Bishopbriggs Town Centre Regeneration

This project element of the Council’s City Deal Place and Growth Programme will play a key role in the regeneration of Bishopbriggs town centre to create an easily accessible, vital (full of reasons for people to visit) and viable (attractive to both visitors and investors in the longer term) town centre, with a high quality environment that is sustainable over the long term and meets the needs of the community and its partners. This will be enabled through: improvements to the wider public realm and physical environment; enhanced options for transport connections; and creation of new business incubation space. 

The project will be largely informed by the Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan (PRP) and the Council’s City Deal Team (with support from other relevant services) and aims to initiate and lead (oversee) the delivery of the PRP for Bishopbriggs town centre by adopting the actions implicit within East Dunbartonshire Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP), the emerging LDP2 and the Bishopbriggs Town Centre Strategy (TCS). The PRP will deliver a preferred option for the town centre that can be taken forward as part of City Deal.

Bishopbriggs Library and Signage     Bishopbriggs triangle - Costa coffee with the empty office spaces above

Another important element of the project will be establishing opportunities to improve networks across the town’s existing commercial, industrial and environmental assets. Currently, the A803 Kirkintilloch Road dissects the town and creates a barrier to development. The project will endeavour to somewhat overcome this, uniting and linking the town across the A803 Kirkintilloch Road, as well as developing a seamless connection between active travel and public transport.

The project’s creation of new business incubation space will encourage inward investment, and help local businesses and budding entrepreneurs to success, by giving them access to space they need to grow.

In doing the above, the project will create opportunities for an enhanced physical and socio-economic network between Glasgow City Centre, Bishopbriggs and the wider East Dunbartonshire area, in line with wider City Deal objectives.

Bishopbriggs Civic Space

An online exhibition was published in June 2023, which presented designs for the new Civic Space in Bishopbriggs town centre.

These were available to view on 17 June 2023 in BetterBriggs Community Garden (at the Triangle Shopping Centre, next to St Matthew's Church) – where the new Civic Space will be created.

For more information, visit the archived page (link opens in new window).


Ceara Pimley
Team Leader
City Deal

Supporting Documents