Chief Officers and services

Chief Officers

The table below shows the Chief Executive and Executive Officers of the Council with their areas of responsibility.  You can contact the Chief Executive through Ask The Chief Executive.

Chief Officers Position

Ann Davie

Ann Davie

Chief Executive 

Salary £151,537

Caroline Sinclair

Chief Officer - East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Executive Officers Portfolio

Executive Officer Portfolio


Alan Bauer
Assets & Facilities

Development & Investment (Major Assets & Housing Investment)


Facilities Management

Property Maintenance

Evonne Bauer
Community Services

Community Planning

Community Capacity Building & co-ordination of local service delivery

Community Protection

Trading Standards

Environmental Health


Public Health & Vaccination

Housing Operations & Homelessness

Angela Fegan
Customer Services & Organisational Development

Corporate Complaints

Communications & PR

Customer Services

Corporate Performance & Research

Corporate Risk & Insurance

Best Value

Engagement & Consultation

Human Resources & Organisational Development

Greg Bremner
Chief Education Officer

Early Years & Primary

Secondary & Provision

Skills for Life, Learning & Work

School Planning & Improvement

Quality Improvement - Quality Assurance

Quality Improvement - Early Years

Quality Improvement - ASN

Educational Psychology

Jamie Robertson
Chief Finance Officer
Finance & Digital Services


Audit (including Fraud)

ICT Support Services

Shared Services

Revenues & Benefits

Housing Rents & Arrears

Business & Digital Change

Heather Holland
Chief Planning Officer
Land Planning & Development

Place & Business Development (including City Deal)

Land Planning Policy

Sustainability & Climate Change

Development Applications

Building Standards

Traffic & Transport

Housing Systems, Policy & Performance

Karen Donnelly
Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer 
Legal & Regulatory Services

Legal Services (including Licensing)

Corporate Procurement

Social Work Commissioning

Democratic Services (including Election Management, Committee Services, Information Management)

Thomas McMenamin
Roads & Neighbourhood Services


Roads Network Operations

Technical & Engineering

Waste & Recycling Services


Greenspace & Streetscene

Corporate Health & Safety

Mugdock Park