Consultation on the draft East Dunbartonshire Eligibility Criteria for Carers

This consultation is now closed as of 10 December 2017

Carers (Scotland) Act 2016

The Carers Act places a duty on local authorities and health and social care services through their Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCP) to set out local eligibility criteria for carers, which will apply in their area.  These are the criteria which determine whether they have a duty under the Act to provide support.  They must consult and involve carers and representative organisations in developing criteria for their area.

What are eligibility criteria?

Eligibility criteria are the indicators describing the effect of the caring role on the carer and what level of advice and support the carer may access.  The East Dunbartonshire eligibility criteria are based on best practice as developed by the National Carer Organisations and aim to:

  • support the health and wellbeing of the carer by identifying their personal needs and outcomes
  • access an appropriate balance of information, advice and support to meet these needs and achieve personal outcomes
  • ensure their right to have eligible needs met.


The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 defines personal outcomes in relation to the caring role and makes provisions, if required, for subsequent regulations about personal outcomes.  Our eligibility criteria allow for outcomes to be defined at all levels of support for carers, so that the benefits of accessing both preventative and more intensive support are clear and measurable.  Our criteria are the same for both Adult and Young Carers, and will link to other relevant frameworks, for example, ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’.


East Dunbartonshire HSCP invites you to comment on the draft Eligibility Criteria for Carers.  To participate in the consultation please select the following weblink

Complete consultation survey

Alternatively, you can access the consultation questions attached on this page (see documents) and send your feedback via email to

Closing date for consultation is 10th December 2017.