Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Development Plan Scheme 2024

  • Responsible Officer:

    Stewart McNally, Team Leader - Land Planning Policy

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


Background and Context

  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide details of the Development Plan Scheme 2024, which is an updated version of the Development Plan Scheme 2023.  A Development Plan Scheme (DPS) sets out the planning authority’s programme for preparing and reviewing its Local Development Plan (LDP).
  2. The DPS is an important communication tool.  It supports deliverable and people-focused plans by letting stakeholders know when and how they can get involved in the plan and keep them informed of progress.  It is part of the wider project management of development planning.  The DPS is especially important for achieving collaboration, helping stakeholders manage their responsibilities and input.
  3. Each planning authority must prepare a DPS at least annually.  They are required by the Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (“The Regulations) to include:
  • proposed timetabling;
  • proposed timings for various stages of LDP plan preparation, by specifying the proposed year and quarter.  The stages which require to be covered are:
      • publication of the Evidence Report;
      • publication of the Proposed Plan;
      • submission of the Proposed Plan to the Scottish Ministers; and
      • expected adoption of the LDP.
  • details of what is involved in each stage of preparation or review; and
  • a Participation Statement.  This should outline when consultation is likely to take place, with whom and its likely form, including the steps to be taken to involve the public.
  1. The timetable for the Local Development Plan preparation process is structured around seven key stages:
  • Stage 1 - Early Preparation including initial publicity and engagement
  • Stage 2 - Evidence Report Preparation
  • Stage 3 - Independent Gatecheck
  • Stage 4 - Proposed Plan Preparation
  • Stage 5 - Examination
  • Stage 6 - Adoption
  • Stage 7 - Monitoring and Delivery
  1. A copy of the updated DPS is attached to this report as Appendix 1.  It provides additional details of what will be involved at each of the above stages.

Key updates from 2023

  1. The overall approach to preparing the LDP3 has not changed substantially from the 2023 version.  However, there have been a number of updates to the timetable in relation to the expected completion date of key stages.  A summary of updates is as follows:
  • Planning Guidance section amended to reflect the adoption of Antonine Wall Supplementary Guidance effective December 2023;
  • Future Planning Context section amended to reflect introduction of the Local Development Planning Regulations 2023;
  • Timescale for the ‘Evidence Report Preparation’ stage updated to reflect the new anticipated completion month of March 2025, rather than previous timescale of September 2024;
  • Timescale for the ‘Gatecheck’ stage updated to reflect the new anticipated completion month of July 2025, rather than the previous timescale of April 2025; and
  • Removal of ‘Work Programme 2023/24’ section, as the tasks included in this section have been substantially completed.  Any outstanding tasks have been incorporated into the main timetable.

Reasons for Changes to Timetable

  1. The 2023 DPS stated that the work timetable was based on best estimates at the early stage of the LDP3 process and that it was expected that the timetable would change.  Since the DPS 2023 was published, there have been a number of factors that have impacted on the work programme and expected timescales for elements of the LDP3 preparation process.  

These include:

  • The introduction by the Scottish Government of Development Planning Regulations (and accompanying Local Development Planning Guidance) in 2023, which sets out more detailed requirements and expectations;
  • Internal resourcing issues which had impacted on the ability to complete necessary data gathering, analysis, appraisal work and assessments within the previous timescale; and
  • The recent publication of Gatecheck reports for other planning authorities, which has provided valuable insight and best practice, requiring thorough analysis.
  1. It is important to note that the above changes to the DPS timetable do not impact upon the overall adoption date of February 2028.  Sufficient flexibility has been built into the timetable so that it can absorb amendments to individual stages.
  1. The updated DPS will be published on the Planning section of the Council’s website and copies will be placed in each public library for reference.  Copies will also be sent to Scottish Ministers as required by the Regulations
  1. The Regulations also require planning authorities to seek the views of the public on the content of the Participation Statement.  To meet this requirement, a period of public consultation was carried out between May and June 2023.  The outcomes of this consultation helped inform the Participation Statement.  As there have been no updates to planned public participation and engagement arrangement since this time, it has not been necessary to carry out further public consultation.