Community Planning Partnership Board
The role of the Community Planning Partnership Board is to provide leadership and governance for community planning. The Board are ultimately responsible for ensuring effective implementation of our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.
The Partnership Board comprises Elected Members of the Council and senior managers from other organisations. It meets quarterly with further meetings being held as and when required.
Community Planning Executive Group
The Executive Group comprises of lead officers from our main partner organisations to ensure effective delivery of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.
The Executive group is committed to the vision of working together to achieve the best with the people of East Dunbartonshire and supports delivery of the 6 local outcome themes:
- Economic growth and recovery
- Employment and skills
- Children and young people
- Safer and stronger communities
- Adult Health and wellbeing
- Older adults, vulnerable people and carers
The group meets quarterly and reports on progress to the Community Planning Partnership Board.