How to get help
If you are having difficulty paying your rent please contact your local Housing Office immediately. An affordable and realistic arrangement can be made to help you pay off any arrears.
The amount you pay will depend on your income and other expenditure.
We can also put you in touch with a Welfare Rights Officer who will help you claim any benefits to which you may be entitled. The officer will give you advice on the best way to plan your finances.
Legal action
If you do not make an arrangement to pay off rent arrears, or if you fail to keep to an arrangement which you have made, the Council will take court action. This enables us to arrest your wages or to evict you from your home. As well as the outstanding rent arrears, you may also be liable to pay the legal expenses incurred in taking court action, which could amount to several hundreds of pounds.
Dealing with other debts
There are services available to help you with other debts you may have. We recommend that you sort out your money problems by seeking advice and assistance as quickly as possible.
Citizens Advice Bureau
11 Alexandra Street
Kirkintilloch G66 1HB
Telephone 0141 775 3220