Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP)

The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) is the housing investment delivery plan for the Local Housing Strategy (LHS). The SHIP sets out the priorities for investment in housing in East Dunbartonshire over the next 5 year period 2023/24 to 2027/28, and outlines how the Council and its partners will deliver these priorities.


  • Has been developed with key partners, including Housing Associations and Planning Services
  • Reflects housing investment priorities for the local area based on what types of homes are needed and where, to meet housing need and demand
  • Gives detail about the housing projects funded by Scottish Government, the Council and Housing Associations from 2023 to 2028 to help us tackle these priorities

The full SHIP is detailed If you require further information please contact.  

Housing Development Services
East Dunbartonshire Council
Broomhill Depot
64 Kilsyth Road
G66 1QF
Tel:0300 123 4510