Tips for tendering

Responding to Tenders

By following a few simple rules when submitting a tender to the Council you may improve your chances of success:

  • Make sure you get your tender in on time at the correct return address, or via the relevant portal, as indicated in the tender documentation. Late tenders will not be accepted.
  • Follow all the instructions given in the tender documents. If in doubt, contact the Council for further information, usually through the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal.
  • Ensure all the specifications elements contained within the tender document are met.
  • Include all necessary documents/samples in the tender.
  • Where documents are required to be signed, please ensure the instructions are carried out as stipulated within the tender documentation. Failure to do so will result in your submission being rejected.
  • Where requested, provide evidence of financial stability, quality, references, and that your company has sufficient resources to successfully complete the contract.

How are tenders evaluated?

Tenders will be subject to a sturdy evaluation process. The evaluation criteria could include the following:

  • price and price stability
  • quality and specification
  • availability
  • delivery
  • service provision
  • financial stability
  • health and safety
  • sustainability
  • diversity and equality
  • environmental policies of contractors

Please ensure that you read all the documentation which is issued and note the evaluation criteria and scoring, which are detailed within the tender.