
21/22 Performance indicators

PI Title 2021/22 2021/22  
  Status Value Target
Attendance levels of Looked After Children attending all EDC schools below target 86% 93%
Exclusion rates of Looked After Children attending all EDC schools target achieved 146 220
Number of parents participating in the Triple P programme target achieved 258 180
% of those supported by employability programme into employment target achieved 55% 50%
% of those supported by employability programme moving into and sustaining employment for 6 months below target 67% 91%
Attendance rates in secondary schools (%) in progress 91.1% 93%
Attendance rates in primary schools (%) in progress 94.91% 95%
Exclusion rates of young people in secondary schools (days lost) target achieved 175.5 200
Exclusion rates of children in primary schools (days lost) target achieved 34.5 40