Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Derrick Pearce, Interim Chief Officer – Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Community Payback Orders Annual Report

  • Responsible Officer:

    Claire Carthy, Head of Children’s Services & Criminal Justice

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

  1. Under the Community Justice (Scotland) Act (2016), local authorities have a statutory duty to report on the operations of Community Payback Orders (CPO) within their area on an annual basis to Community Justice Scotland (CJS).
  2. During 2023/24 258 Justice Social Work Reports were completed with 95% within NOS timeframe. This constitutes a 15% increase from the previous year and resulted in 160 Community Payback Orders.
  3. Work has been undertaken to address the following outcomes:
    - Reduction in drug related harm and deaths
    - Improved outcomes for those most at risk 
    - Improved access, engagement and assertive linkage to health services
    - An increased range of interventions and resources ·   
    - Improved exit planning for clients leaving the service
    - Reduced reoffending rates
  4. The Unpaid Work Team (those on Community Payback Orders) have carried out environmental work in a number of locations, completed a number of projects enhancing the community and have volunteered in the Recovery Café.
  5. Feedback from those undertaking Unpaid Work is overwhelmingly positive.