Important announcement

Generally planning applications, planning enforcement and building standards decisions are made by the Council's Planning Board.

Members of the public can attend the Planning Board meetings which usually take place on a Tuesday evening every six weeks. You can find out when the meetings take place via the Council’s Calendar of Meetings.

If you are unhappy with the decision made on your planning application you can either; appeal or request a review using the eplanning system.

Options available to you will be explained on your decision notice. You can only appeal or request to review a decision if:

  • You are the applicant
  • The application is refused
  • The application is approved, but subject to conditions you feel are unsuitable
  • The authority has not made a decision within a set period
  • It is within three months of the date of the decision notice
  • It is within the two-month expiry period allowed to assess the application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Updated details to follow shortly.

If a planning application is a major development, with a number of objections, the Planning Board may hold a Planning Hearing which means that the application will be discussed and considered by the Planning Board and the Director of Development and Regeneration.

Policy matters are considered at the Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets Committee.

Reviews are made by a Local Review Body a committee made up of at least three elected members. To request a review, you should submit a Notice of Review with:

Appeals are dealt with by the Scottish Government's Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA). Further information on how the appeal system works can be found on the DPEA website.