Technical Notes 2023, Issue 173 - Westerhill Development Road (WDR) - Ground Investigation Surveys

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Westerhill Development Road (WDR) - Ground Investigation Surveys
Responsible Officer: 
Alan Bauer, Executive Officer - Assets & Facilities
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this technical note is to notify Members of forthcoming Ground Investigation (GI) surveys, associated with the Westerhill Development Road project, which are scheduled to begin on 23rd October. The surveys will be undertaken over a 4-week period, ending on 24th November.
  2. The surveys will involve the localised excavation of ground to form trial pits and the use of a drilling rig to undertake sample boreholes across a variety of locations in the Westerhill area. 
  3. Where these are taking place on land in third party ownership, agreement has been reached with landowners to take access for this purpose.  Ground will be reinstated in full on completion of each excavation.  During the course of the surveys, an Ecologist will be in attendance to ensure the works are undertaken in-line with their agreed Method Statements and which ensure no impact to the existing ecological conditions in the survey area.
  4. In addition to trial pit / borehole sampling, a number of ground gas monitoring points will be installed and periodically inspected over the coming months to establish the presence of any naturally occurring below ground gas in the area.  These will be left in-situ after 24th November for a period of time before being removed towards the end of the year.
  5. During the course of the works, a site compound will be established at the Barrage Balloon site for the duration of the works, from 23rd October onwards.  Access to the car park for Loretto Playing fields will be uninterrupted during the period.