @ £30 average cost £450, amount needed £450

Monitoring and Evaluation 1 Day cost £150; amount needed £150;

Marketing, social media and photography £150: £250; cost £400 amount needed £400;

project management @ 20% £740 amount needed £740


Milngavie and Bearsden Mens Shed


Men aged 66+

Item Infra-red Heating Cost £1,796 Amount needed £1,796 Item Axminster Charcoal Filter Cost £395 Amount needed £395 Item De Walt Handheld Vacuum Cost £146 Amount needed £146 Item CNC Router Upgrade Cost £509 Amount needed £509



Milngavie Community Development Trust


All people of Milngavie and EDC

Large info board, metal legged

Cost £490

Amount needed £490


Money Advice Scotland


Young People

Item Staff costs 3750 Amount needed 3750

Item Technology + phone costs Cost 140 Amount needed 140

Admin support costs inc training and PVG Cost 1110

Amount needed 1110


Primary Care Chaplaincy Scotland


other - 26 - 65 years

Chaplain Salary Costs £4,000






6 Tablets x £599 each. Cost £3,600 Amount needed £3,600

6 Tablet cases x 23.99 each + 6 USB – USC Connectors x £10 each Cost 203.94 Amount needed £203.94

6 Screen protectors x 13.99 each Cost £83.94 Amount needed £83.94

6 Antivirus softwares x £15 each + 6 Micro SD Card x £20 each Cost £210 Amount needed £210

6 Sony Headphones x £30 each + 6 Dongles x £10

Cost £240 Amount needed £240


Ramekins and Rolling Pins


People with no or low income

Salary costs for community kitchen chef amount requested £5,000


Recovery Life Café



Hall rental 9 x 120 1080 amount requested £1080

Advertising 9 x 40 360 amount requested £360

Food and beverages 9 x 350 amount requested £3150

Entertainment cost £350, amount requested £250

Learning and Development cost £160 amount requested £160




SELBL (Society for English Learning through Biblical Literature) (SCIO) - (SC044067)


Children, Young People, and Families

Workshop Trainer 120 x 20 Amount needed 2400

Interpreter100 x 20 Amount needed 2000

Light Lunch 20 x 20 Amount needed 400

Stationary Cost 200 Amount needed 200


Springfield Cambridge Guild



Bus £500 amount requesting £450


Strathkelvin Battalion  BBs


Young People (5 to 25 years)

Printing of Promotional Leaflets/Business Cards cost £400, amount requested £400

Printing of Promotional Banners & Flags cost £400, amount requested £400

Subsidy of Anchor B oy/Junior Section Funday cost tbc, amount requesting £400

Subsidy of Company Section Night Out cost TBC, amount requested £400

Subsidy of Battalion Seniors Network Events cost TBC, amount requested £400


Sunshine Wishes Children’s Charity


0 to 5 young children

Item Cereal and breakfast bars Cost £2,793 Amount needed £1,000

Soup tins and sachets Cost £1,560 Amount needed £1,000

Pasta, pasta sauces and noodles Cost £2,694 Amount needed £1,000


The Bearsden Festival Association


Young People 5-25 years

4 months fees for Producer/Coordinator, Cost £2,664

Amount needed £1,332

Actor, Musician, Director fees Cost £3,200

Amount needed £1,600

Band for Schools' Dance Festival Cost £450

Amount needed £450

Filmmakers x 2 fees Cost £1,100 Amount needed £550

Play Outdoors and Storyteller fees, full day Cost £680

Amount needed £680

£ 4,612

Torrance Community Initiative


Residents of Torrance and wider community of East Dunbartonshire

Grass cutter/mower -cost £3499.00.

Mulcher - cost £180.00;

Service Plan - cost £300.00


Walk, Run, Cycle East Dunbartonshire


All ages

First Aid £70 each for 6 members = £720

Accident books 2 X £4 each = £8

First aid kits £20 x 6 = £120

Walk leader training £35 X 4 £140

Lowland training course £49 X4 £196

Mountain training level 1 £49 X2 £98

Nordic walking training £180 X2 £360

Nordic training for participants £25 X6 £150

Nordic walking poles £30 X6 £180

Hut to store all this equipment £40


West Park United


5 to 25 year old

Salary £12,000 amount requested £5,000





Scheme B

Organisation Name

Numbers benefiting EDC

Target Group

Purpose of Grant


Apna Ghar Womens Project


Older BME community esp. Women

Training costs for volunteers: £1,000,

The Life story Project/performance of life story work: £499,

Cooking classes: £420,

Pilates: £300,

volunteers’ costs: £499,

Digital artwork: £499

Printer and photo cards: £450,

venue hire:£480.

Lunch for 50 people £499


Carers Link



Transport 8 x 1 day activities (Glasgow & Surrounds) 3 x residential break in Scotland (East Ayrshire, Fife & Fort William) Cost Average £250 per day £490 (Fife) £300 (Ayrshire) £432 (Fort William Train Amount needed £3222

Catering 8 days x Lunch/Snacks for 16 Hopscotch Residential for 16 for 1 week Cost £100 per day £450

Amount needed £1250

Carer Activity Costs (Entrance Fees etc.) VR Simulators Flip Out Treezone In Your Element Go Karting Mind & Draw Ski Club Craft Cost £455 £464 £494 £435 £327 £410 £318 £218

Amount needed £3121

Residential Breaks x 4 Fort William (Hopscotch) Ayrshire (Honeypot - £85 per head x 12) Fife (Young Carers Festival) Cost £250 £1020* Amount needed £1270


Caurnie Angling Club


Project helping elderly, but group caters to all ages/abilities

Voltacom Offgrid System- £7594.68,

Champion 7.5kw generator £949.95,

Electrical materials for installation £780.66




People with supported needs, disability, or long-term health condition

fitness classes x 40 weeks £2400,

yoga classes x 40 weeks £2400,

music and dance classes x 20 weeks £1000,

Venue costs £2600,

Promotion & management costs£1000


Greenhouse Café - Kirkintilloch Baptist Church


People with support needs such as a disability or long-term health condition

2 600Ltr freezers (3407.98) and deli serve over counter £3779.99 Cost 7187.97 Amount needed 7187.97

Aprons x 50 (£21 each with logo stitched on)) Cost 1050 Amount needed 1050

training (coffee training x4 people at £80 each and food hygiene courses 10 x £20+vat) Cost 560

Amount needed 560


Hillhead Housing Association


Tenants in hardship. People on a low income

Emergency vouchers: £5,000 (£50 per person)

Winter Bundle Packs: £5,000 (£50 per person)


The Hive


Low/No income

Gladystine Panel Solid Wood Room Divider/Wayfair  cost £237.99 amount requested £237.99

Lommapp cabinet/Ikea   cost £379 amount requested £379

Lap top HP Store intel own site cost £399 x 2 amount requested £798

Loga mats from Amazon cost ££14.99 each x 10 amount requested £149.09

Folding Chairs/Argos cost £16 x 25 amount requesting £400

Amazon: Folding tables 5ft  cost 4 x £43.99 each amount requesting £175.96 

Aroma therapy oils starter pack/Quinessence/web sit cost £120, amount requested £120

First quote from Printer Base: 

Printer OKI MC853dn A3 Colour Laser Multifunction Printer:  inc vat cost £1,632.83                                                         amount requested £1,632.83

Wayfair: Gladystine 225cm wx172cm panel solid wood folding room divider cost £237.99 amount requested £237.99

Non-perishable goods for the pantry/community cost £480, amount requested £480

Cleaning equipment to use in the Hive: different coloured mops, cost £350 amount requested £350

Roseland website: large black extendable table cost                                                         £269.97 amount requested £269.97      

Blinds for two windows cost £120 amount requested £120                                                                                                                                                         

Bean bags: from light in the box £20 each x 6 cost                                                      £120 amount requested £120

All from Ikea: costs included and asking for amount requested same as cost

Lockage storage: Ikea Lockable cabinet: Article Number404.747.61 £179

TROTTEN Cabinet with sliding doors, white, 80x55x75 cm £150

Table lamps x 3 Floor lamps x2 £80                                                                                

OMAR2 shelf sections, 211x36x94 cm:

Article Number392.790.44                                                                                                   £110                                                                        OMAR1 shelf section, 92x36x181 cm                                                                                   £90

Article Number698.290.83

OMAR2 shelf sections, 197x36x181 cm                                                                              £220

Article Number892.790.51

OMAR Shelving unit with 3 baskets, galvanised, 92x36x94 cm £55  Article Number804.830.75

OMARClip-on basket  Article Number003.346.64 £5 each x 4  £20

Pantry: Storage containers                                                                                                     £200  Ikea variety of sizes                        

TROTTEN Cabinet with sliding doors, white, 80x55x110 cm £199

Article Number604.747.60                          

OMAR Shelving unit with clothes rail   

Article Number605.309.78                                                                                                  £75

BILLYBookcase, white

Article Number090.178.26                                                                                                £105

Baby changing table                                                                                                        £100


New Creation


Young People (5 to 25 years)

Stationery and printing for 12 months Cost 200

Amount needed 200

Food and beverage for 12 months Cost 200

Amount needed 200

Project worker and tutor Cost 480 x 12 months Amount needed 5760

Venue Cost 200 x 12 months Amount needed 2400

Outings expenses Cost 350 x 4 times Amount needed 1400


New Roots Initiative


16-25 year olds who are neuro-divergent members of our community.

Salary Costs


St Mary's Parish Church


Other People 66+

Contribution towards installation of Video Monitors/Screens £10,000


Stitch the Gap


People with support needs, disability or long term health conditions

Contribution towards

Salaries (2 x sewing technicians, tutor, sewing machine mechanic & admin) Cost 8600 Amount needed 8600

Material (Velcro, handles to alter/redesign items, patterns, drafting paper, cutting mats, scissors, haberdashery Cost 450 Amount needed 450

Rent Cost 450 Amount needed 450

Utilities (heating costs) Cost 400 Amount needed 400

Sundries (tea, coffee, biscuits) Cost 100 Amount needed 100

£7,667 due to awarding £7,333 in round one

Week day Wow Factor


Age 66+

8 sessions of Disco Lunch and themed resources

Cost £200 x 8 = £1600 Amount needed £1600

sessions of hall hire Cost £16.25 x 8= £130 Amount needed £130

4 sessions of Minibus adventures- maintenance, Fuel, insurance, MOT and Vehicle Tax Cost £140 x 4 = £560

Amount needed £560

Staff costs(DJ/Minibus support £50 per session&Lead Facilitator costs £100 per session and Travelling expenses (£40 per session) Cost £190 x 12 = 2280

Amount needed £2280

Marketing leaflets (£80 for 100 leaflets) and 10 percent Accountant backend costs and Admin and social support (5hrs/mon= £20p/h) Cost £80 + (£100x8= £800) + (10% £5450= £545) = £ 1425

Amount needed £1425







Total Awarded



Community Grants success story

Grants Advisory Committee

The Grants Advisory Committee (GAC) was formed in 2003. The committee’s role is to assess grant applications made to the Community Grants Scheme run by East Dunbartonshire Council. The group of 25 volunteers represent community groups and organisations across East Dunbartonshire. If you are a member of a local community group and are interested in joining the GAC please get in touch: