Technical Note 2021, Issue 66 - Decant of Milngavie Early Years Centre and Gartconner Early Years Centre over Summer 2021

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business
TN Number: 
Decant of Milngavie Early Years Centre and Gartconner Early Years Centre over Summer 2021
Responsible Officer: 
Greg Bremner, Interim Chief Education Officer
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this technical note is to inform Elected Members on proposed works to Milngavie Early Years Centre and Gartconner Early Years Centre over the summer period.  
  2. Assets have planned works for Milngavie Early Years Centre to take place on from 5th to 30th July 2021. Centre staff and children will move to Oakburn Early Years Centre during this time. The new Oakburn centre has capacity to take all children from Milngavie. To aid effective transition, children will remain with their key worker in this new location.
  3. There is also planned works taking place in Gartconner Primary School, which will affect the operation of the early years centre. These works will take place from 28th June to 16th July 2021. Centre staff and children will move to Lairdsland Early Years Centre during this time as this new centre also has capacity to provide for all children. Again, to aid effective transition, children will remain with their key worker in this site also.
  4. Contingency planning will allow these centres to accommodate all children in case of any delay to works.
  5. Communication with parents will take place this week to inform them of the contingency planning, and parents will be updated when works and associated health and safety checks are complete in both centres. 
  6. The Care Inspectorate have been informed of the works and changes of placement for all children.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications