Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project – Project update

  • Responsible Officer:

    Heather Holland, Chief Planning Officer Executive Officer - Land Planning & Development

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Elected Members with further updates on the Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project (‘the Project’).  

2. The main work to improve the roundabout has now been completed. There is new road layout signage in place, and temporary signs are provided to notify users of the new signalised traffic lights (‘signals’). 

3. The new signals will be turned on shortly. Before they are switched on the new signals must undergo a process of connection, sequence testing, defect resolution and commissioning. This process is required to introduce new signals to the existing signals network and configure sequences. This is a normal process where multiple signals are being connected and sequenced.

4. Some of this work will be done on site, and some remotely. The exact date for the switch on of signals to become operational will be confirmed in a future Technical Note, which will be issued to update on the commissioning process.

5. To aid the connection process temporary closures are required over two days on sections of roads adjoining the roundabout.

6. Closures will take place on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd October between 8am – 6pm at Maryhill Rd and its junction with Canniesburn Toll and the A81Milngavie Road/Maryhill Rd. Alternative routes for vehicles will be by way of the A81 Milngavie Road, Roman Road, the A809 Drymen Road and Canniesburn Toll, and these routes will be sign posted. 

The image below shows the area of road effected over these two days.

illustration showing roads affected by works

7. Closure will also take place on Monday, 21st October between 8am-6pm on the northbound carriageway of the A81 Milngavie Road and junction with the A81 Maryhill Road, and its junction with MacFarlane Road at the roundabout, Bearsden.  Alternative routes for vehicles will be by way of Maryhill Road, Canniesburn Toll, and MacFarlane Road, Bearsden, and these routes will be sign posted. The image below shows the area of road effected.

illustration of area of the road affected

8. Some additional lining improvement works adjacent to the Project area will be undertaken now that that main works is complete. These will be programmed in due course.

9. The Canniesburn Toll roundabout is a key part of the local road network that connects four very busy A-roads. The Project has delivered a range of improvements that include: new traffic signals; improved pedestrian crossing facilities; provision of a new parking area to service existing businesses; drainage systems upgrades; upgrades to street lighting; and changes to the footway and carriageway surface in the vicinity of Canniesburn Toll.

Next steps

10. Officers will provide a follow up Technical Note later in October with an update on the commissioning process and expected date for switch on of signals.

11. Updates to the project webpage will continue to be made, and include published Technical Notes.