Licensing Board

The Licensing Board is constituted under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 [opens in a new window] and is a Scottish public authority as defined in Part 3 of Schedule 1 to FOISA.  The Council elects Councillors to make up the Licensing Board which is a completely separate legal entity from the Council.

The Board is responsible for the following functions within the East Dunbartonshire Council area:

  • licensing premises for the sale of alcohol
  • licensing gambling premises
  • issuing permits for certain gambling activities

The Licensing Board holds meetings at:

Tom Johnston Council Chambers
12 Strathkelvin Place
G66 1TJ

Dates of Board meetings are published on our Committee diary and can be obtained from Customer Services [opens in a new window].

All major decisions relating to the Board’s functions are made at Board meetings.  However, certain non-contentious decisions are delegated to the Clerk under the Board’s Guides of Delegation.  Information about decisions contained within minutes of Board meetings and statements of reasons.  It should, however, be noted that statements of reasons are issued in only a limited number of cases where specifically requested by a party to a licence application.

In terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, from 2017,  Licensing Boards are required annually to prepare and publish a Finance Statement. The Statement shows the income and expenditure in respect of the functions of the Licensing Board for the previous financial year in respect of alcohol licensing.. 

The Income of the Licensing Board is made up of application and other fees paid to the Council on behalf of the Licensing Board.  The expenditure is the staffing and other costs incurred by East Dunbartonshire Council attributable to carrying out the administrative and other functions on behalf of the Licensing  Board.

If you wish to make an objection or representation to an application for a Premise Licence or to an application for a major variation to a Premises Licence, then please use the proforma which can be downloaded from the document section of this page.

Section 6 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 requires the Licensing Board to publish a statement of its policy with respect to the exercise of its functions under the Act for the next licensing policy period.  This period should run until 5 November 2028 unless the next planned date for the ordinary election of councillors is moved for any reason.  Section 7 of the Act requires the policy statement to include a statement as to the extent to which the Licensing Board considers there to be overprovision of:

  • licensed premises, or
  • licensed premises of a particular description,

in any locality within East Dunbartonshire.

The Statement of Licensing Policy can be viewed from the other links on the page..


The Licensing Board has a period of 18 months from the date of the last local government elections for East Dunbartonshire Council within which to publish the Board's Licensing Policy Statement.