Closing date


The Community Learning and Development Plan (CLD) 2021-24.

Community Learning and Development (CLD) is a way of working with and supporting individuals and communities to make improvements in their lives and their local environment.

CLD practitioners do this in a number of ways, whether it's through community-based learning or community action.

The CLD Partnership has developed a three-year plan for local learning opportunities and community capacity building for 2021-24.  The plan includes objectives in relation to identified needs and priorities such as improving employability and digital skills, supporting volunteering, reducing social isolation and improving mental health and wellbeing.

There was a public consultation and focus groups concerning this plan from November to March 2022 and the themes and priorities of the plan were endorsed.  The final plan was approved by the Council in March 2022. The CLD plan is subject to ongoing review and further consultation is taking place to help shape services as we emerge from the pandemic and further community needs are identified. 

canalThe CLD Partnership is made up of a range of Council services and other partners who offer CLD locally including: