Important announcement


Roads signs are provided to assist motorists to reach their destinations quickly and safely.

Roads signs provide directions, warn of road hazards and advise of speed limits and regulations that must be adhered to.

Road signs can usually be grouped into one of the following categories:

  • Warning Signs - usually triangular and advise of hazards
  • Regulatory Signs - usually with red circles eg speed limit signs
  • Directional Signs - usually rectangular with destinations
  • Tourist Signs - usually brown with tourist information eg visitor attractions.

Location of Signs

The Council has a partial decision in where to erect new road signs, but has to follow Government Regulations on the design of the signs, where they can be erected and whether they must be illuminated.

Maintenance and Repair of Signs

East Dunbartonshire Council has a budget of approximately £50,000 per year for the maintenance of existing signs and installation of new signs. After a sign has been identified for renewal/repair, the sign will be manufactured and installed within four to six weeks, depending on manufacturing timescales.

Reporting Damaged Signs

If you wish to report a damaged sign or to enquire about a new sign to be erected please call the Contact Centre on 0300 123 4510. You can also report a fault online

Advertising Signs

Permission must be obtained from the Planning Authority before any signs can be erected within East Dunbartonshire.

Any signs erected without permission will be removed and could result in a fine being issued.

In some instances permission will be granted to erect signs eg charity events. Please call the Contact Centre on 0300 123 4510 and ask for the Planning Authority who will advise on whether permission will be granted.

Tourist Information Signs

Signs can be erected to advise visitors of Tourist Accommodation and Attractions. The establishments must be assessed by VisitScotland before any signs can be erected.

If you wish a sign to be erected, in the first instance you must apply to VisitScotland. Once your application has been approved you then contact the Roads Service who will advise on the size, wording and the best place to erect the sign. Please note that the individual establishment must pay all associated costs with the manufacture and erection of the signs. There is no fixed charge as cost can vary depending on the size of the sign required.


East Dunbartonshire Council under The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, has a statutory obligation to provide, maintain and erect road signs in order to provide a safe environment for residents and visitors.