Contact us

How to contact us

It's easier than ever to contact the Council - online, in person, by email, phone, or by post.

Sign Language Users

Sign Language users can use the service provided by contact SCOTLAND-BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting service, to contact the Council. Further information is available from contactSCOTLAND [opens in a new window]


Complete our general enquiry form


You can call our Customer Services team on 0300 123 4510 - Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. For out of hours emergencies please call 0300 123 4510 and follow instructions. 

If you have hearing difficulties you can contact Customer Services by telephone using Text Relay (previously known as Typetalk). Our operators are trained to take calls through this service.

In Person

Community Hubs offer convenient locations where our customer service team can help you with a wide range of Council services. Our Hubs are currently open from 1pm to 4pm on an appointment basis. Please call 0300 123 4510 to make an appointment. 

Kirkintilloch Community Hub

Opening Hours

2-4 West High Street
G66 1AD

 Monday to Friday 1pm to 4pm 

Please Note: Registration Services are available here

Monday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 5pm
Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 4pm


Bishopbriggs Community Hub

Opening Hours

170 Kirkintilloch Road
G64 2LX

 Monday to Friday 1pm to 4pm 

Please Note: Registration Services are available here 

Monday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 5pm
Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 4pm


Bearsden Community Hub

Opening Hours

69 Drymen Road
G61 3QT

Please note, Bearsden Community Hub is temporarily closed until further notice.


Services that are normally delivered from the Hub will be provided elsewhere in Bearsden during the closure period and we can now confirm the following interim arrangements:

Customer Services

Face to face delivery will continue to be provided at the Council’s other three Community Hubs in Kirkintilloch, Lennoxtown and Bishopbriggs. In addition, temporary customer service delivery for Milngavie and Bearsden will be provided on an appointment only basis in Milngavie Enterprise Centre on Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm from Wednesday 28 February. Appointments can made in the usual way; by calling Customer Services on 0300 123 4510 or by emailing

Registration Services

This service will continue to be provided by telephone or online, however where there is a requirement for an in-person meeting this can take place at one of the Council’s other Community Hubs. In the event that this can only take place in the Milngavie or Bearsden area, it will be accommodated at Milngavie Enterprise Centre by appointment only, on either a Wednesday or Friday afternoon between the hours of 1pm and 4pm from Wednesday 28 February.

Library facilities

The opening hours at Westerton Library have been extended and will remain so during the closure period. The additional opening hours are Wednesday 10am until 8pm and Saturday 10am until 5pm. 

Public toilet facilities

Options for the provision of temporary public toilets within the town centre remain under consideration. Several solutions continue to be explored and it is hoped a preferred solution will be identified before the end of this month (February).

Day Care Services (HSCP)

Various locations are currently being used to provide a range of specialist services previously delivered from Bearsden Hub. This will continue pending further discussion around opportunities for alternative service provision if required.

Access to archive materials

Archive materials currently stored within the Hub will be retained on site with limited access to be provided only in exception circumstances.


The car park at the Hub will remain fully closed until the completion of all works.


Lennoxtown Community Hub

Opening Hours

46 Main Street
G66 7JJ

Monday to Friday 1pm to 4pm 

Please Note: Registration Services are available here

Monday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 5pm
Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm to 4pm


East Dunbartonshire Council Headquarters, Southbank Marina, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1TJ

Social Media

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Our social media house rules are available to read on our webpage.