Technical Notes 2023, Issue 17 - Budget Consultation Findings

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Budget Consultation Findings
Responsible Officer: 
Angela Fegan, Customer, Performance & PR Manager
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The Council’s ‘Have YOUR Say’ Budget Consultation was launched on Monday 14 November and ran for four weeks until Sunday 11 December. The purpose of the consultation was to inform the Budget setting process for 2023/24.
  2. The consultation included four key sections, seeking views on: (1) the Council’s cost of living support measures and whether further measures should be considered; (2) awareness of the Climate action plan and whether further action should be considered; (3) whether there should be an increase in council tax and fees and charges to help balance the budget; and (4) views on the delivery of services in local areas.
  3. The consultation survey was available online and out-reach officers also attended a range of events and high footfall locations throughout the area during the four week period, to encourage participation.
  4. A report has been prepared providing an overview of the demographics of the respondents, the percentage make up of responses in relation to the Council’s priorities and an overview of the recurring themes in the free text responses that were submitted. 
  5. The consultation findings will be published to the consultation pages of the Council website in line with the second of the three stages of consultation outlined in our Consultation Strategy ‘we asked, you said, we did’. The findings will inform Council Budget decisions to be taken at the meeting on 23 February.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications