Registration of a food business establishment


To store, prepare, distribute or sell food on premises you are legally required to be registered with the Council. Premises include restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops, canteens, market stalls, mobile catering vans and food delivery vans. This notifies the Council about your business and allows us to schedule relevant inspections. Please note that registration is free of charge.

Some manufacturers handling products of animal origin may need to be approved by the local authority or the Meat Hygiene Service, rather than registered. If you are uncertain whether your business needs to be approved or registered, email Customer Services.

Please note that there is no charge for registration.

Eligibility criteria

All food businesses that are not subject to approval (as described above) require to be registered.

Application evaluation process

There is no evaluation process. All businesses are registered by the Council on application.

Will tacit consent apply?


Registration of a food business establishment in East Dunbartonshire Council

You can apply in the following ways


Failed application redress
Not applicable.

Licence holder redress
Not applicable.

Other redress
Food business operators and consumers can contact the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Consumer complaint

If you have a complaint please contact East Dunbartonshire Council, Community Protection, Food Group at the address below.

Application to change a food premises registration

There are two ways of applying: