Bishopbriggs Public Realm Concept Plan

bishopbriggs town centre aerial photo

This consultation closed on 28 February 2023.

Thanks to everyone who completed the survey, got in touch, or attended the drop-in session. All of the feedback has been used to inform developed designs, which will be the subject of an online exhibition and further drop-in session in June/July 2023.



Thank you for taking the time to look at these proposals for changes to the public realm areas in Bishopbriggs town centre.

Below you will find a link to our interactive exhibition which presents our options for the town centre - the same options as shown at the drop-in event on 7 February in Bishopbriggs War Memorial Hall. First we want to give you some context.

What is this consultation?

‍This consultation is an opportunity for you to engage with the concept public realm proposals for Bishopbriggs town centre. Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan, published in the summer of 2022, set out aims to give priority to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport vehicles, rework the existing public realm and deliver new public spaces - thereby creating new opportunities for social interaction and play, and helping to make the town centre a more active, inclusive and engaging place. These proposals take forward and build on the aspirations set out not only in the Public Realm Plan, but also in Bishopbriggs Town Centre Strategy.

What stage is the project at?

This is the concept plan; an overview of the aspirations for how the public realm can be collectively developed to enhance the town. It follows on from an initial online consultation event and the Public Realm Plan, and precedes the final town centre consultation where the detailed proposals for the first phase of works will be tabled.

Are these proposals final? Will the proposals have to look exactly like the plans shown?

No! As explained above, this is still the concept/aspirational stage - these proposals are not set in stone. We will use the feedback we receive from the consultation to help us determine the design we should move forward with, which will be further refined during the detailed design stage.

Why am I being consulted?

As users of the town, you have unique experience and knowledge which, if shared, can help us to develop a design which best reflects the needs and desires of the town.

How do I have my say?

You can give your views in a variety of ways. You can leave comments or feedback directly via our interactive exhibition StoryMap [consultation now closed]. 

Please note, the StoryMap contains detailed information and options. It will take around 15-20 minutes of your time. We hope you can get involved as we really want your feedback.

An in-person consultation event was held in Bishopbriggs War Memorial Hall on 7 February from noon-6.30pm.

From the afternoon of Friday 10 February 2023, you can also access a hard copy of the proposals and a comment form from Bishopbriggs Library.

Your feedback is very valuable to us, and will be carefully considered and incorporated into future designs wherever viable and appropriate.

View the exhibition and fill out the survey [consultation now closed].

How long do I have to respond?

The consultation will run until 5pm on 28 February 2023.

Who can take part in the consultation? Can I tell other people to take part?

We welcome opinions and feedback from all members of the public. We would like to hear from people who live, work, study, do business or visit the town. Your views, opinions and insights are valuable to us and will help shape the project. Please share the link to the online survey with anyone you think would be interested in taking part.

Who do I contact with my questions?

If you have any questions feel free to add them onto the final response box on the interactive exhibition or please email us at

What happens with my responses?

Responses will be collected and collated by the design team and analysed. The findings will help to shape the proposals, ensuring the delivered scheme best reflects the needs and desires of the town.

When will this be delivered? Does this project have funding?

Yes, a £34.88 million City Deal investment has been secured for  the Council’s City Deal Place and Growth Programme. The programme, which aims to boost the East Dunbartonshire economy, is intended to support the local economy and links to the wider City Region across three project elements:

  • Delivery of Westerhill Development Road & Westerhilll Masterplan
  • A803 Corridor Improvements
  • Bishopbriggs Town Centre Regeneration.

Whilst this funding will allow us to achieve some of the works in the town centre, it will be split across the three project elements. As such we do not have enough funding to deliver the improvements in full and will therefore be seeking additional funding. A phasing plan dividing the improvements into smaller sub-projects will be an output of the next stage of work.

At this stage, it has not been decided which sub-projects will be first to progress through the City Deal funding. There will be high priority (usually higher cost and higher risk) projects as well as low cost, low risk projects or quick wins. To help inform decisions on which sub-projects to take forward, a benefit-cost-risk assessment will be undertaken at the next stage in the design process. Regardless of the phasing, a requirement of the City Deal funding is that it must be spent by 2026, so while we don't know which sub-project will be first, there will be physical improvements delivered in the town centre by the end of 2026.

Consultation Results: