Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Derrick Pearce, Chief Officer – Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Reduction of Medicine Waste

  • Responsible Officer:

    Dr Judith Marshall, Clinical Director

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website on behalf of the HSCP following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared out with the Council.

  • The following provides information for Members which can be used to support constituents to manage their medication and reduce medicine waste
  • The HSCP spends £23 million per year on prescribed medications which is approximately 13% of our annual budget
  • NHSGGC launched a campaign to reduce Medicine Waste. The latest figures show that 10% of medicines are thrown away either because they are not needed or haven't been taken. For NHSGGC this adds up to £100,000 daily
  • And at a time when finances are under significant pressure, NHSGGC is asking for help from patients, the public, and from medical professionals to support efforts to reduce the levels of waste
  • If constituents are no longer taking medication but it is still being prescribed or if they wish their medication reviewed, they can seek this review by contacting their GP Practice and asking to make an appointment for the Practice Pharmacist or discuss at their next GP appointment. Constituents should not stop any medication without discussing it with their GP or Pharmacist
  • The resources and further information can be found on the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde website.