Important announcement

Closing date


Please note, this consultation is now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted comments, got in touch and attended the drop-in session.

In terms of the Draft Historic Environment Planning Guidance, all representations received will be considered and the guidance will be updated as required. It will then be considered by the Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets Committee for final approval and publication – at which point it will be adopted as part of LDP2 and used to help determine planning applications.

In terms of the planning guidance update for Developer Contributions – School Capacities, responses will be considered and, subject to the content and no significant changes to the revised guidance being required, the updated school capacities will be published as planning guidance. The updated Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance will be submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration and approval, after which it will be adopted as part of LDP2.

Consultation is being held on two Planning Guidance updates which aim to protect the historic environment locally and to ensure appropriate developer contributions for schools.

The Council's Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee approved a report on draft amendments to guidance supporting the current Local Development Plan (LDP2) at its meeting on 17 October 2024. You can read the report by visiting the committee webpage 

Members of the public are now being invited to find out more and have a say on:

  •  Draft Historic Environment Planning Guidance
  •  Developer Contributions – School Capacities Planning Guidance (update).

You can make comments or request further information by sending an email to Development Planning before 13 December 2024 –

Draft Historic Environment Planning Guidance

The draft Historic Environment Planning Guidance provides detailed advice to developers and others approaching the Council with development proposals which would potentially impact the historic environment.

It merges and updates the current Historic Environment and Archaeology guidance documents.

Please note, the proposed revisions aim to update the practical guidance relating to the determination of planning applications – no changes to local designations are proposed.

You can find out more about the updated guidance by visiting our online StoryMap.

Roman baths

Developer Contributions – School Capacities planning guidance update

To ensure that new housing developments do not have an adverse impact upon education capacity, contributions may be required to increase school capacity as a result of the extra demand for school places.

The following schools will now require contributions (having not previously):

  • Boclair Academy
  • Douglas Academy
  • St Ninian’s High
  • Turnbull High
  • Bearsden Primary School
  • Meadowburn Primary School
  • Millersneuk Primary School
  • Killermont Primary School.

Please note that the update to school capacities will be separated from the main Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance document and published as non-statutory planning guidance. This will ensure that any required future updates can be carried out more effectively.

For full information, please see the Documents section of this webpage – which includes the Supplementary Guidance on Developer Contributions and the separate planning guidance on Developer Contributions – School Capacities.

You can make comments or request further information by sending an email to Development Planning before 13 December 2024 –

Alternatively, you can write to Land Planning Policy, East Dunbartonshire Council, Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, G66 1XQ or call 0300 123 4510.

Next steps

Draft Historic Environment Planning Guidance

Following consultation, officers will consider representations and update the guidance as required. It will then be considered by the Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets Committee for final approval and publication – at which point it will be adopted as part of LDP2 and used to help determine planning applications.

Developer Contributions – School Capacities planning guidance update

Following consultation, officers will consider responses and, subject to the content and no significant changes to the revised guidance being required, publish the updated school capacities as planning guidance and submit the updated Developer Contributions Supplementary Guidance to Scottish Ministers for consideration and approval, after which it will be adopted as part of LDP2.

Consultation results will be available from this webpage in due course.

Additional information:

Consultation is also being held on a preferred Indicative Local Housing Land Requirement for East Dunbartonshire as part of the preparation of a new Local Development Plan – LDP3. Visit the Indicative Local Housing Land Requirement – Consultation webpage before 13 December 2024.