Westerhill Regeneration Area – Draft Planning Guidance Consultation

** This consultation closed on 6 May 2024. Thanks to everyone who took the time to find out more and to get involved. All responses and feedback are being collated and analysed. For more information, visit the City Deal section of the website (link opens in new window). **


Consultation is taking place to help support investment, economic activity and the creation of jobs in Bishopbriggs.Overhead view of the Westerhill area

Planning guidance has been developed for the 300-hectare Westerhill Regeneration Area.

Views are being sought on the draft guidance, which will provide a Masterplan to direct future growth, attract new investment and deliver long-term employment opportunities.

The project is part of East Dunbartonshire Council's £34.88 million Place and Growth Programme – supported by £15 million each from the UK and Scottish Governments through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.

The Masterplan is a long-term, overall framework for the development of "land parcels" and will be used for future planning applications. It has been shaped by public consultation in April/May 2023, as well as site investigations, surveys and work with agencies, landowners and local businesses.

A range of documents are available below and from the Documents section of this webpage. Printed copies will also be available from Bishopbriggs Library:

WRA Planning Guidance
WRA Appendix H - Delivery Plan
WRA Appendix H - Maps
WRA Environmental Sustainability Plan
WRA SEA Environmental Report
WRA SEA Post Adoption Statement

If you have any comments please email citydeal@eastdunbarton.gov.uk by 6 May 2024.

Long-term objectives of the Masterplan, subject to external funding being secured, include:

  • The protection and enhancement of the High and Low Moss areas, and peat soil
  • The creation of green links, and health and wellbeing improvements via path accessibility, active travel, public transport and open spaces
  • Road improvements
  • A potential mix of uses – such as business, research and development, manufacturing and outdoor leisure.
  • The refurbishment of vacant buildings and improvements to the existing Westerhill Industrial Estate

The City Deal programme – in conjunction with Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Glasgow City Council – will see an integrated approach toCity Deal logo improve infrastructure within East Dunbartonshire and the north of Glasgow, with three main elements:

  • Bishopbriggs Town Centre Regeneration
  • Delivery of the Westerhill Development Road and a Masterplan for Westerhill
  • Improvements to the A803 Route Corridor.

You can also visit the City Deal section of our website (link opens in new window).

Once adopted the Westerhill planning guidance will become part of the current Local Development Plan.