Council is seeking your views on Lennoxtown Main Street

Monday, 3 October, 2022

lennoxtown community hub buildingEast Dunbartonshire Council is encouraging residents and visitors to Lennoxtown to have their say on the future of the village's Main Street.

The Lennoxtown Main Street Improvement Project began in 2019 with an initial consultation that resulted in concept designs being completed and shared with the public. Unfortunately, the work then had to be put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now with the project resuming, the Council feels it is only right to consult the public again given the time that has elapsed and the events that have occurred since then.

Those who live, work and visit Lennoxtown can share their views via an online survey, which will be available from 3-31 October 2022.

The survey will give people the opportunity to tell the Council:

  • The reasons they visit Main Street
  • How they travel there
  • Their likes and dislikes about it currently
  • If the designs created in 2019 still reflect their desire for the street.

Councillor Paul Ferretti, the Council’s Convener of Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets, said, “The Lennoxtown Main Street Improvement Project is a key piece of work and therefore it is essential that residents and visitors to the village help to shape it. The initial consultation in 2019 resulted in the creation of concept designs, but we all know that a lot has happened since then, and so we need to ensure that any design going forward is fit for purpose for 2022 and beyond.

“Our village and town centres have suffered over the last few years, so it is vital that we look at what changes we can implement that will have a positive effect on residents, businesses, sustainability, and the overall economic and living standards of the area. This consultation is the first stage towards making these changes and I hope as many people as possible in Lennoxtown get involved.”