Closing date


This consultation is now closed

Consultation Results now available

The Council is looking for your help to decide on the winning design of three new play areas in East Dunbartonshire.

To ensure we are offering the highest standard of quality and choice to the community, we are presenting a variety of design options to residents regarding upgrades to the existing play facilities at:

Play area designs can be viewed below



Woodhead Park in Kirkintilloch

Design 1 Design 1 Design 1
Design 2 Design 2 Design 2

Meadowburn North Play Area in Bishopbriggs

Design 1 Design 1 Design 1
Design 2 Design 2 Design 2


Doune Crescent Play Area in Bishopbriggs

Design 1 Design 1 Design 1
Design 2 Design 2 Design 2
Design 3 Design 3 Design 3
Design 4 Design 4 Design 4


Each of the choices above, is an improvement on the current playground and is designed to provide exciting and challenging play equipment for children of all ages.

Design proposals were invited - and submitted - on a fixed budget basis.

We want as many people as possible to take part and have their say on what’s eventually constructed at each play area location. The voting is on a one vote per household basis and the designs that have collected the most votes at the expiry of the deadline date will be the ones that are installed. Please note, only votes from East Dunbartonshire residents will be counted. 

Please take time to examine each option before making your final decision. We would encourage you to have a look at each layout plan as it gives a more accurate portrayal of what each company is providing/not providing. This will allow you to base your decision on the equipment and its long-term play value.

Our survey is running from 4 October to 17 October 2021.


  • Woodhead Park, Kirkintilloch (now closed)
  • Meadowburn North, Bishopbriggs (now closed)
  • Doune Cresc, Bishopbriggs (now closed)

Please note, you only have until 17 October to make your choice - votes made after this deadline will not be counted.

For more information on the proposals please email