St Mary's Parish Church, Kirkintilloch was the venue for the traditional Kirkin of the Council service (9 Oct) where Provost Gillian Renwick welcomed guests to the dedication service.
The Kirkin’ service is held when a new council is elected and is attended by Councillors, Senior Council Officers and invited guests of the Provost.
Rev Dr Ruth Morrison presided over the service where Councillors and Officers pledged to serve the people of East Dunbartonshire and over the next political term.
Provost Renwick said, “As the new Provost, I was delighted to uphold the long-standing tradition of the Kirkin of the Council on behalf of the Elected Members of East Dunbartonshire Council. It is an important moment to reflect on the responsibility that comes with a life in public office and I'd like to thank Rev Dr Morrison for a beautiful and thought-provoking service. My thanks also to the Kirk Session and congregation for the warm welcome."
Readings were given by Provost Renwick and Depute Provost Colette McDiarmid and following the service all those attending were welcomed to join the Provost in the church hall for refreshments.
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Find out more about the role of the Civic Office on the Council website.