Climate Action Plan (CAP) Newsletters

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If you would like to receive our quarterly newsletters, which share developments about the Climate Action Plan and other related work, please email the Sustainability Policy Team at or call 0300 123 4510. 

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Autumn 24

Welcome to the 13th edition of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) newsletter, which provides an update on key climate change developments following our Summer 2024 edition.

Climate Change Overview

Global Temperature Trend

July 2024 ended a 13-month streak of record-breaking months for global average temperature as it registered as the second-warmest July globally on record, after the record set in 2023 [opens in new window].

COP 29 Climate Change Conference Scheduled for November

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 29) is scheduled to take place from 11-22 November in Azerbaijan [opens in a new window].  It will bring together countries from around the world, aimed at enhancing their efforts to combat climate change.

Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024

The Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024 has been brought into law after receiving Royal Assent in August [opens in a new window[ .The law requires Scottish Ministers to develop and publish a circular economy strategy, set targets and enhance waste reduction, recycling and management efforts. This will support the delivery of the East Dunbartonshire Circular Economy Strategy, which can be viewed on the Council website here.

FREE Community Climate Emergency Training

If you are interested in FREE training to learn about the causes and impacts of climate change and solutions to combat it, you can find out more online on the eventbright page [opens in a new window]. We are holding training sessions throughout 2024, with online and in-person sessions available where you can gain Carbon Literacy certification.

Per Capita Emissions in East Dunbartonshire Second Lowest in Scotland

East Dunbartonshire has the second lowest per capita emissions out of the 32 council areas in Scotland. The most recent data set released by the UK Government, covering 2022, also showed that East Dunbartonshire’s emissions hit their lowest level since records began in 2005.

Climate Action Plan (CAP) & Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

The draft version of the Council’s LHEES is provisionally scheduled to go to Council on 26 September, subject to agreement on the agenda, to seek approval for a public consultation. If the Draft LHEES is approved, the consultation would be scheduled to begin in October and the finalised version of the strategy and accompanying delivery plan would go to Council soon afterwards. Work is also progressing on the CAP and the draft version is expected to be reported to Council within the coming months.

Over to You

BetterPoints App Launch

The Council has teamed up with BetterPoints to encourage sustainable transportation – train, bus, cycling, walking – to help promote better health and wellbeing, active travel and efforts to tackle climate change. The app allows participants to earn points that can be spent at participating local businesses, redeemed for vouchers at major retailers or donated to charity. To learn more about the app, and how to download, please visit the Council’s website here.

Get Involved in Scotland’s Climate Week 2024 – September 23-29

Scotland’s Climate Week takes place from 23-29 September [opens in a new window]. Every year since the inaugural Climate Week in 2016, communities from across Scotland have come together to celebrate and encourage climate action. For inspiration on sustainable actions that you can take to participate in Scotland’s Climate Week, visit the Net Zero Network website here [opens in a new window] or view the Climate Week toolkit here [opens in a new window].

Please email any comments or enquiries to


Summer 24

Welcome to the 12th edition of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) newsletter, which provides an update on key climate change developments following our Spring 2024 edition.

Climate Change Overview

Global Temperature Trends

The world experienced the warmest March and April on record in 2024, which were the 10th and 11th consecutive months of record-breaking temperatures respectively. The global surface air temperature this March was 0.10°C higher than the previous record set in March 20161, while April was 0.14°C higher than the previous record set in April 2016.2

Scotland Announces Changes to Emission Target Date

In April, the Scottish Government announced the removal of the 2030 target date to cut 75% of all emissions, although the target date of Net Zero by 2045 will remain in place. Instead of annual and interim targets, carbon emissions are expected to be measured every five years in a carbon budget system similar to England and Wales. The Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, Màiri McAllan - who retained her portfolio in First Minister John Swinney’s cabinet - is expected to announce further details on this new approach in the coming months.

Green Business Support Grant

The Green Business Support Grant is now LIVE for new applications until 20 December 2024. The grant can be used to fund support that will help a business make progress towards net zero carbon emissions and result in long-term sustained reductions in energy bills. Find out more about the grant and how to apply here (link opens in new window).

FREE Community Climate Emergency Online Training

The second round of Climate Emergency Training includes training sessions in June, July and August. If you are interested in FREE training to learn about causes and impacts of climate change, and solutions to combat it and achieving Carbon Literacy certification, please visit the webpage (link opens in new window). The training will be conducted in two 2.5-hour live online sessions, in combination with some self-study work.

East Dunbartonshire’s First Climate Ready Park

Work on the green infrastructure project at Woodhill and Etive Parks in Bishopbriggs began in April 2024. This project will incorporate food growing spaces, and measures to improve biodiversity and to protect against the effects of climate change - making it the first Climate Ready Park in East Dunbartonshire. The first phase is expected to be completed by the winter of 2024.

Community Grants Scheme

The next round of the Council's Community Grants Scheme will be open from 1-26 July 2024. Community groups can apply for a wide range of not-for-profit projects that bring benefits to the residents of East Dunbartonshire and could be used to enhance sustainability in your neighbourhood. Some sustainability project ideas could range from native species planters to help pollinators to funding supplies for a community litter clean-up event. Find out more about the grant scheme and how to apply by visiting the webpage (link opens in new window).

Provost’s Community Champion Awards

Nominate a community member for the Provost’s Community Champion Awards to recognise those who make an outstanding contribution to their community. Anyone can be nominated for one of the seven categories - including Sustainability Champion - as long as they live, work or attend school or college in East Dunbartonshire. The closing date for nominations is Thursday 6 June. Learn more about the awards by visiting the webpage (link opens in new window).

A Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuel generated electricity in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland) fell to a record low in April. On 15 April 2024, for one hour only, 2.4% of British electricity was generated by fossil fuels. Wind power was the largest source of energy in April, providing over 35% of electricity.

The G7 Nations (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK and the US) agreed to phase out coal use by 2035, or on a timeline consistent to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C. This is the first time that the term “phase-out” has explicitly been used.

Climate Action Plan (CAP) & Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

Further progress was made on the development of the Draft CAP. Various actions in the Programme Plan were completed and several sections of the CAP are being drafted to allow for the Draft CAP to be taken to Council in 2024, prior to public consultation. The process to develop the Vision, Themes and Objectives has been shared with consultants for them to provide critical feedback through a Strategic Environmental Assessment Stage 1 Report.

Further work on the non-domestic report on the LHEES was undertaken to continue to progress the Draft LHEES which will be brought to Council in 2024 prior to public consultation being carried out.

Over to You

Seasonal Foods for a Sustainable Summer

Buy in-season produce from local vendors to reduce the emissions from long haul shipments. Some produce in-season for Scotland in the summer months are:

  • June: celery, peas, strawberries, red currants, asparagus
  • July: beetroot, blueberries, plums, rhubarb
  • August: brambles, peas, potatoes

Visit the Nutrition Scotland website (external link opens in new window) for a full list of produce in-season throughout the year.

Please email any comments or enquiries to


Spring 24

Welcome to the 11th edition of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) news letter, which provides an update on key climate change developments following our winter 2023/2024 edition.

Climate Change Overview

Recent Trends

The world experienced the warmest January and February on record in 2024 for both surface air temperatures and sea surface temperatures, while also being the ninth record-breaking month in a row for the respective month of the year1 . Sea surface temperatures have also been at a record high for ten consecutive months2 , while ocean temperatures broke records for the 365th consecutive day.

1 See Copernicus [opens in a new window] website for further information on the warmest January in record.
See February ends with extreme and unusual heat [opens in a new window]  on the World Meteorological organisation website.

Climate Action Plan (CAP) & Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

The themes of the Council’s draft CAP and a renewed governance structure are being developed to allow a draft CAP, which will be taken to Council in 2024, to foster sustainability and emissions reductions across Council decision making while setting out ways in which the Council will deliver its net zero targets. Similarly, the LHEES will be taken to Council in 2024 to allow the Council to take a strategic approach to heat decarbonisation and fuel poverty alleviation.

Business Support Grant

As reported in the last edition of the CAP Newsletter, the Council’s Green Business Support Grant, which will offer a grant of up to £10,000 to help to reduce energy bills and make progress towards net zero emissions for businesses that have undertaken a business energy audit. You can find out more including how to apply at the Council’s website.

Over to You

FREE Community Carbon Literacy Training

Thirty-two people have undergone East Dunbartonshire’s FREE accredited Community Carbon Literacy Training in 2024. This is in addition to the seven people who attended the online introductory session for the first round of training. A second round of training commences in May, with up nine sessions and over 100 more spaces available of FULLYFUNDED training, including the comprehensive train the trainer courses, so please spread the word!

The second round of training will be a mix of online and in person sessions, and they will be made available for
booking through Eventbrite. For more information on the training throughout 2024, please contact

The Climate Change Committee – Sustainable Living Tips

View The Climate Change Committee website and see the compiled resources to help people to live more sustainably [opens in a new window].

The way you travel

  • Choose to walk and cycle or take public transport in preference to a car, or car share
  • If possible, make your next car an electric one, and then charge it ‘smartly’
  • Minimis e flying  especially long-haul, where possible

What you eat and buy

  • Eat a healthy diet, for example with less beef, lamb and dairy
  • Eliminate food waste as far as possible and make sure that you use separate food waste collections
  • Choose good quality products that will last, use them for longer and try to repair before you replace
  • Share rather than buy items like power tools that you don’t use frequently

In your home

  • Improve the energy efficiency of your home – i.e. insulation draughtproofing, LED lightbulbs and appliances with high efficiency
  • Set thermostats no higher than 19°C and the water temperature in heating systems no higher than 55°
  • Consider switching to a low-carbon heating system such as a heat pump
  • Install smart meters for utilities and to identify inefficiencies

What else?

  • Look for changes that you can make in your workplace or school to reduce emissions and support your colleagues to make changes too
  • If you’re in a flood risk area sign up to flood warnings locally and having flood equipment to hand


Winter 23

Welcome to the 10th edition of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) newsletter, which provides an update on key climate change developments following our Autumn 2023 edition.

Climate Change Overview

COP 28

A new deal has been agreed at the UN climate summit COP28 which was held in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023 [opens in a new window]. The deal calls on all countries to move away from the use of fossil fuels - but not to phase them out, which many governments had called for. It also recognises the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions in emissions if humanity is to limit a global average temperature increase to 1.5C.

Climate Action Plan & Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

Since Council approved the Evidence and Options report of the CAP, as detailed in the last edition, progress on the CAP and LHEES’ development has continued with a draft of each expected to be taken to Council in the first half of 2024.

General Sustainability Updates

Traffic Free Schools

A Traffic-Free Schools pilot project was introduced at four schools across East Dunbartonshire to improve road safety, improve air quality and improve the surrounding environment outside of schools for pupils, carers and neighbouring residents. The pilot project began on 20 November 2023 and will run until 20 December 2024. Find out more on our traffic-free-schools webpage.

Over To You

Business Support Grant

East Dunbartonshire Council will be launching the Green Business Support Grant, which is designed to help businesses make long term sustained reductions in their energy bills and make progress towards net zero objectives. Up to £10,000 is available and can be used to fund anything that contributes to these targets. The support will only be available to businesses that have acquired a business energy audit (please speak with a Business Gateway adviser if you require this). More information is to follow.

FREE Community Carbon Literacy Training

The first round of training is provisionally set for 25 January, and the 6, 22 and 27 February. Keep Scotland Beautiful will be contacting community groups imminently. A 1-hour introductory session will take place on the 23 January which will be online. The locations of the sessions are spread across Kirkintilloch, Bishopbriggs, Lennoxtown and Milngavie. Keep an eye on social media posts and our website for venue details and how to sign up. To find out more, contact

Reduce your Xmas Waste

At this time of year around 30% more waste is generated. Each year, over 1 billion Christmas cards are thrown away; 50,000 trees are cut down for wrapping paper, and around 12 million tonnes of plastic are wasted. Find out 24 ways to reduce your waste this Christmas on the Government website [opens in a new window].


Autumn 2023

Welcome to the 9th edition of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) newsletter which provides an update on key climate change developments following our Summer edition.

Climate Change Overview

Recent Global Trends

June, July, August and September 2023 have smashed temperature records, with September temperatures being described as ‘off-the charts’ at 1.75°C hotter than pre-industrial levels – the hottest in 174 years of climate data keeping [opens in a new window]. These observed temperatures put 2023 on track to be the hottest year on record.

Antarctic winter sea ice was the lowest on record for this time of year while the average sea surface temperatures for September over the ocean areas excluding the north and south poles (known as the extrapolar area - from 60°S to 60°N) reached 20.92°C – a record for September and the second highest across all months, only behind August 2023.

Since El Niño, a pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean that occurs every two to seven years, is still developing, we can expect a continuation of these trends in the future.

Local Trends

October has seen exceptionally heavy rainfall across Scotland, with flooding across Greenock, Dumbarton, Aberfoyle and Grangemouth, and more recently Storm Babet has caused significant flooding to civic infrastructure and properties, mainly affecting the East coast [opens in a new window]. In East Dunbartonshire, key networks were disrupted by heavy rainfall which flooded roads and drainage systems [opens in a new window] . While it is complicated to say that specific events are purely a result of human induced climate change, it is well documented that climate change will continue to make flooding more frequent and intense across Scotland [opens in a new window].

General Sustainability Updates

A reminder that you can become Carbon Literacy Certified with our FREE Carbon Literacy Training programme for members of community groups in East Dunbartonshire. Funded by the UK Government through the Shared Prosperity Fund the programme will run until March 2025. To express an interest and find out more details, contact sustainability@ or visit our news page Help to create the climate for change.

Local Development Plan 3 Early Engagement

As part of gathering evidence and data for the Evidence Report for the emerging LDP3, the Council will soon be commencing a series of public engagement and consultation events, likely to take place in late 2023 and early 2024. For further information keep an eye on the News section on the Councils website or contact development.plan@

Budget Consultation

Have your say! The Council has identified the cost-of-living crisis and the Climate Emergency as the two biggest priorities it faces. Ahead of setting the Budget for 2024/25 in February 2024 we are carrying out a Budget consultation with residents to inform next year’s Budget. For more information, please visit our  Your Budget Priorities 2024/25 consultation page.

Climate Action Plan & Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

East Dunbartonshire Council approved the Evidence and Options stage of the CAP in September and has now agreed a net zero target of 2036 for our direct emissions (including emissions from our fleet of vehicles and buildings) and energy that we purchased (such as electricity), in addition to a target of 2045 for all other emissions including area wide. Details will be drawn up on how to deliver on these ambitious targets and included in a report that will be taken to Council in the first half of 2024.