Technical Notes 2023, Issue 193 - Defibrillator Project

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Defibrillator Project
Responsible Officer: 
Alan Bauer, Executive Officer, Assets and Facilities
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with an update on progress on the installation defibrillators across the Council’s Education and Operational Estate.
  2. Both phases of the project are now complete.  All internal defibrillators were installed earlier this year as the first phase of the project.  Works to install external heated cabinets on corporate buildings has now completed and devices have been deployed within these cabinets.  This completes phase 2 of the project.  Where appropriate these devices have been registered with “The Circuit”, the national defibrillator network, and are now visible on – this site provides up to date information on defibrillator locations across the UK, using data from The Circuit.
  3. Officers continue to review two locations which were approved by Council where there are defibrillators already in close proximity to the proposed locations, both of which were installed by the local community.  Those buildings are the Fraser Centre, Milngavie and Westerton Public Hall, Bearsden.  A further update will be provided on those installations in due course.
  4. In addition to the above, officers have been liaising with a former pupil of Castlehill Primary School who has raised funding to install a defibrillator within the school, with the intention that this benefits the school and the wider community 24 hours a day.  As school gates are currently locked out-with the school day, the solution for deployment of a device that will be accessible at all times is to install an external cabinet on the boundary wall of the school.  Officers have confirmed this is feasible and will look to install this cabinet in the coming weeks. 
  5. As referenced in the report considered by Council on 27th April (PNCA/043/23/AB), a review of the defibrillator project will be concluded within a 12-month period.  The potential for redeploying devices in schools from an internal location to an externally heated cabinet, accessible to the school and wider community 24 hours a day, will be one area the review will specifically focus on.  Options for re-deployment of devices will be dependent upon the outcome of the pitches strategy and future decisions around access to school facilities out-with the school day, both of which are expected to conclude early in 2024.