Smart Working for the Future Overview

Our approach to Smart Working recognises that the way we deliver services will continue to change, and with new technologies and redesigned offices, it is about building on new ways of working using new tools, new processes, and new approaches to management and teamwork. This requires us to reflect and refresh the types of behaviours and different expectations in relation to how work is done.

The benefits of Smart Working include:

  • Enabling employees to manage their working day more efficiently to deliver their role
  • Reducing unnecessary travel time, and related costs for work related travel
  • Lowering our carbon footprint as the largest local employer, through reduced emissions from reduced travel
  • Creating an environment which allows employees to achieve an improved work life balance, increase their wellbeing, health and happiness, reducing stress and provides greater job satisfaction, motivation, morale and engagement
  • Improving the recruitment and retention of skilled and experienced employees by offering a range of work styles to match individual work preferences; and
  • Still offering employee choice wherever possible within each role

Working Smarter does not mean working harder or for longer but rather it is about the individual contributions and outcomes delivered while performing roles.

Principles of ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ continue within the Smart working programme going forward as well as the wider smart working principles of high performing teams, effective work practice, empowerment and a culture underpinned by engagement. 

The Council’s principles for Smart Working were established in 2012, enabling employees to work anytime, anywhere.  These principles have enhanced service delivery over the years and been particularly important in enabling home working in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.