Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Derrick Pearce, Interim Chief Officer – Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Gold Accredited Baby Friendly Services

  • Responsible Officer:

    Claire Carthy, Head of Children’s Services & Criminal Justice

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

  1. In 2018 the East Dunbartonshire Health Visiting (HV) Team was accredited the UNICEF Gold Baby Friendly award.  Services accredited as Gold Baby Friendly must submit an annual summary of the last year in order that effective maintenance and progress of standards may be monitored
  2. Encouragingly, statistics have increased for both total and partial breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks and the 13-15 month breastfeeding rates have also increased since 2018.
  3. The HV Team report on leadership, culture, monitoring, progression, data trends in relation to 4 standards (ante natal care, enabling continued breast feeding, informed decisions and loving relationships).
  4. HVs have access to support and training and the outcomes of the programme are overwhelmingly positive.  100% of mothers reported that they were happy with the care received and that staff were kind and considerate.
  5. HV’s will continue to provide written information to women on breastfeeding and returning to work.  HV’s will also ensure women are aware of the QR code which links to Maternity Action and ACAS for legal advice and Scottish Law in relation to women’s rights. HV’s will continue to signpost women to Parent club website as well as the newly launched app Happy Healthy Tots | Right Decisions  which families can access via smart phones at any time on a range of topics.