The Glasgow City Region City Deal

Glasgow City Region City deal logoThe Glasgow City Region City Deal

What is it?

The Glasgow City Region City Deal is an agreement between the UK Government, the Scottish Government and eight Local Authorities across Glasgow and the Clyde Valley.


The partnership of eight neighbouring Local Authorities has secured a £1.13 billion fund, one of the biggest single funds agreed in a City Deal. This fund will support the delivery of a once-in-a-generation investment into Glasgow and the city region’s infrastructure.

Project Aims

The Glasgow City Region City Deal will bring thousands of new jobs to Glasgow and the city region.

The project will:

  • Support thousands of unemployed people back into work
  • Greatly improve our local transport network (in terms of roads and public transport)
  • Deliver key regeneration and development projects
  • Encourage private sector investment into the area
  • Ultimately provide an enormous boost to the city region's economy.

Glasgow City Region City Deal Partners

City deal partnership mapThe eight local authorities participating in Glasgow City Region City Deal are:

The deal was formally approved by Government in August 2014.


Ceara Pimley
Team Leader
City Deal