Council Tax Reduction appeals

Decisions about your Council Tax Reduction

When we make a decision about your Council Tax Reduction we send you a decision notice telling you about the decision.

The notice we send you tells you how we have calculated your entitlement to Council Tax Reduction; the income and savings we have used; the deductions we are taking for other people living with you; and the amount of Council Tax Reduction (if any) you are entitled to receive each week.

You must check the information on the decision notice carefully and tell us immediately if any of the details on the notice are wrong or if anything is missing.

Further information on the following below

What if you think the decision we have made is wrong?
Requesting a review
If there a time limit for requesting a review?
What happens when we receive a request for a review?
What if I am still unhappy with the Council Tax Reduction decision after the review? 
How do I appeal to the Local Taxation Chamber?
Is there a time limit for appealing to the Local Taxation Chamber?
Do I still have to pay my Council Tax whilst my appeal is being decided?
Need more Information?



What if you think the decision we have made is wrong?

Ask us to explain

If you receive a Council Tax Reduction decision notice and you think something is wrong or missing you can ask us to explain.

  • E-mail us at;
  • Write to us at the Revenues and Benefits Team, William Patrick Library, 2-4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1AD; or
  • telephone us on 0800 901057  

We will give you an explanation of the decision.

Requesting a review

If you disagree with a decision we have made about your Council Tax Reduction you can ask us to look at the decision again. This is called a review

A request for a review must be made in writing

You can either 

  • E-mail your request for a review to; or
  • Send your request for a review to the Revenues and Benefits Team, William Patrick Library, 2-4 West High Street, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1AD

Your request must include the following information:

  • Your name, address and Council Tax Reduction reference number
  • what decision you disagree with
  • what you think is wrong with the decision and why

If there a time limit for requesting a review?

Yes. You have 2 months from the date the decision was made to request a review.

What happens when we receive a request for a review?

When we receive a request for a review a different officer will look at the decision again.

Your award will be checked to see if it was correct or whether it should be changed.

When we have reviewed the decision we will write and let you know the outcome of the review.  We will do this within 2 months of the date we receive your request for a review.

We may have to write to you for additional information and evidence to help us review our decision.

If we change the decision we will write to you telling you how we have changed our decision and send you a revised bill.  

What if I am still unhappy with the Council Tax Reduction decision after the review? 

If you still think the decision about your Council Tax Reduction is wrong after we have reviewed it, you can appeal against it to the Local Taxation Chamber. This is an independent tribunal set up by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service.

How do I appeal to the Local Taxation Chamber?

Appeals to the Local Taxation Chamber are made directly to them.

You cannot appeal to the Local Taxation Chamber unless you have first appealed the decision with the local authority and either:

  • you have received a decision that you are still unhappy with; or
  • 2 months have passed since you wrote to us and you have not received a reply.

Appeals to the Local Taxation Chamber are made directly to them. 

You need to complete an application form and send it to:

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service
Local Taxation Chamber
Bothwell House
First Floor, Hamilton Business Park
Caird Park

Tel: 01698 390012
E mail:

The application form can be downloaded from the Local Taxation Chamber’s website. If you have any problems downloading this application form you should contact the Local Taxation Chamber about this immediately.

The Local Taxation Chamber will tell you what information, documents and evidence they require to progress your appeal.

Is there a time limit for appealing to the Local Taxation Chamber?

Yes. An appeal to the Local Taxation Chamber must be received within 42 days of the date we wrote to you regarding the outcome of your review; or within 2 months of you writing to ask us to look at the bill again and not receiving a reply.

Do I still have to pay my Council Tax whilst my appeal is being decided?

Yes. Even if you think a decision about your Council Tax Reduction is wrong you still need to pay your Council Tax as billed.

If the decision is changed in your favour any money you have paid will be taken into account when your bill is recalculated. If your Council Tax account is in credit following the recalculation we will be able to refund any amounts you have overpaid whilst the appeal was being decided. Failure to pay your council tax will result in recovery action and may result in additional costs.

Need more information? 

If you need more information about anything on this page you should contact the Revenues and Benefits Team at or telephone us on 0800 901057