Important announcement

The Council is committed to ensuring probity in its commercial dealings and requires the same from its employees, agents, advisers and any supplier, provider or other party with which it engages or transacts.

The purpose of this Policy is to put measures in place to ensure that the Council and any associate person complies with the requirements of the Criminal Finances Act 2017. It is the first stage in developing a comprehensive suite of assessments, guidance and checklists to support compliance with the Criminal Finances Act. As awareness and practice matures, further iterations of this Policy will be submitted to Council for approval. The Criminal Finances Act 2017 (the CFA) came into force on 30th September 2017. 

The CFA amends the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and includes provision to create corporate offences for cases where a person associated with a body corporate or partnership facilitates the commission by another person of a tax evasion offence and for connected purposes. The Council has nominated the Chief Finance Officer as the key officer responsible for the CFA within the organisation.

The Council has also nominated the Chief Solicitor and Monitoring Officer as the officer responsible for information, training and general queries on the CFA, who is known as the `point person