Introduction and Strategic Overview
1.1 The Education Service Plan (ESP) is a three-year rolling plan that sets out strategic priorities for improvement, detailing actions for the Education Service, Schools and Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) centres, along with performance measures. The ESP is underpinned by legislative requirements in the Education (Scotland) Act 2016 and the National Improvement Framework (NIF). It aligns with strategic planning and policy as follows:
- Refreshed Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)
- East Dunbartonshire Council’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan 2023 – 2026
- West Partnership Regional Improvement Plan
- Early Years Strategic Plan
- Education Service Business Improvement Plan (BIP) 2023 - 2026
- Framework to support Attainment, Achievement and Equity
- Self-Evaluation and Quality Improvement Policy: A framework to support self-evaluation for continuous improvement
- Literacy and Numeracy Strategies
- Community Learning and Development (CLD) and No One Left Behind (NOLB) Delivery Plan
1.2 Education (Scotland) Act 2016
This Act requires the Education Service and schools to prepare and publish an annual plan setting out steps to take to reduce inequalities, in pursuance of the NIF priorities. The Service must seek and have regards to the views of pupils, parents and others.
1.3 National Improvement Framework (NIF)
The NIF sets out the vision for Excellence and Equity, detailing priorities that have been agreed across the system, and actions to deliver on these priorities. The NIF complements the three pillars of the Scottish education system: Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW). The amended vision for 2023 recognises the need for sustainability to be a core aspect of the learning experience. Excellence is achieved through raising attainment and improving outcomes, ensuring that every child and young person achieves the highest standards in literacy and numeracy; as well as the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. Equity is achieved by ensuring that every child and young person has the same opportunity to succeed, no matter their background or shared protected characteristics, with a particular focus on narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap.
National Improvement Framework Priorities
- Placing the human needs and rights of every child and young person at the centre of education.
- Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing.
- Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people.
- Improvement in skills and sustained, positive leaver destinations for all young people.
- Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
Drivers for Improvement
- School and ELC leadership
- Teacher and practitioner professionalism
- Parent/carer involvement and engagement
- Curriculum and assessment
- School and ELC improvement
- Performance information
1.4 Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)
The LOIP is the shared plan for the Community Planning Partnership (CPP), outlining how and why services will work together to reduce inequalities. Children and young people are the focus of Local Outcome 3: Our children are safe, healthy and ready to learn. The Delivering for Children and Young People’s Partnership (DCYPP) is the multi-agency strategic planning group responsible for progressing actions to achieve Local Outcome 3 priorities. Key partners include the Education Service, Health and Social Care Partnership, Voluntary Action, Police Scotland, Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
1.5 Integrated Children’s Services Plan
This plan sets out how the DCYPP will work together to plan, develop and provide services to:
- Best safeguard, support and promote wellbeing
- Ensure that children, young people and families get the right support, from the right people, at the right time
- Take action to prevent and meet need
- Be integrated from the point of view of service users
- Constitute the best use of available resources
1.6 West Partnership Regional Improvement Plan
The West Partnership is a collaboration of eight local authorities across the West of Scotland, with a shared vision of Excellence, Equity and Empowerment. There are three West Partnership workstreams: Curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment; Leadership, empowerment and improvement; and Wellbeing for learning. Aspects of these are included in the ESP, as required.
1.7 Early Years Strategic Plan
The Early Years Strategic Plan is a rolling three-year plan outlining key priorities, outcomes, milestones and improvement actions in the following areas: ensuring quality, workforce development, infrastructure/environments and parenting/family learning.
1.8 Education Business Improvement Plan (BIP) 2023 - 2026
The BIP is a three-year rolling plan outlining priorities and contribution to the delivery of local outcomes. It includes improvement actions and performance indicators, which are monitored and reported on through How Good is Our Service? monthly and biannual reports.
1.9 Community Learning and Development (CLD) and No One Left Behind (NOLB) Delivery Plan
The Community Learning and Development Plan outlines the how the CLD partnership will develop approaches to youth work, adult learning and community capacity building. The No One Left Behind delivery plan details the Local Employability Partnership’s approach to employability including all-age employability, apprenticeships and parental employment approaches to addressing child poverty.
2.0 Self-evaluation and Quality Improvement Policy
2.1 The Self-evaluation and Quality Improvement Policy (updated 2023) includes frameworks to support the Education Service and schools to undertake self-evaluation for continuous improvement, using the NIF and How Good is Our School? (4th edition), in conjunction with other self-evaluation frameworks and approaches. This policy outlines statutory requirements for schools, along with roles and responsibilities across the Education Service.
3.0 Performance Measures and Arrangements for Reporting
3.1 Performance measures and targets are set across the following data sets (Appendix 1):
- Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (ACEL) In P1, P4, P7 and S3
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Data, Levels 5 and 6
- Evaluations from Education Scotland inspections, quality improvement reviews and school/ELC self-evaluation
- Exclusion and attendance data
- Leaver destinations
3.2 In addition, the Education Service identified stretch aims in the Scottish Attainment Challenge. These include core stretch aims and local aims for both overall progress and narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap (Appendix 2).
3.3 The Council manages performance through the Strategic Planning and Performance Framework. Each sector of the Education Service contributes to How Good is Our Service? reports on a monthly and biannual basis. These are published on the Council website and data is updated in the Pentana dashboard. The Education Service Plan and annual Standards and Quality Report is shared with the Scottish Government and all stakeholders.
3.4 The Education Committee receives detailed reports on planning, progress and performance in key priorities.
Jump to section:
- Education Service Policy and Planning
- NIF Priority: Placing the human needs and rights of every child and young person at the centre of education
- NIF Priority: Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
- NIF Priority: Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people
- NIF Priority: Improvement in skills and sustained, positive leaver destinations for all young people
- NIF Priority: Improvement in Numeracy and Mathematics attainment
- NIF Priority: Improvement in Literacy and English attainment
- Drivers for Improvement
- Appendix 1: Performance Measures and Targets
- Appendix 2: Scottish Attainment Challenge Stretch Aims and Core Stretch Aims
4.0 Education Service Policy and Planning
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/ Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Ensure compliance with Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC): Continue to implement refreshed policy and practice materials. |
On-going report to CPC from MISE group (multi-agency)
Participation measures in CLPL programme
Evaluation of professional learning
Analysis of Education Scotland/Care Inspection reports
Analysis of Quality Improvement Reviews, Attainment Visits and Focus Visits
LGBT Charter Awards and reports
Rights Respecting School Awards
Analysis of Bullying & Equalities data
Annual performance review of “The Promise” Action Plan Participation data from Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Programme Feedback from young people participating in the MPV Programme Feedback from participants in the Non-Violent Resistance programme, Circle Framework and Sleep Scotland programme. Participation data from multi agency projects from the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund.
Equalities Legislation: All children and young people are safe, supported and included. Equality and diversity are included in policy and practice.
Implement refreshed policies in Home Tuition and English as an Additional Language (EALS). |
Support inclusive practices in all schools and ELC through the Circle Framework.
Develop a Relationships, Behaviour and Learning framework. |
Whole Family Wellbeing Fund (WFWF): implement preventative whole family support measures. (Aligned to refreshed GIRFEC framework). |
Continue to implement “The Promise” made to care experienced young people that they will grow up loved, safe and respected.
Respect and promote the rights of children and young people.
Continue to implement Children’s Rights, ensuring that they are learned, understood and lived.
Include UNCRC principles in policy and practice.
2023 – 2026.
6.0 NIF Priority: Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Continue to implement EDC Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy in line with National Policy.
Use Health and Wellbeing data to improve Mental Health in schools.
Improve staff confidence in responding to young people who are experiencing self- harm.
GIRFEC Liaison Group (GLG) and Locality Liaison Group (LLG) to track placements and identify appropriate actions for children and young people
Multi-agency staff trained in What’s the Harm? will report improved confidence in responding to young people who have self-harmed
Improved mental health and wellbeing in children and young people (from SHINE survey carried out bi-annually)
Evaluations from training will evidence improved awareness and confidence in supporting mental health needs
Analysis of Education Scotland inspection reports and thematic reviews
Analysis of Quality Improvement Reviews, Attainment Visits and Focus Visits
Recording and response to incidents of allergic reactions in schools
Evaluation of professional learning Progress made towards achieving stretch aims in the Scottish Attainment Challenge: attendance and exclusions for all children and young people
All children and young people are supported through inclusive practices to support mental health and wellbeing. |
“Let’s Introduce Anxiety Management’, (LIAM) and Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PAThS). |
Children and young people are supported by nurturing approaches in line with the Nurture Strategy.
Strategic Learning Group for Health and Wellbeing to produce Relationships Policy in line with Nurture and Mental Health Strategies. |
Professional learning in de-escalation and interventions is delivered through a rolling programme.
Children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are supported effectively in all schools and ELC. |
All children and young people continue to be supported through the updated ‘Including Every Learner (IEL)” Policy Framework, 2023. |
Continue to support the mental health of young people (10-18) though the School Counselling Programme. |
Promote statutory guidance on nutritional requirements for food and drink on Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2020
Implement refreshed strategy for effective learning through play and enquiry (Links to Learning for Sustainability).
All children and young people benefit from entitlement to Learning for Sustainability (LFS).
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/ Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Improve attainment for all children and young people, with a particular focus on reducing inequalities and narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap. |
Refer to Appendices 1 and 2 for performance measures Progress made towards achieving core stretch aims and core plus stretch aims in the Scottish Attainment Challenge: attainment, attendance, exclusions and participation.
National Improvement Framework Measures: ACEL Data
Authority SQA Data analysis
Insight Data analysis
Seemis Business Intelligence
MCR Pathways data: attendance, participation, confidence, wellness, retention rates and leaver destinations
Annual Participation Measure (APM) Data
Insight Leaver Data
PEF Finance Monitoring (monthly)
PEF Case Studies
MCR Pathways data: attendance, participation, confidence, wellness, retention rates and leaver destinations
Annual Participation Measure (APM) Data
Insight Leaver Data
16+ Hub Data and Authority analysis
Attendance rates and exclusion rates data, including data for care –experienced young people
School and ELC Standards & Quality Reports
School and ELC Improvement Plans Participation in parenting programmes and impact measures
Snack and Play participation data and stakeholder feedback
Participation in Seasons for Growth and impact measures.
Implement key priorities in the Scottish Attainment Challenge Plan. |
Implement actions to mitigate against child poverty, including Cost of the School Day. Promote poverty-aware policy and practice.
Use Scottish Attainment Challenge Funding (PEF, SEF, CECYP) to improve attainment and outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty. |
Increase uptake of places for eligible 2-year-olds in Early Learning and Childcare |
Continue to Implement parenting and family learning programmes to enhance children’s learning and development.
Continue to deliver the Seasons for Growth programme to support children, young people and parents who are experiencing loss and change in their life.
Continue to implement Snack and Play provision.
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Secondary schools offer appropriate pathways in the senior phase for all young people. |
Refer to Appendices 1 and 2 for performance measures The number of young people involved in the Senior Phase Partnership programme is sustained or increased
Increased number of qualifications available to our young people in the Senior Phase.
Review of college course uptake in line with the Local Labour Market Intelligence (LMI)
Evidence from schools of well-planned work placements as an integral element of the senior phase
Analysis of Education Scotland inspection reports
Data analysis using the Annual Participation Measure from Scottish Government.
Review of Foundation / Modern Apprenticeships uptake
School leaver and sustained destinations
Unemployment levels
No One Left Behind funding performance measures
Numbers of young people at school participating and accredited achievements
Adult leaning participation and achievements/ progression
Secondary Schools support improvement in skills and sustained positive school-leaver destinations for all young people. Enhance partnership working with Skills Development Scotland, Developing the Young Workforce, Community Learning and Schools. |
Increase the uptake of vocational qualifications available to young people in the Senior Phase.
Support curriculum mapping to broaden the curriculum offer and progression within the Senior Phase.
Youth workers offer continued support for all aspects of skills development and associated accreditation in relation to employability skills. |
Support all schools to continue to access work placements.
Sustain the percentage of young people in positive leaver destinations.
Ensure that all schools have an approach to the Careers Education Standard in place.
Support post school employment and training through No-one Left Behind and Community Learning and Development.
Deliver an all-age employability service through No-one Left Behind to priority groups.
N/A |
Develop a range of actions to improve the employability of parents with a view to addressing child poverty.
N/A |
Develop and deliver a range of adult learning provision.
9.0 NIF Priority: Improvement in Numeracy and Mathematics attainment
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/ Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Continue to raise attainment in Numeracy and Mathematics across all levels.
Continue to narrow the poverty-related attainment gap.
Refer to Appendices 1 and 2 for performance measures Progress made towards achieving core stretch aims in the SAC: narrowing the attainment gap between Quintile 5 and Quintile 1
NIF Measures: ACEL Data
Authority Insight Data analysis
Evaluation of Professional Learning Analysis of Education Scotland inspection reports Analysis of Quality Improvement Reviews, Attainment Visits and Focus Visits to schools and EYC Analysis/reporting on the use of PEF and the impact of targeted interventions on raising attainment and narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap School Improvement Plans Standards & Quality Reports Evidence from moderation activities
Develop moderation processes in numeracy and mathematics across all levels.
Provide targeted support to raise attainment in primary schools. |
Decreasing attainment trends over time. Widening of the poverty-related attainment gap. Comparator data (LPG, authority and national). |
Improve transitions across all sectors through cross sector and cluster working. |
Provide access to adult learning in Numeracy through the Multiply Project, in partnership with the Skills for Life, Learning and Work Team. |
10.0 NIF Priority: Improvement in Literacy and English attainment
Areas for Improvement |
Action for Education Service |
Action for Schools/ Establishments |
Measures of Performance |
Continue to raise attainment in Literacy and English across all levels.
Continue to narrow the poverty-related attainment gap.
Create an Equity Framework for Literacy (Working Group).
Refer to Appendices 1 and 2 for performance measures Progress made towards achieving core stretch aims in the SAC: narrowing the attainment gap between Quintile 5 and Quintile 1
National Improvement Framework Measures: ACEL Data
Evaluation of Professional Learning Analysis of Education Scotland inspection reports Analysis of Quality Improvement Reviews, Attainment Visits and Focus Visits to schools and EYC Analysis/reporting on the use of PEF and the impact of targeted interventions on raising attainment and narrowing the poverty-related attainment gap School Improvement Plans Standards & Quality Reports Evidence from moderation activities, including QAMSO Reading Schools Awards
Develop moderation processes in Literacy across all levels.
Provide targeted support to raise attainment, with a particular focus on Literacy across first level CfE. |
Decreasing attainment trends over time Comparator data (authority and national) Widening poverty-related attainment gap |
Improve transitions across all sectors through cross sector and cluster working.
NIF Driver |
School and ELC leadership |
Teacher and practitioner professionalism |
Parent/carer involvement and engagement |
Education Service Level
High quality professional learning for leadership at all levels: Teacher and practitioner leadership through Improving Our Schools/Classrooms/Departments. Middle leadership and Into Headship. Establish a leadership forum for Primary Depute Heads. Associate Assessor training. Continue to develop Aspiring Catholic Leadership Network, with 4 Head Teacher mentors. Learning Partnership Groups and Policy working groups. Opportunities for Head Teachers and Depute Heads to participate in Quality Reviews. Participate in West Partnership’s Leadership, Empowerment and Improvement network. |
Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL) framework, aligned to NIF and Education Service Plan. Design, delivery and evaluation of CLPL programme. Focus on pedagogy for learning and teaching, including assessment and the use of data at all levels. Participation in professional learning communities and practitioner enquiry. Continued focus on Children’s Rights, Relationships, Wellbeing, Inclusion and Equity. Implementation of Professional Learning programme for Probationers and Early Career Teachers Include UNCRC, Nurture and The Promise in Probationer and Early Career Teacher programme. Delivery of the Ambassador programme for Early Career Teachers. |
Continue to implement Families Together: Supporting Family Learning and Parenting across East Dunbartonshire. Support schools and ELC to improve parental engagement, including family learning programmes, parenting programmes and interventions. Digital communication and engagement. Sharing learning. Family intervention and prevention through the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund (WFWF). |
School and ELC Level
Identify leadership opportunities at all levels, including Champion roles, working groups and opportunities to lead aspects of school improvement. Identify opportunities for collaborative working across schools, learning partnership groups, local authority, West Partnership and National workstreams.
Identify high quality professional learning opportunities, aligned to school improvement plan priorities. Promote a strong culture of collegiate working and collaboration. Support probationers and early career teachers. Professional Review and Development, using Coaching conversations. Support probationers and early career teachers. Professional Review and Development, using Coaching conversations.
Meaningful opportunities for parental involvement in the life and work of the school. Opportunities for parental engagement to improve attainment. Creative approaches to gathering views of parents. Parent participation in school improvement activities. Implement family learning programmes, with a focus on reducing inequalities. |
NIF Driver |
Curriculum and assessment |
School and ELC improvement |
Performance information |
Education Service Level
Implement Education Service policy and planning, as noted in Sections 1-4 of ESP. Plan and deliver appropriate, flexible learning pathways across the Broad General Education and Senior Phase. Creative and innovative approaches to curriculum design, which promote equity and raise attainment. Skills for learning, life and work (DYW). The Hayward Review: Reforming Qualifications and Assessments Promote Learning, Teaching and Assessment in the Broad General Education Policy. Strengthen partnerships, including Learning for Skills, Life and Work. Quality Improvement Team to support schools to ensure the curriculum is coherent, appropriate and effective. Use data effectively at all levels. Develop a tracking tool across the BGE/ Data Strategy. |
Implement refreshed Self-evaluation and Quality Improvement Policy. Refresh frameworks for Standards & Quality Reporting and School Improvement Planning. Deliver bespoke training on self-evaluation for continuous improvement. Implement Scottish Attainment Challenge Plan. Analysis of Inspection Reports. Quality Improvement Reviews and Attainment Visits. Monitor attendance and exclusions.
Reflect on International evidence and publications: PISA and Muir Report. Data on delivery of 1140 Hours in ELC – children accessing the entitlement, including eligible 2-year-olds.
ACEL, SCQF, attendance, exclusions
Progress made towards achieving stretch aims in the SAC
Insight benchmarking tool (to be enhanced by SG)
Annual Participation Measure |
School and ELC Level
Plan and deliver appropriate learning pathways across the Broad General Education and Senior Phase. Approaches to curriculum design. Deliver entitlements for all children and young people, including Learning for Sustainability. Target pupil equity funding appropriately to improve attainment and outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty. Implement interventions and approaches to narrow the poverty-related attainment gap. Improve links between curriculum and assessment. |
School and ELC improvement focuses on improving attainment and outcomes for all children and young people. Improvement priorities and actions are informed by data and evidence. Improve teacher and practitioner confidence in using data to improve attainment and outcomes. |
Use robust approaches to analyse and use data to improve attainment outcomes for learners. Attainment gap factors. Attainment and wellbeing data.
Appendix 1: Performance Measures and Targets
Indicator |
2016/17 Value |
2017/18 Value |
2018/19 Value |
2019/20 Value |
2020/21 Value |
2021/22 Value |
2022/23 Target |
% of Primary 1 pupils achieving expected levels or better in reading; |
89% |
90% |
91% |
*N/A |
87% |
88% |
91% |
% of Primary 1 pupils achieving expected levels or better in writing; |
86% |
89% |
88% |
N/A |
85% |
86% |
90% |
% of Primary 1 pupils achieving expected levels or better in listening and talking; |
93% |
95% |
93% |
N/A |
94% |
93% |
94% |
% of Primary 4 pupils achieving expected levels or better in reading; |
85% |
88% |
88% |
N/A |
86% |
85% |
89% |
% of Primary 4 pupils achieving expected levels or better in writing; |
83% |
82% |
84% |
N/A |
78% |
80% |
86% |
% of Primary 4 pupils achieving expected levels or better in listening and talking; |
90% |
92% |
93% |
N/A |
93% |
92% |
92% |
% of Primary 7 pupils achieving expected levels or better in reading; |
88% |
88% |
90% |
N/A |
87% |
89% |
91% |
% of Primary 7 pupils achieving expected levels or better in writing; |
85% |
83% |
85% |
N/A |
83% |
84% |
87% |
% of Primary 7 pupils achieving expected levels or better in listening and talking; |
93% |
94% |
95% |
N/A |
92% |
94% |
93% |
% of S3 pupils achieving third level or better in literacy (based on reading, writing and talking and listening) |
98% |
99% |
99% |
N/A |
N/A |
95% |
98% |
% of S3 pupils achieving fourth level or better in literacy (based on reading, writing and talking and listening) |
81% |
84% |
78% |
N/A |
N/A |
67% |
75% |
% of Primary 1 pupils achieving expected levels or better in numeracy; |
90% |
93% |
93% |
N/A |
89% |
89% |
94% |
% of Primary 4 pupils achieving expected levels or better in numeracy; |
84% |
86% |
87% |
N/A |
85% |
84% |
90% |
% of Primary 7 pupils achieving expected levels or better in numeracy; |
84% |
85% |
86% |
N/A |
84% |
85% |
88% |
% of S3 pupils achieving third level or better in numeracy |
96% |
99% |
99% |
N/A |
N/A |
96% |
98% |
% of S3 pupils achieving fourth level or better in numeracy |
76% |
78% |
82% |
N/A |
N/A |
81% |
80% |
% of S5 pupils achieving 1 or more awards at SCQF Level 6 or better |
85% |
87% |
91% |
86% |
87% |
84% |
86% |
% of S6 pupils achieving 5 or more awards at SCQF Level 6 or better |
73% |
74% |
73% |
66% |
69% |
67% |
69% |
% of school leavers achieving SCQF Level 5 Literacy and Numeracy |
83% Based on 2016/17 leavers |
86% Based on 2017/18 leavers |
data not yet available |
91% |
91% |
85% |
88% |
% of establishments evaluated as good or better for leadership of change through Education Scotland inspections, quality improvement reviews and establishment self-evaluation |
86% |
95% |
93% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
98% |
% of establishments evaluated as good or better for learning, teaching and assessment through Education Scotland inspections, quality improvement reviews and establishment self-evaluation |
91% |
89% |
88% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
100% |
% of establishments evaluated as good or better for raising attainment and achievement through Education Scotland inspections, quality improvement reviews and establishment self-evaluation |
88% |
93% |
91% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
100% |
% of establishments evaluated as good or better wellbeing, inclusion and equity through Education Scotland inspections, quality improvement reviews and establishment self-evaluation |
93% |
99% |
93% |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
100% |
Primary exclusion rates (rates per 1000 pupils) |
2.8 |
3.3 |
4.9 |
1.9 |
1.8 |
1.9 |
1.0 |
Secondary exclusion rates (rates per 1000 pupils) |
18.5 |
12.6 |
14.1 |
15.9 |
12.8 |
12.5 |
10.0 |
Primary attendance rates |
96.4% |
96.2% |
96.2% |
95.5% |
96.6% |
95% |
96% |
Secondary attendance rates |
93.5% |
93.5% |
93.2% |
92.5% |
94% |
90.9% |
94% |
Initial and sustained school leaver destinations of senior phase pupils (target based on % in positive destinations) |
98.3% |
98.9% |
data not yet available |
98.3% |
96.7% |
99% |
99% |
*2021/22 No Education Scotland Inspections
Appendix 2: Scottish Attainment Challenge Stretch Aims and Core Stretch Aims
NIF Measure |
ACEL Data Literacy combined |
Overall Levels |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
80% |
62% |
88% |
26% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
84% |
65% |
89% |
24% |
Improvement % (pp) |
4.0pp |
3.0pp |
1.0pp |
2.0pp |
NIF Measure |
ACEL Data Numeracy combined |
Overall Levels |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
86% |
74% |
91% |
17% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
87% |
77% |
92% |
15% |
Improvement % (pp) |
1.0pp |
3.0pp |
1.0pp |
2.0pp |
Measure |
Proportion of school leavers attaining 1 or more pass at SCQF 5 |
Overall Levels |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
97% |
96% |
98.9% |
2.8% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
98% |
98% |
99% |
1% |
Improvement % |
1.0pp |
2.0pp |
0.2pp |
1.8pp |
Measure |
Proportion of school leavers attaining 1 or more pass at SCQF 6 |
Overall Levels |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
85% |
70.7% |
91.6% |
20.9% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
86% |
74% |
92% |
18% |
Improvement % |
1.0pp |
3.3pp |
0.4pp |
2.9pp |
Measure |
Annual Participation Measure (APM) for 16–19-year-olds |
Overall Levels |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level |
96.8% |
90.4% |
98.3% |
7.9% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
97.5% |
91.6% |
98.5% |
6.9% |
Improvement % |
0.7pp |
1.2pp |
0.2pp |
1.0pp |
NIF Measure |
Health & Wellbeing: Attendance rates for children and young people in primary schools (Status 01 pupils) |
Total |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current level2020/21 |
94.2% |
92.0% |
95.4% |
3.4% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
95% |
94.0% |
95.8% |
1.8% |
Improvement % |
0.8pp |
2,0pp |
0.4pp |
1.6pp |
NIF Measure |
Health & Wellbeing: Attendance rates for children and young people in secondary schools (Status 01 pupils) |
Total |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current level 2020/21 |
96.7% |
94.3% |
97.5% |
3.2% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
97% |
95.5% |
97.7% |
2.2% |
Improvement % |
0.3pp |
1.2pp |
0.2pp |
1.0pp |
Exclusion rates for looked after young people in secondary schools. Exclusions are measured in terms of the number of incidents per 1,000 pupils. Using the per 1,000 pupil rate allows for comparisons between pupil populations of different sizes. For example, in 2020/21 there were 15 exclusion incidents involving secondary pupils in Quintile 1 and 27 incidents involving secondary pupils in Quintile 5. At first sight, this might suggest that Quintile 5 pupils were almost twice as likely to be excluded as Quintile 1 pupils. However, there were only 756 secondary pupils in Quintile 1 and 3,720 secondary pupils in Quintile 5. Using the rate per 1,000 pupils shows that Quintile 1 pupils were more likely to be excluded than Quintile 5 pupils - see data below.
Measure |
Exclusions for looked after young people in secondary schools |
Overall level |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
138.3 per 1000 pupils |
172.4 per 1000 pupils |
52.6 per 1000 pupils |
119.8 per 1000 pupils |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
130 per 1000 pupils |
165.5 per 1000 pupils |
49.8 per 1000 pupils |
115.7 per 1000 pupils |
Improvement per 1000 pupils |
8.3 per 1000 pupils |
6.9 per 1000 pupils |
2.8 per 1000 pupils |
4.1 per 1000 pupils |
Title |
2021/22 Value |
2022/23 Target |
Improvement |
Uptake of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) provision for eligible 2-year-olds |
56% |
60% |
4.0pp |
Title |
2021/22 Value |
2022/23 Target |
Improvement |
Number of families accessing 1:1 supports |
275 |
290 |
15 |
Number of families participating in the Triple P Fear-Less |
33 |
40 |
7 |
Number of families participating in the Triple P Group |
42 |
50 |
8 |
Number of families referred through the RFA process |
174 |
180 |
2 |
Number of families who self-refer |
28 |
35 |
7 |
Improvement in parent/carer confidence (based on data from the Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scale, total intensity score) |
75 |
80 |
5 |
Measure |
Attendance for looked after young people in secondary schools |
Overall level |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2021/21 |
91.5% |
90.2% |
93.4% |
3.2% |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
94% |
92.2% |
94% |
1.8% |
Improvement % |
2.5pp |
2.0pp |
0.6pp |
1.4pp |
Measure |
Exclusions for looked after young people in secondary schools |
Overall level |
SIMD Quintile 1 |
SIMD Quintile 5 |
Gap (Q5-Q1) |
Current Level 2020/21 |
138.3 per 1000 pupils |
172.4 per 1000 pupils |
52.6 per 1000 pupils |
119.8 per 1000 pupils |
Stretch aim for 2022/23 |
130 per 1000 pupils |
165.5 per 1000 pupils |
49.8 per 1000 pupils |
115.7 per 1000 pupils |
Improvement per 1000 pupils |
8.3 per 1000 pupils |
6.9 per 1000 pupils |
2.8 per 1000 pupils |
4.1 per 1000 pupils |
Title |
Number of schools |
Current Value |
Target by June 2023 |
% Improvement |
Number of primary, secondary and ASN schools |
42 |
12 |
42 |
71.5pp |