Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Headstone and Memorial Inspections

  • Responsible Officer:

    Stephen Egan, Team Leader - Streetscene Technical Support

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council

  1. This Technical Note has been written to update Elected Members on the planned inspections of Headstones and Memorials across Cemeteries and Churchyards within East Dunbartonshire from November 2024. 
  2. East Dunbartonshire has a combination of 11 Cemeteries and Churchyards across the district. Within these locations there are approximately 18,000 headstones and memorials, some of which are over 100 years old.
  3. Although the Headstones and Memorials are not owned by the Council, it has a duty of care to ensure that they do not pose a health and safety risk to anyone working within or visiting these locations. The ownership of the headstone or memorial remains the property of the lair holder.
  4. The Council has previously undertaken inspections across these sites and continues to do so, specifically within Langfaulds and High Park, to ensure any new erected headstones meet the requirements outlined within the code of practice for installation.
  5. Officers have been liaising with a specialist contractor who will undertake a comprehensive inspection process. Work is due to begin in November at Old Aisle Cemetery, Kirkintilloch, before moving to other locations over a planned four-year programme.
  6. Signage will be placed at each entrance to Old Aisle Cemetery in advance of, and during the works to alert visitors to the inspections. A media release and social media messaging will also be used to highlight the inspections being undertaken. The Cemetery will remain open during this process.
  7. The outcome of the inspections will determine the next course of action. If the inspection confirms that a headstone is safe, then no action will be required. However, if any issue is noted then the Council will attempt to contact the named lair owner to make them aware of the issue and ask them to take action to make it safe. If a headstone or memorial is deemed as unsafe then the Council may need to take immediate action to make it safe and will make every effort to contact the lair owner to notify them of the action taken. 
  8. The findings of these initial inspections will be the subject of a report to the PNCA Committee together with recommendations re future actions.