Approach agreed to implement Pavement Parking regulations

Friday, 15 December, 2023

With legislation to address pavement parking coming into force earlier this week (Monday 11 December) East Dunbartonshire Council has agreed its approach to enforcement in the local area.

The new regulations constitute a national ban on pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, and powers are being granted to councils to enforce the legislation. 

Councillor Low explained, “A national campaign has been launched to raise awareness of this legislation and we will follow this in the new year with a more focused local campaign across the area.”

Further work will now take place across several service areas and with external partners, to ensure that both technical and physical preparations are made in advance of an agreed hard launch of the new powers in the summer of next year.

Councillor Low continued, “We will be adopting a light-touch approach in the first few months to ensure that the legislation is not a surprise to those who live, work, and importantly park in this area. We will then begin enforcement later in 2024.”