Housing support

The aims of the Housing Support Service are:

  • To promote tenancy sustainment and prevent homelessness through the provision of person centred housing support
  • To support households during their stay in temporary accommodation
  • To assist households to settle into permanent accommodation and minimise the incidents of repeat homelessness

You will have a named support worker who will make sure that you are getting all the support that you require.

Type of support

Support offered

Help with tenancy set up

Accessing furniture including referral to Scottish Welfare Fund

Setting up utilities and direct debits

Explaining tenancy agreements & leases

Assistance with housing benefit forms/updating Universal Credit journal to update address and claim housing costs

Help with claiming welfare benefits

Practical assistance with form filling
Referrals to Welfare Rights
Liaising for vulnerable clients on back dating benefit claims

Safety and Security

Assistance to tackle the poor condition of properties
Advice on fuel poverty
Resettlement support to victims of domestic violence etc

Assistance with developing budgeting, domestic life skills

Delivering resettlement training for homeless households
Jointly delivering parenting classes
Advice and support on maintaining a property in good condition

Assistance with developing social skills and behaviour management

Supporting clients to address underlying issues
Promoting positive interaction and behaviour

General counselling/emotional support

Providing a listening ear and intervening during time of crisis
Facilitating access to specialist agencies

Advice and Liaison

Providing advice on any housing, social, legal or financial issue
Liaising on a client’s behalf with a range of agencies