Technical Notes 2023, Issues 57 - Business Improvement Districts Update

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Business Improvement Districts Update
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Holland, Executive Officer – Land Planning & Development, 0141 578 8524
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members on work related to Business Improvement Districts (BID) in East Dunbartonshire.
  2. The approved East Dunbartonshire Economic Recovery Plan and the sub set of town centre strategies have identified the importance of business and community led models such as BIDs, to assist in the delivery of town centre regeneration and local economic development.  BIDs that are run well and deliver, represent a good return on Council grant contributions and business levy payments, as effective ways of improving the vitality and viability of town centres for local traders, local communities and visitors.
  3. A BID is part of a town, tourism and visitor area, commercial district, or specific theme (such as food and drink), in which businesses work together to invest in local improvements.  BIDs are created through the development of a costed Business Plan, which sets out what will be delivered and how a BID will be run over a 5-year period.  A BID can only exist if there is support from a clear majority of local businesses, and this is done via a ballot of businesses within an identified area.  The management of a BID and projects are paid for by businesses through a compulsory BID levy charge to businesses within the identified BID area, and in many instances additional grant support from the local authority.

Milngavie BID

  1. The Milngavie BID has been in operation since 2014 and is now in its second term following a successful re-ballot in April 2019. An update was provided to Elected Members on the Milngavie BID mid-point progress review in Technical Note 2022, Issue 37 – Business Improvement Districts Update.  In order for the Milngavie BID to continue for another 5 years a further re-ballot is required, this is expected to take place in January 2024.
  2. The Milngavie BID mid-point review demonstrated a high level of satisfaction amongst businesses and good progress of the delivery of the Business Plan.  Projects delivered have ranged from general maintenance; shop front improvements; digital trading and online platforms; town centre promotional activity; various events; public realm strategy and delivered public realm projects.  The Milngavie BID also works closely with the Council to support improvements such as to town centre safety, business support and active travel.
  3. The Milngavie BID has established itself as a high performing BID, which is highly effective in delivering a range of initiatives to support town centre businesses, town centre improvements and resilience.  The Council currently supports the Milngavie BID financially with an annual £30,000 contribution.  This contribution together with the business levy income a small BID such as this can generate, creates a budget large enough to fund the associated management costs and deliver town centre initiatives and improvements.
  4. Officers will work closely with the Milngavie BID Manager and Board over 2023 as they develop the proposed Business Plan for the third term and prepare for a re-ballot. 
  5. A report to the appropriate Committee later in 2023 will confirm the exact re-ballot date together with the emerging vision and objectives for the next Business Plan and any request for continued Council financial support.

The Kirkintilloch BID

  1. The need for business led activity and a vehicle such as a BID for Kirkintilloch town centre, was identified specifically in the Kirkintilloch Town Centre Masterplan (approved 2013) and more recently through community led consultation by the Kirkintilloch Community Council (2018-2019).
  2. A Kirkintilloch BID Steering Group formed in 2019 and received £20,000 seed-corn grant support from both Scottish Towns Partnerships (the national agency for BIDs) and the Council to develop a Business Plan for an eventual ballot. COVID-19 delayed progress as well as some operational difficulties within the Steering Group.  Since October 2022 there has been change in the Chair of the Steering Group and its wider membership, and additional project management resource.  This change has been made to revitalise the project and there is renewed focus on achieving a ballot, which is expected to take place in November 2023.
  3. To deliver a ballot a range of work must be undertaken by the Steering Group that includes: identifying a proposed BID boundary; focused consultation with local businesses and other relevant stakeholders; and the preparation of a Business Plan.  Proper preparation for a ballot requires effective leadership by the Steering Group and effective project management of the process, provided by a paid BID Manager who works for the Steering Group.  Reaching a ballot is in the gift of the Steering Group, and Officers will continue to provide advice and support where possible. 
  4. The Kirkintilloch BID Steering Group are in discussion with Scottish Towns Partnerships relating to additional top up seed-corn funding.  Officers will also increase Council grant funding available to the project by £10,000, which can be drawn upon by the Steering Group if required as it moves through the process to reach a ballot.  This will be funded via existing Place & Business Development Service budget lines.
  5. As with the Milngavie BID, Elected Members will be provided with a draft Business Plan and any request for long term funding support.  It is expected this will be provided in a report to the relevant Committee later in 2023.   
  6. Any specific questions on the Technical Note or BIDs generally should be directed to David Gear – Place & Business Development Manager (