Effective from Monday 26 October 2020
Procedures and Protocols have been revised based on our EDC Safer Workplaces [opens in a new window] guidance to ensure as an employer we have accurate information as to the access to Council locations and records of employee attendance.
Updated 13 September 2022
Health & Safety Entry Protocols
- The front door to Broomhill will continue to be locked which will in turn require access to the rear. This is felt to be more appropriate for the parking and entry/exit.
- Access to Broomhill will be by the rear of the building.
- Sanitising station and sign in to be located in foyer as you enter the back door.
- Employees must sign in and out on accessing or exiting the rear entrance and immediately sanitise hands.
- Employee will look for their workstation number in the approved list and their name will be displayed next to it.
- Operatives will continue to have their existing protocols in place via their Line management structures and are not expected to sign in at this proposed point.
- ERC entry would continue as is currently and parking at front for them given the shifts, entry and exit etc at night.
Approval process
- CMT (Silver Command) for any approval of attendance at the office location.
- All approved attendance to be registered by 3pm each Friday based on authorisation via silver command for anyone not already authorised and added to the existing list.
- Approved attendance to be emailed to Laura Gold/H&S Team by 3pm each Friday. Any emergency approved arrangements should be notified to Laura Gold as these are approved.
- Pre-printed registers of who is authorised to be present will be managed by the Health & Safety Team, who will print the register for each Monday.
- Any ad hoc or emergency attendance will be notified to Laura Gold and H&S rota’d representative to add on that day.
- H&S Team will do 2 x walk rounds in the day to verify work space being used and authorisation to be present.
Duty Holder
- Duty Holder rota to be developed from those in attendance.
- Coverage will be across: Property Maintenance Management Team, FM Manager, H&S Manager and Team Leaders in Roads.
- Assurance in that Health & Safety will be in each day.
- Existing protocols will continue for ERC.
First Aid Provision
- There will be an appointed person allocated to deal with First Aid emergencies.
- Health & Safety Team will perform this function.
- If Health & Safety Team require to leave the office the allocation of the task will be made to another person.
- There are First Aiders at Roads and Streetscene locations at Broomhill.
- Health & Safety will do a walk round at the end of the day.
- Anyone working beyond 5pm should make arrangements to let others in the building know when they leave. This may be checking in with the ERC on exit if required.
Fire Safety Provision
- There are no Fire Wardens to sweep the designated zones. We are currently operating as emergency/fire self-evacuation until further notice.
- If the fire alarm activates, everyone should leave by the nearest exit to the assembly points in Car park B and C.
- H&S will leave the building through the rear staff entry point retrieving the fire register.
- A roll call shall be taken at both assembly points, first at Car Park C then move to Car park B and liaise with the Fire Service on their arrival.
- Any visitors during a fire evacuation will be the responsibility of their contact.
- A provisional Emergency Evacuation Plan is available and will be communicated to all relevant persons using the building.
Workstation Layouts
- Work stations not in use have been stickered as being out of bounds for use.
- Each work station will have a number allocated.
- Areas will be zoned as some are used for particular teams such as Social Work zone (Section E) or other areas might receive a different use at any given time by the H&S Team to support services requiring access.
- The HR zone on ground floor is currently out of bounds (Section C) - Excluding the HR filing system.
Bistro & Breakout Spaces
- The Bistro is set up as a break out space. This will be an overspill to the Bothy.
- Hand sanitiser is available as well as Clean as you Go products.
Meeting Rooms
- Meeting rooms should not be used to maximum capacity allowing for the meeting room to be well ventilated.
- Windows must be left open (at least ¼) for ventilation purposes during meetings.
- Once everyone leaves, the meeting room must be sprayed cleaned and windows later shut after it had time to ventilate.
Deliveries/Visitors to Broomhill
- There will be a sign on the door for delivery drivers to contact FM via the mobile phone number, alternative, deliveries can be arranged with individuals who requested items.
- In exceptions, intercom should be used.
- Visitors to use the intercom.
- The relevant manager/officer should make arrangements to have contact made on arrival and bring people in from reception to the relevant meeting room.
- Reception set up for safe distancing to take place while waiting is required.
This web page should be read in conjunction with EDC Safer Workplaces guidance
Process for Booking System of Workstations
- All approved attendance to be registered by 3pm each Friday based on authorisation via silver command for anyone not already authorised on the existing operational attendance.
- If a name is to be permanently added to pre-authorised list, the same process applies and notification of the longer term approval should be notified to Laura Gold to ensure that they continue to be on the register each week.
- Please note the list will be refreshed weekly and not daily.
- Pre-printed registers will be managed by the Health & Safety Team.
- A workstation number will be assigned to each person in the spreadsheet.
- Approved attendance to be logged by Health and Safety Team by 3pm each Friday, who will print the register for each Monday.
- Any emergency approved arrangements should be notified to Laura Gold.
- Any ad hoc or emergency attendance will be notified to Laura Gold and H&S rota’d representative as these are approved.
- H&S Team will do 2 x walk rounds in the day to verify authorised persons and workstations.
- Any persons found on premises without authorisation will be reported to relevant Executive Officer and if required may be asked to leave the premises.