Economic Development Strategy 2017-2020

The Economic Development Strategy was approved by the Community Planning Partnership in December 2017 and supersedes the Economic Development Strategy 2013-2016. The strategy was developed, consulted on, and will be delivered by the East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership (EDEP) which includes membership from Department for Work and Pensions, Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, East Dunbartonshire Council, East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action, Federation of Small Businesses, Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, and Visit Scotland.

This strategy is the delivery plan for the partnership, outlining how they plan to improve the local economy and work towards achieving Local Outcome one of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan:

‘East Dunbartonshire has a sustainable and resilient economy with busy town and village centres, a growing business base, and is an attractive place in which to visit and invest’

EDEP have identified 4 priority areas on which to focus resources over the next three years:

  • Town and Village Centres – We aim to increase footfall by maintaining attractive and accessible town centres in which residents and visitors want to spend their time
  • Business Growth and Support – We want to create high quality jobs by attracting inward investment and giving local businesses the support they need to grow
  • Increasing Tourism – We want to make the most of East Dunbartonshire’s many assets by further development and broader advertising
  • Sustainable Development – We aim to enhance local environmental quality and encourage the growth of socially and environmentally responsible businesses

The strategy contains an action plan to address each of these four priority areas, with the planned activity of the East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership until 2020.

If you want to get in contact with EDEP regarding the delivery of this strategy, please contact