HSCP Strategic Plan 2022-25

Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) were introduced in 2015 to bring together adult social work and social care, adult primary health care and unscheduled adult hospital care.  Some, including East Dunbartonshire, are also responsible for children?s services and criminal justice social work.
The East Dunbartonshire HSCP is currently preparing a new Strategic Plan for 2022-25 that sets out how we will plan and deliver services.  During June to August last year, we asked partners, stakeholders and the general public for your thoughts on what the main challenges were for health and social care locally.  We also asked what you thought the main priorities should be over the next three years, to address these challenges.  The HSCP Board agreed with these conclusions and asked for the new Strategic Plan to be built around them.
We have now developed a draft Strategic Plan 2022-25 built around these identified challenges and priorities.  When preparing its new Strategic Plan, an HSCP Board must ensure that partners, stakeholders and members of the public are engaged in the process, so we are inviting views and comments on this draft plan.  This feedback will help in finalising the plan.  The consultation period runs until 4 March 2022.
Please send your views and comments to: ggc.edhscpconsultation@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
If you would like to engage in another way, please email in the first instance (using the email address above) and we will get back in touch to discuss your needs.