Circular Economy Strategy

East Dunbartonshire Circular Economy Strategy


Circular economy is the following process - make, use, reuse, renew, recycle, redesignA Circular Economy is one in which waste of all types, from all sources, is minimised to as close to zero as possible. This includes the wastage of energy and resources used in production as well as the disposal of manufactured products at the end of their lifecycle.

Waste is a huge contributor to the global climate and environmental crises, and it is therefore essential that the manufacturing, consumption and disposal of materials is part of the movement towards sustainability. In a Circular Economy, the end of a product’s lifecycle is considered in the design process, waste is avoided in the manufacturing process, and everything is designed to last for multiple uses and/or to be broken down into reusable or recyclable components when the user is finished with it. This reduces demand for raw materials as well as preventing materials already in circulation from becoming waste.

The purpose of East Dunbartonshire’s Circular Economy Strategy (CES) is to set out how the Council as an organisation will make its own processes and material use circular and also how the Council and its community partners will support businesses to become circular. Additionally, it is an opportunity to highlight what local businesses and organisations are already doing to reduce their environmental impact and a chance to connect East Dunbartonshire residents with resources to help everyone to become more sustainable consumers.

Transitioning to a Circular Economy will help East Dunbartonshire to become:

  • Fairer
    By supporting localised production and employment opportunities, and helping to retain wealth within local communities.
  • Greener
    by reducing product waste, resource waste and carbon emissions.
  • More Resilient
    by tackling overconsumption of resources and encouraging innovative and sustainable business practices.

East Dunbartonshire has made a commitment in local economic policies to produce a CES and doing so is also in line with national priorities. There has been a CES for Scotland since 2016 and the Scottish Government recently renewed this commitment by proposing a Route Map for delivery, alongside supporting legislation through a proposed Circular Economy Bill. At the local level, the development of a CES for East Dunbartonshire was an action in the 2017 Economic Development Strategy and was carried forward in the local Economic Recovery Plan in 2021.

This strategy has been produced in collaboration with members of East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership and informed by early engagement activities with the local business community, across Council services and Community Planning Partners. The actions are presented within three broad themes: Actions for Council Services; Actions for Businesses and Social Enterprises; and Actions for Communities. There is also a further section detailing plans for governance, delivery and monitoring of the actions and progress towards growing East Dunbartonshire’s Circular Economy.

On this page you will find information on:


People having conversation with speech bubbles above their headsA public consultation on the Draft Circular Economy Strategy took place between 3rd January and 4th February 2023. This included seven pop-ups, two online events (one for residents and one for businesses) and an online consultation page. Officers also attended two meetings of the East Dunbartonshire Pupil Forums (P6/7 and S6) to gather feedback from young people.

The responses to the consultation have been used to inform the finalised version of the Circular Economy Strategy (this document) and have also provided some useful suggestions for exploration during delivery of the actions in this strategy. All of the comments received through the various events and online survey are detailed in the Report of Consultation, alongside responses from the Council. In general, the reactions to the Draft Circular Economy Strategy suggested that it was on the right path, so only minor changes have been made.

Case for Change

The Circular Economy is part of a wider movement to reduce the environmental impact of human activity.

Over the last century the global economy has grown rapidly and has developed into a system in which production and consumption occur as part of a geographically dispersed, but largely linear, process. Raw materials are extracted, transported, processed into goods, transported again to the purchaser, used and then further transported before being disposed of as waste. Capital growth and ‘hard’ measures such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) are the key indicators of success under such a system, with innovation being driven by the need to continually produce more.

Wind turbines, trees and chimneys with smoke pouring out them with the sun in the backgroundIt is now understood that striving for infinite economic growth is unsustainable; the Earth’s resources are limited and must be managed carefully. The side effects of pushing these limits are already being experienced around the world in the form of environmental degradation and increasing local, national and international inequalities.

Systemic change is needed to fix the flaws in our inherited economic model, and we need to begin prioritising sustainability and fairness alongside traditional measures of economic success. It is essential that East Dunbartonshire’s local economy has a positive impact on our communities and environment, and plays a role in reducing carbon emissions. There is also a pressing need to consider how we can ‘build back better’ from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and to capitalise upon the momentum created by the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the collaborative opportunities for East Dunbartonshire as part of Glasgow City Region.

This Circular Economy Strategy sets out a pathway for achieving an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable economy for East Dunbartonshire. It aims to reconceptualise how we measure economic success, recognising the need to move from a growth- centric model to one which will embed sustainability into the local economy and improve outcomes for our communities. The focus is on redesigning the economy to cut waste and resource use, and as such it is very much compelled by the need to address environmental challenges, however the strategy will also lay the foundations for building a local ‘Wellbeing Economy’ by including actions which support the development of a fairer, more distributive and more localised economy.

Guiding Principles

How a Circular Economy Works

The Circular Economy as a concept has existed since the middle of the 20th century. One of the better known Circular Economy ideas is the ‘3 Rs’ waste hierarchy associated with the slogan ‘Reduce; Reuse; Recycle’, which has been in use in public policies and campaigns around the world since at least 1970.

Traditional linear economy is make, use then dispose  Circular economy is make, use, reuse, renew, recycle, redesign then repeat.

Although the Circular Economy is about reducing waste, its remit is broader than just recycling – the main aim is to reduce the volume of raw materials entering the production process in the first place through decisions made at the procurement and design phases, effectively ‘designing out waste’. Where traditional models of production are linear, with materials being disposed of as waste once they have been used by the consumer, the Circular Economy reinvents this model as cyclical and aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible.

Reducing resource extraction, pollution and waste will lessen the impact of economic activity on the natural environment, but can also have a positive impact on profitability and service provision by reducing costs, driving innovation and opening up new markets.

Organisations built entirely around a circular model are becoming more numerous, but circular practices can also be introduced into existing structures without having to mean making radical changes to every functional aspect. There are many examples where businesses and social enterprises have made small but impactful changes, such as: eliminating product packaging; collecting containers or obsolete products from customers at the end of their lifecycle so materials can be reused; switching to local suppliers to reduce emissions; and partnering with other businesses to find uses for waste materials.

A successful Circular Economy requires the support of the organisations and individuals who purchase and use goods and services. All consumers can contribute to the reduction of waste by making sustainable choices where these are available and adopting behavioural changes to move away from a culture which treats products and materials as disposable. By delivering the actions in this Circular Economy Strategy, the Council aims to become a more responsible consumer and help people in local communities to do the same. There are also actions to encourage the organisations (including businesses and social enterprises) who provide goods and services to become part of the Circular Economy, to support local entrepreneurs with circular business models, and to encourage the development of green skills and employment opportunities.

By embracing the Circular Economy, East Dunbartonshire has the chance to support localised production and embed sustainability across the local area through resource sharing, reuse, repairing and remanufacturing activities.

Scottish Government Circular Economy Policies and Legislation

Scotland has had a national Circular Economy Strategy (‘Making Things Last’) since 2016 and proposed legislation for a Circular Economy Bill and a draft Route Map for delivery of the Circular Economy were consulted on in August 2022. East Dunbartonshire Council has responded to these consultations with support for the proposals, and the content and strategic direction of the proposed policies and legislation have been taken into account in development of this Circular Economy Strategy.

It has been recognised by the Scottish Government that transitioning to a Circular Economy will be a major milestone in the journey towards net zero and a chapter was dedicated to it in its 2018-2032 Climate Change Plan (updated in 2020).

Delivering Scotland’s Circular Economy: A Route Map to 2025 and beyond

The Scottish Government’s Circular Economy Route Map identifies a range of potential interventions that could be taken forward over the next 5-10 years. The proposals are set out within seven change packages aimed at: promoting responsible consumption, production and re-use; reducing food waste; improving recycling from households; improving recycling from commercial businesses; embedding circular construction practices; minimising the impact of disposal; and some additional cross-cutting measures, such as a duty on the Scottish Government to produce a five-year Circular Economy Strategy and monitoring framework.

If the proposals are implemented, businesses and organisations in Scotland will be given support to help them to reduce food waste and may be required to report waste and surplus for some types of materials. There will be a specific focus on the construction industry, encouraging reuse of materials and the refurbishment of existing buildings. The development of local food redistribution networks will be encouraged and Scottish householders may be required to be more conscientious with regards to household waste and recycling. Councils may be under statutory obligation to meet national recycling targets and might have the opportunity to become involved in sustainable public procurement initiatives.

(Proposed) Circular Economy Bill

The Circular Economy Bill consultation sets out legislative provisions that would help to deliver some of the interventions explored in the Route Map. The proposed legislation has four themes: Strategic Interventions; Reduce and Reuse; Recycle; and Littering and Improving Enforcement.

If the proposals for the Bill are passed, environmental charging may be introduced for some materials – operating in a similar way to the plastic carrier bag charges already in effect. Businesses may also be required to report on surplus stock and/or volumes of business waste. A mandated approach to the Scottish Household Recycling Charter may be introduced and householders might also have greater responsibility for the materials placed in their household collections – which Councils could have new powers to incentivise or enforce. A penalty might also be introduced for littering from vehicles and vehicles involved in waste crime could be seized.

Blue recycle bin with garden and food waste in it bags full of food/garden waste


Local Economic Policy

Economic Development Strategy and Economic Recovery Plan

The development of a Circular Economy Strategy for East Dunbartonshire was action 47 in the ‘Sustainable Development’ section of the 2017 East Dunbartonshire Economic Development Strategy (EDS):

Develop a strategy to enhance the circular economy in East Dunbartonshire, which may include:

  • Promotion of the four areas of circular economy identified by East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA): increasing services to SMEs; stimulating new business opportunities; supporting collaboration between businesses and academia; and helping community and third sector organisations to participate.

  • Implementation of business support programmes from Zero Waste Scotland, the Energy Saving Trust and other relevant bodies.

  • Promotion of Resource Efficiency Pledge, Scottish Business Pledge and Zero Waste Scotland’s ‘Good to Go’ programme.

  • Partnership between EDC and Re-Tek for old ICT equipment.

Outstanding actions from the EDS were updated and incorporated into the 2021 East Dunbartonshire Economic Recovery Plan, which was produced to identify the local economic impacts of COVID-19 and set out the support being delivered in response by the Council and Community Planning partners. The action to produce a Circular Economy Strategy (action 4.1) was included in the ‘Environment’ section of the ERP:

Prepare a Circular Economy Strategy as required in Priority 4 of the Economic Development Strategy (Sustainable Development) with the objectives of:

  • Helping local businesses to find ways of using materials more efficiently and reducing operational costs.
  • Ensuring that East Dunbartonshire is well-positioned to embrace the new technologies, industries and employment opportunities which may emerge as part of the shift to a greener economy.
  • Boosting local economic recovery by strengthening the network connections between local businesses and retaining more economic benefit within East Dunbartonshire.
  • Reducing the negative impacts of production and consumption of goods and services on the environment.
  • Contributing to meeting (local, regional and national) targets for sustainability, economic recovery and employment.

The Circular Economy Strategy relates to existing sustainability and climate change commitments, as well as local economic policy, and will deliver Action 2.2 in the Sustainability & Climate Change Framework Action Plan:

  • Produce a strategy to deliver the circular economy in East Dunbartonshire to encourage product re-use and waste reduction, in line with the planned introduction of a Circular Economy Bill.

Links to Other Economic Policy Areas

Wellbeing Economy

In 2022, the Scottish Government published a National Strategy for Economic Transformation, the ultimate objective of which is to build a ‘Wellbeing Economy’ for Scotland. A Wellbeing Economy is defined as centring the principles of prosperity, equality, sustainability and resilience.

A successful Circular Economy plays a vital role within the wider concept of a Wellbeing Economy as it balances the interests of businesses with the wellbeing of people and the environment in a mutually supportive way.

East Dunbartonshire is taking steps towards a Wellbeing Economy through its Economic Recovery Plan (ERP), which was produced to support local businesses and residents through the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ERP sets out actions which not only support a return to economic activity, but also address inequality and support the transition to net zero. This Circular Economy Strategy will play a key role in the delivery of the ERP and therefore the delivery of a fairer, greener and more resilient economy in the wake of the pandemic.

Community Wealth Building

A Circular Economy supports localised production, contributing to the creation of sustainable employment and the retention of wealth within local communities. It encourages local businesses, anchor organisations and citizens to support each other by sourcing goods and materials locally.

Community Wealth Building is about creating local economies where there is greater co-operation between businesses, service providers and citizens to achieve a more localised and people-centred model. The idea is that communities will be more sustainable, resilient and economically secure if those with the most economic influence are also invested in local social interests and places. This is achieved by developing the five key principles (or ‘pillars’) of Community Wealth Building:

  1. Plural ownership of the economy
  2. Making financial power work for local places
  3. Fair employment and just labour markets
  4. Progressive procurement of goods and services
  5. Socially productive use of land and property

Circular Economy Strategy Objectives

The overarching objectives of East Dunbartonshire’s Circular Economy Strategy are to:

  • Encourage a movement away from a disposable culture, towards one in which materials are reused.
  • Reduce the consumption of virgin resources and the volume of materials ending up as waste.
  • Support local businesses and third sector organisations to become circular.
  • Foster a Wellbeing Economy by becoming part of the shift in economic priorities from a volume and profit driven model to one which works for people and the planet.
  • Align with the delivery of the Scottish Government’s Circular Economy Route Map and comply with any new legislation introduced by the proposed Circular Economy Bill.
  • Support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with Scottish Government targets, including a 75% reduction by 2030 and ultimately work towards net zero by 2045.

Earth with wind turbines on it and people planting trees, picking up litter and watering the grass

Local Businesses and Social Enterprises

load of bread and pint of lagerEast Dunbartonshire already has a growing number of businesses and social enterprises operating as part of a Circular Economy. These include manufacturers and craftspeople using repurposed materials for their products – some examples are a business turning whisky barrels into furniture and a brewery using surplus bread to make beer. There are also local retailers selling packaging-free and zero-waste items, and locally-grown produce. Social enterprises and third sector organisations in the area are involved in the reuse and recirculation of existing goods through second-hand retailing and by sharing skills to help people repair and repurpose fabrics and other materials.

East Dunbartonshire Council

East Dunbartonshire Council has a dedicated Sustainability Policy team and Strategic Environmental Assessment is carried out for all relevant policies, programmes and strategies. The Council has also been involved in Circular Economy activities aimed at minimising waste (such as repurposing of surplus office furniture and a windows reuse project) and organisational changes to reduce operational impact on the environment (for example, plastic cups have been removed from Council buildings and office-based staff use a hot-desk system with minimal paper use).

person holding a bag of shoppingCommunity Groups

Community-led organisations play an important and often less-visible role in the Circular Economy, particularly with regards to sharing and redistribution of resources. Some of the activities which have the primary objective of tackling the rising cost of living – such as the Fair Share Programme, which redistributes surplus food to those who need it, and school uniform swap-shops in schools – are also circular and have side benefits for environmental sustainability. Further development of the local Circular Economy will help more people to benefit from the reuse and recirculation of goods and can help to reduce any stigma around preloved items by promoting the environmental benefits.

Partners and Support Organisations

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership (EDEP) is the delivery group for Local Outcome 1 in East Dunbartonshire Community Planning Partnership’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan, which is focused on economic development. The group includes representatives from: Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce; East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action; Scottish Enterprise; Skills Development Scotland; VisitScotland; the Department for Work and Pensions; and the Federation for Small Businesses. The Community Planning Partnership also comprises additional organisations noted in action 7.

East Dunbartonshire is also one of eight local authorities working in collaboration as part of Glasgow City Region (which also includes Glasgow City, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde).

Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation which promotes and supports Scotland’s transition to a Circular Economy. ZWS have been working with East Dunbartonshire Business Gateway to deliver local Circular Economy workshops and events aimed at businesses and the wider community.

Strategy Development and Methodology

Early Engagement

Climate Action Plan

This Circular Economy Strategy was developed alongside the forthcoming local Climate Action Plan (CAP), which will set zero direct emissions and net zero area-wide emissions target dates for the Council, identify opportunities to reduce indirect emissions and set out a local strategy for climate adaptation. Early engagement activities for the CAP commenced in 2021, with online public consultation events and a survey for East Dunbartonshire residents, businesses and employees. These activities included Climate Conversation topics and survey questions aimed at gauging awareness of the Circular Economy and local interest in sustainable consumption.

Business Survey

In October 2021, local businesses across East Dunbartonshire were asked to take part in a survey as research to inform the development of this Strategy. Businesses were asked about: what they were already doing to become more sustainable/circular; any plans for the future in regards to reducing their environmental impact; and what they would like the Council to do to help them to achieve this objective.

A total of 177 responses were gathered from local businesses from across the Council area (53 face-to-face interviews, 110 telephone interviews and 14 online survey responses). These responses have become part of a Background Report and have provided valuable insights that have helped to shape the Strategy.

Actions Development

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership (EDEP)

EDEP partners have been involved throughout the development of the Strategy and the 2017 Economic Development Strategy which originated the action to produce a local Circular Economy Strategy was also created collectively by the partnership. Circular Economy Strategy updates have been included at each quarterly EDEP meeting, with additional collaboration outside of meetings.

Circular Economy Ambassador Group

The Circular Economy Ambassador Group was set up as a focus group for the development of the actions included in this Strategy. The Group included representatives from the local business and social enterprise community, EDEP partners and Council officers, and was tasked with assessing the objectives and overall direction of the strategy and ensuring that the actions would cover all of the areas identified as important for supporting local organisations in their engagement with the Circular Economy.

Net Zero Working Group and Internal Engagement

Internal engagement meetings have been held throughout the strategy development process, particularly during creation of the actions to ensure that they are feasible and that they fit within existing plans and work-streams. The Net Zero Working Group is also tasked with ensuring that the Circular Economy Strategy plays a key role in achieving our wider ambitions to meet the Net Zero targets for the Council and local area.

Community Planning Partnership

Engagement meetings have been held throughout the strategy development process with Community Planning Partners in order to produce action 7. This action is subject to agreement by the Community Planning Partnership Board.

Consultation and Finalising the Strategy

More than 65 people were involved in direct engagement methods during the consultation period (which includes visiting pop-ups, providing consultation responses online, and attending online events). The Circular Economy consultation webpage received 280 views and around 600 flyers were distributed.


Seven consultation pop-up events were held in libraries and leisure centres across the East Dunbartonshire Council area, with physical copies of the draft strategy available to browse (printed on recycled paper), officers available to explain and discuss the Circular Economy, and posters and flyers with details of how to formally respond to the consultation.

Pupil Forum Meetings

Policy officers attended two school pupil forums – for P6/7 and S6 age groups – to highlight the draft strategy and collect responses from the pupils via an interactive online Padlet.

Online Engagement

A consultation webpage was set up on the Council website with the draft strategy and links to a survey to collect responses and to an interactive map where respondents could add points to highlight local organisations and groups involved in circular activities. The map remains live after the consultation and a link will be added to the Circular Economy information page that will be created for delivery of some of the actions in the strategy around creating an online hub for Circular Economy advice and information for residents and businesses.

Two online information events were held – one for businesses and one for East Dunbartonshire residents – to explain the draft strategy consultation and gather feedback on the actions. The online event for businesses included guest speakers from Zero Waste Scotland (Scotland’s national body for promoting the Circular Economy) and JawBrew (a circular business based in Milngavie). A meeting was also held with the Milngavie BID steering group to discuss the town centre actions and overall objectives of the strategy.

How Responses Informed the Strategy

Overall, there seemed to be support for the purpose and direction of the strategy in moving towards a Circular Economy. Some minor amendments were made to Strategy actions (as highlighted in the Report of Consultation). Additionally, the responses to the consultation highlighted the following priorities for delivery of the Circular Economy Strategy:

Involving young people and schools.

  • Sharing relatable and practical information, both for organisations and individuals.
  • Keeping local communities updated on Council projects and progress on delivering the strategy.

Some challenges identified through the consultation were:

  • Recognition of the term ‘Circular Economy’.
  • Engaging with businesses.

Public engagement with economic policy topics in general being lower than other policy and service areas.

Action Plan

The actions are presented within three broad themes: Actions for Council Services; Actions for Businesses and Social Enterprises; and Actions for Communities. The 16 numbered sections below explain each action area and what the Circular Economy Strategy is trying to achieve. Under each action area are the actions themselves and the delivery partners involved. Details on delivery and timescales can be found at the end of the strategy.

Actions for Council Services

1. Procurement – Support the Circular Economy through Council Procurement

The Council, as an organisation, can use its purchasing power to support the Circular Economy and maximise positive ecological, social and economic impact throughout the lifespan of products and services. This can be achieved through emphasising the importance of circularity in tender evaluation and contracts, working with existing suppliers to encourage them to become more sustainable and considering the longevity of the items being purchased.

The Council’s Procurement Strategy includes commitments to sustainability and is updated annually. Updates are carried out in line with other Council policies and strategies, and future updates will therefore be aligned with the Circular Economy Strategy and the forthcoming Climate Action Plan.


A. Update guidance to give greater emphasis on circularity in contract quality assessment evaluation. Add information on the Circular Economy, reflecting this strategy’s objectives, to the existing procurement paperwork used by Council officers when setting up new contracts.

B. Collect more detailed data on the volume and type of materials consumed by the Council and schools year on year and investigate options for more detailed lifecycle costing analysis. Updates to the business systems used for procurement will facilitate this action (see action 5).

C. Provide information on the Council’s website for potential suppliers to facilitate the embedding of circularity and sustainability within contracts.

D. Engage with suppliers on the Circular Economy at ‘Meet the Buyer’ events and in relevant Council communications, such as newsletters and social media. Enable new circular suppliers to bid for Council contracts.

E. Develop a community benefits policy and use community benefits funding to support the development of circular organisations.

Delivery Partners:

Council – Procurement, ICT, Communications, Community Planning and Place, and all services involved in purchasing.

2. Built Environment – Encourage the Reuse of Existing Buildings and Land

The climate impact of existing buildings is not limited to the emissions produced in running them, but also includes the materials they are constructed from – referred to as embodied carbon. A 2021 report by the European Academies Science Advisory Council recommended that demolition of buildings is avoided where possible, with embodied carbon given the same attention as operational emissions. The material requirements and emissions involved in decarbonising existing public buildings and housing stock through retrofitting are usually lower than those resulting from demolition and new construction. However, this is still dependent on making a conscious effort to control the carbon emissions produced by renovations. Where possible, vacant and derelict buildings can also be brought into productive use to prevent them from deteriorating past the point where demolition is the least unsustainable option.

The Council’s Assets and Facilities team are working with consultants to consider how to bring the learning estate as close as possible to net zero. This includes the need to assess whether the most sustainable option is to upgrade an existing school to EnerPHit standard (the option chosen for Milngavie Primary) or to demolish and rebuild (as at Balmuildy Primary).


A. Find uses for any vacant council estate; prioritise the most sustainable option, whether this is refurbishment or rebuilding. Decisions on whether to renovate or provide new builds will be based upon data analysis, taking into account all environmental factors including operational emissions, the embodied carbon of existing buildings and the potential for deconstructed materials to be repurposed. This is in line with the Scottish Government’s investment hierarchy, which requires consideration of the future need for buildings and how to maximise the use of existing assets before moving onto other options like repurposing or replacement.

B. Encourage actions to bring vacant properties in town centres into productive use through town centre regeneration projects and to promote the redevelopment of vacant and derelict land across the local authority area through, and in line with, the Local Development Plan.

C. Support any small businesses, third sector organisations and community organisations who may have an interest in repurposing vacant buildings through methods such as community asset transfer. The Council’s community asset transfer policy is currently being reviewed in order to build capacity and understanding in the community.

D. Facilitate the development of vacant and derelict land into productive use through the planning system and as part of regional collaboration (also see Action 8D).

Delivery Partners:

Council – Assets and Facilities, City Deal, Community Planning and Place, and Regeneration and Town Centres.

3. Construction – Minimise Waste and Reuse Materials

man in high vis doing construction workThe choice of materials used in new buildings is one of the key determining factors of their initial and future climate impact, and remanufactured materials can be of use in many forms of construction. It is also important for the Council to minimise waste as far as possible in construction, both for environmental sustainability and to achieve best value for local communities.

As an example of an area in which the Council is already salvaging materials, the current materials framework of the Roads team includes the separation of road plannings for collection by the local quarry from which the materials are sourced so that they can be graded for reuse. Council Traffic and Transport projects have also included the reuse of materials, such as the upgrade of the Strathkelvin Railway Path which reused existing materials in the sub-surface.


A. Investigate research done on the ‘embodied carbon impact’ of different materials and construction processes to inform Council design specifications and stimulate the use of natural/ biodegradable construction materials.

B. Investigate the insurance and building standards implications of the reuse of materials and the use of low-carbon alternatives (for example, CLT – Cross-Laminated Timber – compared to steel).

C. Investigate opportunities and best practice in the reuse of surplus construction materials and excavated materials, either by saving them for use in future Council projects/construction, by returning them to the supplier or by finding a third party who could make use of them (such as a local business).

D. Use remanufactured materials in construction where locally available and where these meet the Council’s quality requirements for safety and longevity.

E. Undertake a baselining exercise for road resurfacing works to establish recycled content and carbon impacts over 2022/23. Alongside the online guidance for potential Council suppliers (Action 1.C), highlight the Council’s commitment to working towards circular construction.

F. Support the Circular Economy as part of the development of regeneration projects and major developments by researching opportunities to build remanufactured and/or reused materials into construction contracts.

Delivery Partners:

Council – Roads, Traffic and Transport, Assets and Facilities, and Regeneration and Town Centres.

4. Council Assets – Maximise the Use Value of Material Assets

As the Circular Economy seeks to work towards zero waste, the use of existing material assets – including the reuse and repurposing of those no longer required – must be considered as the most sustainable option compared to purchasing something new.

In the past, the Council has managed to save items from becoming waste by reallocating or repurposing them, such as office furniture and windows.


A. Utilising data from Action 1B, set up a process to encourage the reuse of as many material streams as possible across Council services.

B. Identify any material assets no longer of use to the Council which could be shared or repurposed.

C. Investigate options for wider material sharing and repurposing with local businesses, social enterprises and community groups. Storage and management of these materials is one of the biggest practical considerations which would need to be resolved.

D. Undertake asset mapping of the school estate.

Delivery Partners: 

Council – Assets and Facilities, Procurement, ICT and all Council services.

office desk, computer and stationary with recycling sign on wall

5. ICT – Use Technology to Drive New Ways of Creating Value in a Circular Economy

Technological advancements can play an important role in the re-imagination of systems, processes and infrastructure. The changes which will be made by the Council in this area will focus on: circular design; lifecycle of IT; business systems; cloud migration; and data analytics.

The Council already encourages a paperless office environment through hot-desking, remote working and online meetings, and the necessity of these systems during COVID-19 restrictions has accelerated the pace of change. The Council also reuses IT equipment where possible – for example, as laptops for core Council functions are replaced, withdrawn laptops have been redeployed for use in schools.


A. Use a circular design approach and digital tools to enable improvements in the Council’s systems and processes, and to remove the need for materials such as physical paperwork.

B. Consider the entire lifecycle of IT and critical infrastructure equipment, investigating alternatives to buying new and working with suppliers on circular initiatives.

C. Develop a strategy for consolidation and replacement of Council’s main line of Business Systems.

D. Develop a Cloud Strategy which provides the vision and roadmap for the role of migration to Cloud within East Dunbartonshire Council

E. The Internet of Things, Big Data and Data Analytics are key enablers of this Circular Economy Strategy which will improve the Council’s resource efficiency and productivity.

Delivery Partners:

Council – ICT, Business and Digital Change.

6. Waste – Provide Services to Support Reuse and Recycling

The Council’s Waste team have been working to expand the range of materials which can be recycled locally – for example, from March 2022 additional material types have been accepted in household recycling bins, including: tinfoil, carrier bags, and plastic food trays, tubs and pots.

East Dunbartonshire is also a member of the Clyde Valley Waste Partnership, which increases the potential for future collaborative opportunities with regards to recycling provision and infrastructure.

The Council’s Facilities Management team have implemented some actions recently to remove single-use plastics (such as plates, cutlery and cups) from schools. Food waste from schools is kept to a minimum through a pre-order system, which means that only the required quantity of food is prepared and food production methods are designed to minimise waste.

The forthcoming implementation of the Deposit Return Scheme by the Scottish Government, as well as the Circular Economy Bill (the details of which are yet to be finalised), have the potential to have a huge impact on local waste services for every Scottish local authority, therefore the actions in this area for the strategy are focused on the need to adapt to these changes and make use of the opportunities they may present to improve local services.


A. Continue to investigate opportunities to expand the range of materials which can be recycled locally.

B. Adapt local waste provision to the changes introduced by the Scottish Government for delivery of the Deposit Return Scheme and Circular Economy Bill.

C. Continue networking and benchmarking activities with other Scottish local authorities – explore opportunities with Clyde Valley partners for collaboration on the provision of waste infrastructure, and share information and challenges through Waste Managers Network.

D. Continue to reduce food waste in schools, including working towards achieving the Soil Association UK’s Food for Life award for local school meals.

E. Support sustainability at public events by providing recycling points and information (also see action area 10.)

Delivery Partners:

Council – Waste
Deposit Return Scheme – Circularity Scotland Ltd

brown, blue, green and food waste recycling bins

7. Collaboration with Community Planning Partnership

East Dunbartonshire’s Community Planning Partnership is the group responsible for the delivery of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan, and includes the Council and its public sector community partners (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Scottish Enterprise). The Partnership also works with East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action, New College Lanarkshire, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, Department for Work and Pensions, Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce and Scottish Canals. Community planning ensures that public bodies work together to deliver improvements for communities. Each organisation is beginning to consider its role in the Circular Economy, given the collective power of public sector anchor organisations in Community Wealth Building, purchasing and as a driver of the local economy. Each Community Planning Partnership Partner/Board member commits to the following actions, which can reflect the different operations of each organisation.


A. Ensure that the Circular Economy is embedded in their organisations’ corporate/sustainability plan or produce a standalone strategy for the Circular Economy.

B. Develop the approach to procurement (considering the principles and actions included in Action 1) in order to embed circularity in the tender and contract process, designing out waste and ensuring longevity of products/services.

C. Encourage the reuse of buildings and land in line with the approach in Action 2.

D. Minimise waste in construction, reuse materials, and procure natural and low carbon materials in line with the approach in Action 3.

E. Consider the material streams used by each organisation and options to minimise waste and improve the entire lifecycle of products. Particularly for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, investigate ways to reduce or change the materials used for single-use items.

F. Use ICT and technology to reduce material use/waste and drive efficiency.

G. Investigate ways to collaborate across organisations including sharing best practice, opportunities to work together on circularity and on shared use of resources.

Delivery Partners:

Council and Community Planning Partnership Partners outlined above.

8. Collaboration with other Scottish Councils and Public Bodies

Glasgow City Deal logoEast Dunbartonshire is one of the eight local authorities in Glasgow City Region and therefore collaborates on the development of regional policies and strategies. The Background Report identified a need to collaborate with local authorities across the Glasgow City Region to achieve our joint climate and economic goals, and to collaborate more widely in order to encourage circular innovation.

There is a Regional Economic Strategy (RES), which was updated in 2021 to reflect changing socio-economic conditions and priorities, including work towards the creation of a wellbeing economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Accelerating Climate Action’ is one of the transformational opportunities identified in the RES, including development of the regional Circular Economy.


A. Contribute to and facilitate conversations and action on the Circular Economy between councils and public bodies by sharing information across the Council’s communication network and inputting into regional plans and strategies.

B. The Circular Economy could also be supported through major regional projects, particularly those involving construction and regeneration, such as City Deal and Clyde Mission.

C. Benchmark with other Scottish local authorities on the delivery of Circular Economy actions and continue to monitor research from, and collaborate with, strategic bodies which represent Council services/professions regarding the Circular Economy and decarbonisation.

D. Work with Glasgow City Region on delivering regional programmes identified in the Regional Economic Strategy, many of which have Circular Economy elements, such as: retrofitting domestic properties in line with zero emissions targets; supporting green businesses and the creation of green jobs; and tackling vacant and derelict land.

Delivery Partners:

Council – all services
Glasgow City Region and City Deal

Actions for Businesses and Social Enterprises

9. Online Circular Economy Support and Information for Businesses and Social Enterprises

The early engagement activities carried out to inform the strategy and Background Report highlighted a need to share information about the Circular Economy with businesses and social enterprises at all stages of going circular, including those who may not know where to start or how Circular Economy principles could fit with their business models. The Background Report highlighted a need to: support local businesses to participate in the Circular Economy and collaborate with each other; raise awareness about funding availability; and share information and tools with businesses to help them increase sustainability without creating additional financial burdens. It was also noted in discussions with the local business community that an online forum or resale platform could be useful for organisations wishing to sell on surplus materials and that pre-existing platforms exist for this which may not be widely known.

There are already many useful resources online, such as the Zero Waste Scotland website and Scottish Enterprise’s online Net Zero Calculator Tool, however, having an easily-accessible place to collate links could help local organisations to connect with the information and advice they may need.


A. Provide a Circular Economy webpage which includes links to Circular Economy business support, information including the benefits to businesses, a local circular business directory, case studies and events promotion. . This will include tailored guidance and links to further information that is relevant to organisations of all sizes, including home businesses.

B. Encourage use of online spaces for resource/material sharing between businesses and organisations by highlighting useful websites and forums like Enviromate, Preloved and XS Trade, and local initiatives such as the Re:Value page hosted on the #Betterbriggs website.

C. Investigate potential sources of funding/investment in the Circular Economy and promote funding and support from partner organisations through the webpage. Should there be gaps in funding and support, consideration should be given to how these can be addressed.

Delivery Partners: 

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership – Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, all partners in pooling information.
Council - Land Planning Policy and Business Support

10. Tailored Support for Businesses

The business survey highlighted that not all businesses felt that they were equipped to implement more circular or sustainable practices within their own operations and 76% wanted the Council to provide more information about how to make their business more environmentally sustainable. The Background Report therefore set out a need to help businesses to translate awareness of sustainability and climate issues into actions which are relevant to them and provide support.


Business Gateway, East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action and Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce provide local support for businesses through advice, events and webinars. These provide an opportunity to equip businesses with knowledge and support to move to more sustainable and circular business practices including: how to identify actions that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions and achieve savings on energy bills; and where to access external funding and support for energy efficiency and decarbonisation.

The Background Report identified a need to support businesses and social enterprises which are already part of the Circular Economy and encourage more local organisations to follow their example, and to help businesses to connect with each other around tackling climate change and coming up with innovative solutions for reducing waste. In addition to ensuring local support is available for established and new businesses, opportunities for business- to-business support could be valuable and networking events could be a great opportunity to promote the circular activities of local businesses and social enterprises.


A. Provide local support for businesses on how to move to net zero and become circular. The Council is developing a dedicated programme to provide expert advice on decarbonisation, climate adaptation and the Circular Economy.

B. Promote the Circular Economy at existing business events, such as Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce networking events, and invite existing circular businesses to talk at events.

C. Investigate the feasibility of holding new events based around the Circular Economy – such as networking events and pop-ups for circular businesses.

Delivery Partners:

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership – Business Gateway and Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce
Council – Business Support

EDVA logo11. Tailored Support for Social Enterprises and the Third Sector

Research carried out to inform the development of this strategy has highlighted the range of social enterprises which exist in East Dunbartonshire that are circular. Social enterprises are often suited to being circular and the innovation needed, given their focus on community and environmental benefits. The Background Report identified a need to support the development of circularity in SMEs and social enterprises, and to encourage the development of social enterprises – and particularly support social enterprises – in participating in the Circular Economy.

East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA) provides local support to third sector organisations, from the set-up of new social enterprises to ongoing advice on a range of topics, including governance, financial management, funding and carbon reduction.


A. Support existing social enterprises and charities to develop a more circular business model and facilitate partnerships between social enterprises, for example through creating local supply chains i.e. purchasing materials from each other.

B. Provide local support for new social enterprises on how to move to net zero and become circular, including governance and administration, opportunities for funding and signposting available help from other organisations.

C. Provide the opportunity for social enterprises to network with each other through the EDVA Social Enterprise Network. Investigate the opportunity for creating a sustainability-specific third sector networking group.

Delivery Partners:

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership – EDVA

12. Circular Economy in Town Centres

Town centres are a key part of East Dunbartonshire’s local economy and provide an opportunity to develop circular networks at a micro level through local materials sourcing and supply chain. Town centres also allow residents to access the Circular Economy. East Dunbartonshire has a number of circular businesses already in its town centres and has several active town centre groups, including a Business Improvement District in Milngavie. These networks present an opportunity to share information about the Circular Economy with local businesses.


A. Promote the Circular Economy to businesses in town centres by working with town centre groups and investigating options for collaborative projects, such as a Circular Town pilot project.

B. Work with businesses in town centres to understand opportunities for them to purchase from each other, share resources as part of the Circular Economy and contribute to Community Wealth Building.

C. Encourage visibility of the local Circular Economy brand in town centres (see Actions 13A and 9A) and the display of circular and sustainability awards achieved by businesses (see Actions 13C, 13D and 13E).

D. Encourage providers at large-scale public events to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

Delivery Partners:

Town centre groups

Council – Town Centres and Regeneration

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership – Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses

car driving along the road with a petrol pump, bike, bench, trees and buildings in the background

13. Recognition of Circular Organisations

man lifting a gold trophy and a woman celebrating with himThere are already a growing number of circular businesses and social enterprises in East Dunbartonshire as highlighted in the Background Report. In order to deliver on many of the requirements set out in the Background Report – particularly around supporting and encouraging businesses and social enterprises to become circular, and sharing and promoting best practice – recognition is needed for those organisations making change.


A. Set up a brand for circular activities in East Dunbartonshire, linked to Action 9A.

B. Gather data on the circular activities already taking place across the local authority area and highlight the organisations and groups involved in a directory or map on the Circular Economy webpage (see Actions 9A and 14A).

C. Signpost the national Revolve standard that businesses can apply for to demonstrate their circular and sustainability credentials.

D. Introduce an award for circular businesses as part of the East Dunbartonshire Business Awards or consider developing a specific awards programme with a specific focus on sustainability.

Delivery Partners:

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership

Council – Business Support, Land Planning Policy, Communications

Actions for Communities

14. Online Support and Information on the Circular Economy for Residents

The Background Report considers the capacity in local communities to drive a Circular Economy and highlights the opportunity and need to encourage and support residents to make sustainable lifestyle choices if net zero targets are to be reached. Public engagement to date shows a desire to make more sustainable consumption choices. As such the Background Report concludes that local communities should be worked with to encourage sustainable consumption habits and spread awareness of how to reduce waste and support circular businesses.


A. Provide an online Circular Economy information page for local residents and communities, including advice on sustainable consumption, practical help with recycling and cutting down on household waste, and local waste and consumption facts.

B. Include Circular Economy advice in relevant Council communication campaigns, such as those aimed at helping to reduce food waste.

Delivery Partners:

Council – Communications, Land Planning Policy.

people using their electronic devices

15. Circular Economy Community Engagement Activities

Consumer decisions help to drive change by encouraging the providers of goods and services to align with their customers’ priorities and values. In addition to online information, public activities and events could be a great opportunity to promote the circular activities of local businesses and social enterprises, and also to share advice with members of the local community on how they can be more sustainable as consumers. Communities are already carrying out a range of circular activities, for example clothing and food reuse, and this existing interest can be built upon and extended.


A. Display Circular Economy information in areas used by local communities.

B. Strengthen engagement with local citizens on the Circular Economy through practical initiatives such as food growing and workshops.

C. Promote the Circular Economy at existing community events.

D. Through the consultation on this Strategy, investigate the role residents and community groups can play in the transition to a Circular Economy.

Delivery Partners:

Council –Communications, Land Planning Policy, Sustainability Policy, Greenspace, Community Planning and Place
East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership, Social Enterprises, EDVA

people carrying bags and boxes of clothes to someone who is choosing what to wear from a clothes rail

16. Support a Workforce of All Ages to be Equipped for a Circular Future

The Background Report identified a need to support the alignment of local employment opportunities and local skills development opportunities (and to ensure that all residents have access to both).

Skills Development Scotland published a Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan in December 2020, identifying a series of priority areas focused on employers, education and individuals to capitalise on job opportunities emerging from the net zero transition.

It is likely that most of the young people growing up in East Dunbartonshire at present will have future careers which relate to circularity to some extent, and many of them will play a key role in designing the innovative new products and processes needed to make Scotland’s economy sustainable for the long term.

Findings from a report produced by Zero Waste Scotland in 2020 show Scotland is in a strong position to benefit from the Circular Economy, with 8.1% of jobs already linked to the Circular Economy. This proportion is expected to increase, with the development of new circular industries and associated employment, as well as the net zero transition of existing industries and indirectly circular jobs. It is therefore important to include actions within the local Circular Economy Strategy to support those already in employment or currently seeking work, and to prepare the workforce of the future.


A. Work with members of East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership and the Community Learning and Development Partnership to share Circular Economy and green skills opportunities, deliver key messages about green skills development with school and community groups, and raise awareness with employers.

B. Continue to include the concepts of circularity, sustainability and responsible consumption in the school curriculum per the Learning for Sustainability guidance in the Curriculum for Excellence. This includes lessons on sustainable design as part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) topics, as well as in other learning formats such as eco committees, clubs, enterprise activities and assemblies.

C. Support school involvement in the eco schools programme from Keep Scotland Beautiful.

D. Support schools in reducing food waste and working towards the Soil Association’s Food for Life awards.

E. Encourage active participation in the Circular Economy from school age through daily school activities and ethos, such as uniform and other clothing reuse initiatives, food growing projects, encouraging pupils to use reusable bottles for drinking water, and working to improve recycling provision and waste segregation in schools. Explore potential opportunities for partnership projects with local social enterprises and community groups.

F. Promote the Council’s Circular Economy activities and messages in schools so that young people can learn about what is happening in their local area, and involve them in consultations for the Circular Economy Strategy and other related policy work regarding the future of East Dunbartonshire’s economy and environment.

G. Investigate options for development of an informational resource for schools to help them put in place circular activities.

Delivery Partners:

East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership – Skills Development Scotland, Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action, Department for Work and Pensions

Community Learning and Development Partnership.

Council - Education, Employability, Communications, Land Planning Policy, Sustainability Policy.

Delivery, Timescale, Monitoring and Governance

Delivery of this Circular Economy Strategy will be critical if East Dunbartonshire is to make progress towards becoming a Circular Economy. These first steps will be more challenging, but will create momentum. The actions included in this Circular Economy Strategy are intended to provide detail on delivery and which organisations/Council services have lead responsibility.

All of the actions require immediate delivery and therefore the overarching timescale for delivery of the actions is that significant progress will be made during 2023. By the end of 2023 it is anticipated that the Circular Economy Bill and Scottish Government Route Map will be nearing completion and the Deposit Return Scheme will be up and running (following the go-live date of 16 August 2023). This national change will add further impetus to the move to a Circular Economy and will require further change at a local level.

As such, monitoring of the implementation of this Circular Economy Strategy will take place in 2024 with a report to Council on progress and the next steps required to update the Strategy, and make further progress towards a Circular Economy. As part of this monitoring work, the following indicators will be considered:


Data Source



Current Data

Expected Outcomes

Volume and types of materials purchased by the Council

Procurement, ICT




The online ordering system (iProc) used by the Council allows some tracking of material purchases, but there is not an easy-accessible record of materials and volumes purchased over time for life cycle cost analysis.

Updates to the system will bring more functionality and the aim is to be able to gain insight into the Council’s material usage and any potential savings or reuse opportunities.

Supplier engagement activities including information about the Circular Economy



Engagement activities are carried out with the Council’s supplier network in the form of Meet the Buyer events as well as through email updates and newsletters, but there is not a specific focus on the Circular Economy.

An increase in Circular Economy awareness is expected as the Council will actively promote the Circular Economy at supplier events and through special editions of communications received by Council suppliers.

Town centre vacancy rates

Regeneration & Town Centres



Town centre vacancy rates are already monitored and can be good indicators of the vitality of town centres and the local economy. Town centre units and other buildings which are between uses are also valuable built assets and keeping them in use prevents them from falling into disrepair, as well as removing the need for development of new premises in other locations.

An emphasis on the circular aspects of reusing vacant properties (including temporary and community uses, as well as long-term regeneration projects) is expected to help to reduce the number of vacant units.

Community Asset Transfers

Community Planning


The Council’s Community Asset Transfer is under review, with a focus on engagement and capacity building in local communities.

There were 711 assets in community ownership in Scotland as at December 2021. This is an increase of 48 (7%) from 663 in 2020. All but 20 of the assets in community ownership are land and/or buildings. Only one of these assets is in East Dunbartonshire.

Raising awareness of Community Asset Transfer through the review of Council policy and engagement around the Circular Economy should help to highlight any further opportunities

and improve the breadth of information available to local groups.

Council construction projects including remanufactured materials

Assets and Facilities, Regeneration and Town Centres


The Council includes sustainability in its design criteria for building projects and investigation into the availability of new materials, products and technology is ongoing.

Delivery of the actions in the Circular Economy Strategy should result in increased circularity in the Council’s construction projects.

Waste volumes, types, sources and destinations

SEPA, Waste


According to SEPA, in 2020 East Dunbartonshire households generated 54,573 tonnes of waste, of which 27,776 (50.9%) was recycled.

The latest SEPA data on business waste in the local area (2018) suggests an annual generation of 23,479 tonnes, most of which was in the ‘vegetal wastes’ and ‘household and similar wastes’ categories.

It is intended that the actions in this Circular Economy Strategy and the forthcoming Climate Action Plan will contribute towards a measurable reduction in the volumes of waste produced locally, with a higher percentage of the unavoidable waste being recycled.

Community Planning Partner organisations with a Circular Economy Strategy or inclusion of the Circular Economy

in their sustainability


Community Planning Partnership


Each of the organisations involved in the Community Planning Partnership have their own business plans and strategies, including goals for sustainability.

The Community Planning partners have committed to ensuring that the Circular Economy is included in their strategies and this will provide the opportunity to collaborate with, and align, activities across the partnership organisations.

Business engagement events/activities including information

on the Circular Economy

Business Support



The Council’s business support team and Business Gateway already provide advice to businesses on sustainability and have previously partnered with Zero Waste Scotland to provide workshops.

Promotion of the Circular Economy through publicity for the consultation on this strategy, as well as delivery of the actions itself, should increase the interest and awareness in the Circular Economy among local businesses and participation numbers at related events.

Number of local Circular Economy activities mapped

Land Planning Policy




Some local circular activities are known about through Council services (e.g. business support and community planning) and engagement for the strategy development (see Background Report). However, there is no comprehensive

list or map covering the wide spectrum of activities by businesses, social enterprises

and community groups.

One of the intended outcomes of the engagement on the Circular Economy Strategy is to map existing projects, which will allow monitoring of the

extent, variety and geographical coverage over time.

Number of circular businesses registered

with award/ recognition schemes (Revolve and

local standard)

Zero Waste Scotland, Business Support



There are only two organisations in East Dunbartonshire listed on the Zero Waste Scotland website as having achieved the Revolve standard.

The promotion of Revolve and similar standards as part of delivery of the Circular Economy Strategy should result in an increase in the number of local organisations involved.

Number of new circular third sector organisations assisted by East

Dunbartonshire Voluntary


East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Association


East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA) assists and engages with third sector organisations who wish to incorporate aspects of the Circular Economy into their business plans.

There should be an increase in awareness of the Circular Economy on the part of local organisations and EDVA

will assist businesses with working towards the Revolve Accreditation.

Circular Economy recognition and awareness

Land Planning Policy (consultation and surveys)



The early engagement activities during development of the strategy included questions aimed at gauging awareness

of the Circular Economy and it was highlighted that this needs

to be built upon.

The actions for communities should result in an increase in awareness of the Circular Economy on the part of businesses and residents, and

recognition of the local Circular

Economy branding and projects.

Engagement activities/ lessons on the Circular Economy in schools



Schools currently provide lessons on sustainability and Circular Economy topics as part of the curriculum and also actively participate in the recycling and reuse of materials.

Information will be gathered on the extent of activities being

undertaken in schools, including recycling facilities and habits, interest in future expansion of recycling, Eco School Green Flag awards, eco committees, direct teaching including Circular Economy lessons and activities, uniform recycling and energy- saving initiatives. An increase

in these activities can then be monitored over time as the Circular Economy Strategy is


Governance will be required to carry this out, with the East Dunbartonshire Economic Partnership and internal Council processes providing the mechanism for engaging with stakeholders on the delivery of actions and gathering data on indicators.

In addition, to support delivery of this Circular Economy Strategy, policy development on the Wellbeing Economy and Community Wealth Building will continue, alongside the delivery of the Economic Recovery Plan. Consideration will be given to the need for further research on the Circular Economy in East Dunbartonshire, which could include looking at the impacts of changes resulting from the forthcoming Circular Economy Bill and any new data available on local material flows.

Support for residents

For information on how residents can help to achieve the aims of the Circular Economy Strategy, visit our webpage (link opens in new window).

Support for businesses

For information on how businesses can help to achieve the aims of the Circular Economy Strategy, visit our webpage (link opens in new window).